Tragedy at the Boston Marathon (1 Viewer)

Sounds like the terrorist is DOA. What a shame. -- Al
That's what I get for listening to the local news.:redface2: So he is alive and in custody. There still are a lot of stairways around.:wink2: -- Al
Now I know why my Dad, BPD for 37 years, speaks of his profession with such great pride.

Superb job by law enforcement, less than a week after our city was turned upside down and about 24 hours after pictures and video were released on the suspects, one is dead, the other one is in custody.

I've never been prouder to be a Bostonian; BOSTON, YOU'RE MY HOME.

These two POS's @#$%#$ with the wrong city.
Now I know why my Dad, BPD for 37 years, speaks of his profession with such great pride.

Superb job by law enforcement, less than a week after our city was turned upside down and about 24 hours after pictures and video were released on the suspects, one is dead, the other one is in custody.

I've never been prouder to be a Bostonian; BOSTON, YOU'RE MY HOME.

These two POS's @#$%#$ with the wrong city.

Incredibly well done IMO. Picture perfect in almost every way really. Should be a lot of beer flowing in Bean Town tonight, well deserved beer {sm0}
As George says, all kudos to law enforcement. The whole thing went incredibly fast once the pictures of the terrorists went public. I sure wouldn't want to be a bad guy in this country. The boys in blue are just too good.^&cool -- Al
Incredibly well done IMO. Picture perfect in almost every way really. Should be a lot of beer flowing in Bean Town tonight, well deserved beer {sm0}

I'm heading out now to soak everything in around the city and I'll be having an adult beverage or two........or ten.............and just for the record, the police of Watertown took a bit of grief for not taking out suspect #2 during the initial gun battle where they took out suspect #1 and #2 got away.

My Dad told me they performed like heroes in that gun battle, over 200 rounds were fired at them, not to mention home made grenades and other explosives being thrown at them, he said every single one of those officers have big, big stones...................
I'm heading out now to soak everything in around the city and I'll be having an adult beverage or two........or ten.............and just for the record, the police of Watertown took a bit of grief for not taking out suspect #2 during the initial gun battle where they took out suspect #1 and #2 got away.

My Dad told me they performed like heroes in that gun battle, over 200 rounds were fired at them, not to mention home made grenades and other explosives being thrown at them, he said every single one of those officers have big, big stones...................
. Hi George, make it a even dozen :) you all deserve a good night after this week...sammy
I'm heading out now to soak everything in around the city and I'll be having an adult beverage or two........or ten.............and just for the record, the police of Watertown took a bit of grief for not taking out suspect #2 during the initial gun battle where they took out suspect #1 and #2 got away.

My Dad told me they performed like heroes in that gun battle, over 200 rounds were fired at them, not to mention home made grenades and other explosives being thrown at them, he said every single one of those officers have big, big stones...................

The folks making those remarks about the LEOs involved in that incident are arm chair commandoes and nothing more. They should do the world a service and shut up.
Glad to hear they got him George and a big salute to the people of Boston. Well I hope he enjoys his long long time in prison, I doubt he'll ever get out .

Glad they got him and well done to the law enforcement officers that captured him. I do worry though that this will not be the last of these sorts of terrorist attacks. Along with the teenagers that go on murder rampages in schools, it appears society is breeding these "home grown" terrorists. It is a worry for society and Australia is not immune as the level of crime happening in our society is becoming a real concern.

I'm heading out now to soak everything in around the city and I'll be having an adult beverage or two........or ten.............and just for the record, the police of Watertown took a bit of grief for not taking out suspect #2 during the initial gun battle where they took out suspect #1 and #2 got away.

My Dad told me they performed like heroes in that gun battle, over 200 rounds were fired at them, not to mention home made grenades and other explosives being thrown at them, he said every single one of those officers have big, big stones...................

Unfortunately you're always going to get the so called armchair experts having a crack at the police from the safety of their nice warm happens the world over and the media are never far away stoking the fire.

The fact the police were working at night, not really knowing what or who they were dealing with in a built up area full of people, not to mention being actively 'engaged' by offenders in a moving vehicle and later on foot, kind of says it all for me. These guys were cornered, unpredictable and clearly demonstrated they were up for anything.

Law enforcement did an awesome job........ quite frankly it's a miracle there weren't anymore fatalities.......they all deserve a pat on the back for a job well done and a few cold ones to boot......Cheers!!
I think its only natural to expect commentary on the police and other agencies action in a matter like this. I would also expect that when something like this happens and an entire police and security agency puts its resources on full alert they would have found the suspects as quick as they did. It was the same with the London bombings everything is mobilised and, with the help of CCTV and the public they are caught quickly.

I have read and seen reports already criticising the police and public for being a little off guard taking for granted that the US is not a target when it is at all times especially at this type of soft target event.

most of the discussion is praising the response after the fact and this is always normally, as said, good its going to be the action or possibly, inaction before the events which will be forensically poured over. This will be done by the police and agencies involved in these events and, rightly so.

Now its over in terms of finding those responsible all of the why and How will become the main focal point.
The thing that concerns me is these two do not fit the typical profile of those who commit such acts; they weren't loners, outcasts, etc, etc.

Most of the time you hear "He was a bit odd, didn't have any friends, stayed home and played video games all day"; these two weren't like that at all. The one was a very good student, was going to college, was a star wrestler, the other was a very good boxer.

The part that frosts me is these two actually thought they were going to get away with it, the younger one went back to school Tuesday and Wednesday, the older one went to the gym and worked out like nothing had happened.

They did intend on doing more damage as numerous pipe bombs and another pressure cooker bomb were built and ready to go.

In the end, two morons; with so many cameras in the area, they had to know they'd be spotted.

Last night I packed it in after an hour or so; didn't sit right with me to be out "celebrating" so to speak as four people lost their lives and numerous people have injuries they'll have to live with for the rest of their lives.

Nothing there to "celebrate"; but that didn't stop thousands of college aged morons to turn Boston into one big party; gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling to know that they are the future of this country...........:rolleyes2:

I was glad to see that this was finished quickly. Unfortunately, that will be small comfort to those whose lives were shattered, maybe irretrievably, but hopefully not. However, you can understand the sense of relief. I'm sure all of Boston was under great mental strain.

From what I heard yesterday the younger one was popular and a role model with his high school classmates but they knew very little about his family or his brother. If this was such a great person, what the heck happened. Was he influenced by his brother or radicalized or both. I know that in more traditional societies younger family members are bound to listen to their elders and maybe this happened here. I also hope they were not part of a cell. I hope that we get some answers. However, whatever the answers are, that will do nothing to undo what happened on Monday.

Very good boxer aside, the older brother fits the profile perfectly. Word is he was arrested at Ground Zero right after 9/11 for taking pictures, he was/is a girlfriend beater, the feds were tipped off to investigate him several years ago, but cleared him, he didn't have job but was frequently bringing Mercedes' and Porches to a local body shop for "repairs" and he returned to Chechnya last year for six months only to be allowed back in the country so he could show his "good boy" pot head brother how to make IED's.

I have nothing but high praise for the State, Boston and local law enforcement, but as far as the feds and Homeland Security (?) go ..... well right now it looks like they dropped the ball big time.

Couldn't agree more Brad, I just don't get how the younger one came off the rails like he did.

The older one apparently was on the international radar as far back as 2010, the FBI did nothing about it.

He also was back in his native country for six months, this is probably when he got his training in bomb building, etc, etc.

He was also married with a three year old; so while he was building bombs in his house, his wife never said anything then?

Just glad they got caught before they launched more attacks as it looks like this was the plan.
I must doff my hat here to both the people of Boston and the Police and other law enforcement officers involved. These guys put their lives in danger day after day as do all Policeman, God knows where we would be without them.

As for the people of Boston, well what more can be said, courage and fortitude and strength of character, those two gunmen never stood a chance and as President Obama said they failed.

As for the survivor.....I hope he has a taste for Prison food!


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