Once again ever so nicely done featurig both Lancers my friend. {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Martyn...you've staged a very nice rendition of the ammunition wagons under attack...that looks like a very nice set...the oxen are beautiful...
Love the oxen set up, Martyn!:smile2: My son Alec has a plexiglass showcase on the mantle in his bedroom with the Trophy Oxen team pulling a navel gun and limber carrying seated sailers, with several of the native drovers with whips, alongside a Hicks Atwell Boer War Armored Train with Trophy crew soon to be joined (at Christmas) by the Trophy Boer War Steam Engine set. Next to World War I, the Boer War is my favorite Trophy period.
Great scene!^&cool^&cool Love the Traction Engines! Once I give my son his, I will take some photos of his Trophy Steam Tractor next to a magnificent Heco Tinplate Models version in my collection. I know Tom Dubel has a Kingcast version as well as the Trophy version, and Ed Curiel has one done by Metalshed. Maybe we can get photographs of all the different versions by the various manufacturers together on one thread.:wink2:
Hi Martyn, so you just happened to have three sets then! :rolleyes2: :wink2: makes for a good reconstruction though.:salute::
Gee Martyn seems like I found a news paper photo which I cut out from it featuring your sets{sm4}{sm4}. Great sets an photos featuring them my friend.
Great follow up to your SKIRL OF THE PIPES Martyn following the earlier one featuring the Royal Artillery.{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}