Interesting set, Martyn
I have never seen early horse castings with attached bases which is quite unusual... maybe bases were added later? Did you ask Len?
Nicely done Martyn. The dog is a nice touch. your Mounted Boer Cammandos...very nice....
I say Caruthers - A bit jolly unsporting, what. Those rotters are actually taking cover!![]()
Having been privy once again to a sneak peak it's a pleasures seeing the photos for the seconnd time appearing on the forum. Thanks for sharing them with my fellow members Sir Martyn{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
A nice way to enjoy my morning being introduced to General Cronje and thank you Sir Martyn for sharing him.{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Once again Martyn a great way of featuring an sharing your Boer War Sets. Thank you good Sir.{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Includes a couple of Little Legion "Specials"
Another great spot on rendition Martyn, the Trophy fit in perfectly and it's nice to see a couple of Mike's figures lending a hand. :wink2: