Just finshed posting the last of my Trophy Figures in various Albums in my Profile section of the forum and thought I'd pass in on enjoy.....The Lt.
Just finshed posting the last of my Trophy Figures in various Albums in my Profile section of the forum and thought I'd pass in on enjoy.....The Lt.
Following on from the "Bored tonight...Post a diorama" here is
SET#EQ17 Ammunition mule and handler
With this set the ammo boxes are detachable from the mule
I'm off to check them out now
Cheers Joe
Nice set Martyn. You got em all, lol.
Thanks for posting these EQ17a sets. Do you think that some of them may have been custom orders in the old days, or yet another (fine) quirk of the Master? I really love the different units, including the Indian handler. You don't hear much about Indians in the AZW, but they were there!
Hi Mike
Glad you liked them
The 24th handler was a special but the others were standard sets in the early 1990's. I agree about the Indian handler, I wonder if Elephants were ever used in the AZW for transporting equipment and supplies.
Another great acqusition Martyn.
I wonder which Trophy set/figure has the most varieties with in it ?
Chard wrote something about rhinos for perimeter defense, but no elephants... they would have trampled the oxen.
Here is a picture of my Ammunition Wagon set, a similar set is currently on Ebay with a bid of $309.50
Here is the Naval Brigade version of the set
Hi Martyn,
These are superb Ammunition Wagon sets.
I must admit I am partial to the 24th Foot set.
Thanks for sharing,
Cheers, Raymond.