My first reaction was more shock than awe. I expected a price increase, but not this much.
Me262 $239
P-47 $259
Typhoon $369???!!!
That's nearly a 30% increase over a warbird released just this months.
Is the size that different from the ME262? Are the external armaments that different from the 262's twin engines? Perhaps it's the paint scheme, which seems more elaborate than any other poly Warbird to date?
Don't get me wrong - I don't doubt Andy or K&C when it comes to their pricing. I'm sure the price of doing business in China has gone up.
I don't know how the math works that makes this more expensive than Figarti's Owl, which I've also been considering. Although I own quite a bit of great Figarti product, I still have fragility worries and I'm going to have to hear first hand from Owl owners before I shell out that kind of money on their first plane (first aside from the B-17s).
And I'm pretty certain I will buy this aircraft. It will most likely mean that I WON'T buy other things, and I still may have to sell some older pieces. It looks to be the most attractive Warbird to date, which is saying a lot - The FW190 and Desert ME109 are probably my two favorite K&C pieces (the ME262 is up there, it loses a bit for the tail sitting hassles I had).
I've been dying for a Stuka, but I'm kind of glad that, as I understand it, Andy is still trying to figure out how to do the bent wing thing in Polystone. As much as I want to see one, I'm going to need some time to replenish my war fund to pick one up.
What worries me is that I thought the whole idea of Polystone Warbirds was that they were meant to be AFFORDABLE versions of the wooden ones. I haven't been following the prices of the wooden birds for a while, because they a) are way out of my price range and b) seem to sell out before I even hear they are out.
But at some point, I do wonder whether the price difference between the mass-produced polystone and the hand carved wood Warbirds will become neglible, and/or those of us who jumped into the poly ones these past two years will be priced out of planes altogether.