I happen to ship a lot of outbound and inbound and quite frankly, their system has crashed, they can't handle the load. I was in the back of my local PO today talking with the floor manager as they were locating items I had that were in house but sitting. She flat out told me it is a mess and they have overloaded. Currently, my PO didn't deliver letter mail for the last 5 days in order to try and put a dent on the parcels. Now, this at the local PO. SO they work on a distribution Hub system. She told me that the Baltimore Hub is so overwhelmed that they diverted traffic to an auxiliary in Easton , MD (Eastern Shore). She said they have the space their, but the staff is very small so again, more back log.
UPS and FedEx have been able to sort of keep up b/c they are only servicing full national accounts like Walmart, Bass Pro, etc. In other words, if you don't have a national account or exclusive shipping with them, they are either putting you at the end of the line or sending you to the USPS.
End of day, the volume is out of control for the system and not only are items, late, lost, but heavy damage and the like. In a way, it is a disaster.