Walking Dead, Season 4 (3 Viewers)

You make an excellent point about the zombies having lost their shock effect. The ease of zombie killing has been discussed previously and now the zombies are only dangerous in large numbers or when catching people by sudden surprise. This problem with the zombies has led to the writers going in the direction of breaking the unwritten rules, which makes for interesting, if disturbing, tv. I still think the writers need to mutate the zombie threat in some way, possibly towards a 'thinking' zombie or zombies that can move much faster or just being more athletic. If the zombie threat must remain constant and predictable, then the writers only course is to keep coming up with ways to threaten the survivors from within, ie., other survivors. That could become predictable in itself. The governor has been done once, don't need it again. Mutate the zombies before the thrill is gone. -- Al

I agree on the zombies. I've never read the underlying books - so I have no idea what direction this show is heading - but it would be nice to see them evolve into more of a threat. Maybe start learning some new tricks. Something like in Romero's "Land of the Dead" where the zombies began to get smarter and have a leader instead of a mindless hoard. There was an interesting new take on zombies in the book "Handling the Dead" by John Ajvide Lindqvist. Instead of bloodthristy creatures, the dead simply come back. Society has to determine how to deal with them. For example, do they have the same legal rights as they did when alive, are they even people etc. Ironically, something more like the issues Lizzie and her sister raised in the last episode.
These have been doing the rounds on facebook


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Now, I'm not the sharpest blade in the scabbard, but, no guards and unlocked gates tells me something smells bad in Terminus. Glad to see the world savior has some common sense. -- Al
Ok, so the whole Terminus thing; no guards, unlocked gate, unlocked door to the complex, no nothing, just some whackadoo doing laundry/cooking or whatever.

I hope this place isn't Woodbury on steroids, or worse yet, some sort of Jim Jones cult.....................................
Very suspicious. Way too welcoming. I think they are cannibals and dinner just walked in the front gate.
Hmmm...the cook DID have some pretty tasty looking meat on the grill.
{eek3} -- Al

Yeah, not sure if I'd be too comfortable with that, "making yourself at home and we'll make YOU a plate" ..... nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more. :wink2::rolleyes2:^&grin

I was a little confused by the storyline. If Lizzie was a psychopath, she wouldn't be showing an excess of empathy for the zombies. Rather she might be acting sadistically toward them. Suddenly, however, she becomes violent and kills her own sister. The narrative really doesn't address why she takes that dramatic turn and implies Lizzie had simply been nuts all along. My take on it was that she was suffering from some type of post traumatic stress syndrome and understandably, as a child, was having difficulty coping with what was going on around her. Carol decides it's not possible to deal with that kind of unpredictable behavior and it's safer to off her. So I was a bit more sympathetic to Lizzie. There are some unwritten rules to these kinds of shows and killing children generally is one of them. The producers know that and decided to take the plot in that direction. It made for an interesting show and got a lot of buzz (which I think was the intent), but they are having their cake and eating it too. Imagine what would go on for real if all order broke down? It would look more like the "The Road" than what has been depicted in this show which often has taken a comic book approach instead of a realistic one to the bad guys (i.e. the governor). Once you burn all those taboo bridges it's going to be difficult to top the shock effect to keep the audience interested. The zombies have already lost most of their impact. In the first season, they were a real threat. Now schoolgirls are taking them out right and left. They've become the guys in red shirts from Star Trek.

Lizzie never looked at Zombies as dangerous, but people who were different. She lost it, as with one Zombie kill after another in her life, she felt the need to show all that they were ," people " too. She killed her sister to make her turn and show the adults, that sis was still the same as us.. Also, the look at the flowers routine came from the prison moment of her Dads death, when unable to be urged by Carol, to do him in, Lizzie broke down and was quieted by her sister with these words. Also, there were a number of times, when the sis told the adults, Lizzie was a little off.. Seems, Lizzie 's brain had been percolating for some time, even before she showed up at the prison..Michael
I agree on the zombies. I've never read the underlying books - so I have no idea what direction this show is heading - but it would be nice to see them evolve into more of a threat. Maybe start learning some new tricks. Something like in Romero's "Land of the Dead" where the zombies began to get smarter and have a leader instead of a mindless hoard. There was an interesting new take on zombies in the book "Handling the Dead" by John Ajvide Lindqvist. Instead of bloodthristy creatures, the dead simply come back. Society has to determine how to deal with them. For example, do they have the same legal rights as they did when alive, are they even people etc. Ironically, something more like the issues Lizzie and her sister raised in the last episode.

You now in THE BOOK UNIVERSE..Just about every issue is good people vs bad people, with the Zombies merely used as props or a backdrop. Hardly a main comic character attacked, bitten or eaten, but beaten, shot, abused on a near regular basis by the human walkers.. The whole purpose of the comic, is to show the walking dead, are really the humans. That is what makes it different than the usual Zombies conquer the world stories and scenarios. Michael
The season finale went about the way I expected it would. Terminus turns out to be a phony and I would say definite cannibal possibilities, what with the human boneyard and all. Most of the gang back together even if under dubious circumstances. Once again, humans are the enemy. At least the 'claim' gang was put straight. -- Al
The most intense episode of the season, IMO. Pretty vicious the dispatch of the Claims Gang. The way the GG won that confrontation despite being surprised by the bad guys hopefully foreshadows their experience at Terminus.

I was a little disappointed that despite making a show of being careful and scouting out the place first, RCD and M still just sort of blundered into Terminus. Thus their predicament.. Is the train car perhaps a reference to the Nazi death trains leading to the CC? That would be harsh.

Six months to Season 5 is a long wait but I think I need the break.
Good thing Rick stashed that bag of weapons, they'll come in handy later on.

So what's the deal; you wait in the train car until the good folks at Terminus get hungry, then they grab someone and cook them up?

Nice version of a cattle car...............
Have to admit I laughed out loud during the scene where Rick and company are running from place to place and the bullets are just missing them. In fact the phony bullet trail kind of ran along just behind them like something from the 1950's special effects. Those must have been the worst shots in TV history. It reminded me of Austin Powers. Very silly. The show is still a lot of fun though.
They were missing them on purpose, basically firing in a way to herd them to the spot they wanted them to end up as afterall, if they killed them, they couldn't eat them later on now could they.

Can't wait for Carol and Tyrees to show up and save the day..............six months later...........
Can't wait for Carol and Tyrees to show up and save the day..............six months later...........

I was thinking the same thing George.It's going to be a long 6 months waiting for this show to return.
I was thinking the same thing about the guy on the roof with the scoped rifle.Im glad they pointed out that they were missing the shots on purpose.I was thinking to myself,"this is the worst sniper ever"!!!lol.I agree with George,I think our cast is set to be the main course!!!
This show has evolved from the biggest threat being zombies/walkers to being other humans.

The ratio of humans killing humans vs zombies killing humans is about 4 to 1 at this point.

Not to get ahead of the plot, but I wonder if our gang will turn Terminus into their new home once they take out all the cannibals.

Why not, but I guess we'll see.......
I hope it goes back to be about "The walking dead".
I reckon they might not be on the menu but for research into a cure maybe.

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