Re: Walking Dead

You really do not want to see this new group if it is who I think and heard it is..Michael

Oh really, do tell.......they sound nasty?!

The fact that they 'opened up' on Darryl and Co for no apparent reason, suggests they are mean so and so's!

The scene with the arm being chopped off and the watch makes me think this was so how significant and we'll be seeing the one armed dude again?

As for the good folk of Alexandria, it's clear the town is now on borrowed time and will eventually be over run.

Glenn's a survivor and is either holed up somewhere or been rescued by another group, but not sure if he'll reappear this series?
Re: Walking Dead

Knowing TWD, they were throwing us a curve with the Glenn situation. My guess someone "big" buys the farm before this season ends - but it aint Glenn.

The group that fired on Daryl et al may not be the ultimate baddies people are expecting. But the latter will probably make an appearance before the season ends.
Re: Walking Dead

Yeah, so Glenn lives....................whatever, that was a dirty trick IMO.

Then what's his name falls into a sea of zombies and survives without a scratch, but gee, he lost a shoe.

So now the building collapses, the wall comes down, the horde stampedes in, some big name character will get bit, Daryl and Glenn will ride in to save the day, off they go to fine a new home.


This show is starting to lose traction; ratings are down this year, the storyline has been pretty weak.

Truth be told, how long can you drag this story out, it's a hopeless situation, life in zombieland.
Re: Walking Dead

In the last couple of months I've watched the first seasons on Netflix and managed to catch up on Season 6 through the AMC app and I have to agree with George that Season 6 is not as strong as the other seasons.
Re: Walking Dead

Actually it's been in the top 5 shows for most of the season.Most of the people complaining about it must still be watching or they wouldn't know what's going on.:rolleyes2::confused:I think Glenn should be dead but I do like him and I think a lot of people do that's why they kept him alive.Rick,Carol,Daryl,and Glenn are going to be hard to kill off.
Re: Walking Dead

That was the first jumping of the shark in this series. A who shot JR moment. I like Glenn though even when he is speechifying about his fellow man. I forgot to DVR this episode and the commercials are torture. This is becoming a bit of a mirror on ISIS and that horrible situation. What do civilized people do with those who are uncivilized? Present an example or blow them up? Neither seems to be a solution.
Re: Walking Dead

The commercials are the one thing about AMC that I don't like.
Re: Walking Dead

The commercials are the one thing about AMC that I don't like.

I remember when AMC first started there were no commercials. Then they went to one commercial break and there was a lot of controversy. Now it is almost all commercials most of which are AMC promos. I refuse to watch anything on the channel except TWD.
Re: Walking Dead

Agree about Glenn, he is a good guy and a favorite character, BUT, the writers cheated and went away from the core value of the show, ie., no one is safe. They have killed many favorite characters in sudden and shocking ways and never cheated the audience until now. Cripes, if the writers had the cajones to have Carol execute that little girl, then they should have just killed Glenn in the flow of the show and moved on. The audience would scream and wring their hands in anguish but they would get over it, just as when Hershel bought it, or Shane, or Beth, or Dale. Point is, no character is bigger than the disaster facing the survivors and the everyday struggle to live. The writers just chickened out.:mad: -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Agree about Glenn, he is a good guy and a favorite character, BUT, the writers cheated and went away from the core value of the show, ie., no one is safe. They have killed many favorite characters in sudden and shocking ways and never cheated the audience until now. Cripes, if the writers had the cajones to have Carol execute that little girl, then they should have just killed Glenn in the flow of the show and moved on. The audience would scream and wring their hands in anguish but they would get over it, just as when Hershel bought it, or Shane, or Beth, or Dale. Point is, no character is bigger than the disaster facing the survivors and the everyday struggle to live. The writers just chickened out.:mad: -- Al

That is dead on. Taking a good guy like Glenn out in such a swift and brutal manner would have been an example of giving the audience a swift kick in the cojones. Such is life in zombie land. Any character could be at risk. They could have doubled down by requiring Maggie to take out zombie Glenn. But instead they went soft and weak and duped the audience. A cheat. There are clearly the guys in red shirts and Capt Kirk now.
Re: Walking Dead

The commercials are the one thing about AMC that I don't like.

That was the first jumping of the shark in this series. A who shot JR moment. I like Glenn though even when he is speechifying about his fellow man. I forgot to DVR this episode and the commercials are torture. This is becoming a bit of a mirror on ISIS and that horrible situation. What do civilized people do with those who are uncivilized? Present an example or blow them up? Neither seems to be a solution.

I have record set up on the DVR and never watch TWD live. But I can tell, especially near the end, there are many, many commercials.
Re: Walking Dead

I suspect Glenn was set up as a head fake so that you will still get your big character death, just not whom you expect. Or maybe they saved him just to kill him later. Thatd be a big surprise.

But yea, this is a TV show. It needs fans. Kill off the most popular characters and eventually you kill your own show.

I think the writers are smart enough not to go the Star Trek route. TWD is great because its shocks us once in a while. If it becomes predictable its done. Still, the main folks probably arent at risk till the show nears its end -- or their agent gets a little too greedy at renewal time :)
Re: Walking Dead

I think this season started out great in the first 3 episodes but went down a little since then but I enjoy it.We still don't know how Rick got out of his jam and I still don't see Glenn getting out by crawling under the dumpster.Those skinny hungry zombies could have gotten under too.So maybe the creative team is getting a little lazy.The Spencer thing was dumb,but I don't think the show "Jumped the Shark" yet.A couple of great episodes will restore everyone's faith.
Re: Walking Dead

I'm not to concerned about the Glen escaping thing myself, however thought they could have made it a little more interesting than hiding under a dumpster!

We all know one of the main players is going to bit sooner or later so I'm figuring the writers are having some fun. Still think the attack on Alexandria by the Wolves was one of the best episodes yet.

Now that the clock tower has fallen, will be interesting who comes to the rescue?

Darryl and co arriving with the 'mini tanker' full of fuel could be fun scenario.^&grin
Re: Walking Dead

I think it's time for Eugene to go.He just doesn't have what it takes and his storyline is done.But it will probably be Roseita or Abraham.
Re: Walking Dead

I'm not to concerned about the Glen escaping thing myself, however thought they could have made it a little more interesting than hiding under a dumpster!

We all know one of the main players is going to bit sooner or later so I'm figuring the writers are having some fun. Still think the attack on Alexandria by the Wolves was one of the best episodes yet.

Now that the clock tower has fallen, will be interesting who comes to the rescue?

Darryl and co arriving with the 'mini tanker' full of fuel could be fun scenario.^&grin

Dont forget about the RPGs Abraham found. Im confident those will be used, probably against the Walker herd. Maybe in combination with the tanker. That would be a serious explosion that would kill lots of Walkers but also level Alexandria.
Re: Walking Dead

Jeffrey Dean Morgan who's been in Supernatural,Extant,Magic City,Texas Rising and movies is suppose to play a real baddie but I don't know if it's this year or next.Can't think of the name but it starts with N.

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