Re: Walking Dead

Kind of a snooze fest last episode ,unless you were a romance novel fan..:p Rick's showing up without explanation, since we last saw him surrounded by the hoard in the trailer seemed odd and anticlimatic. Should of at least been a flashback moment of his escape. No favoring his injured hand? Could of at least changed his shirt before his makeout session? And the pointless rescue, non rescue mission of Maggie and Aaron seemed like a plot filler and time user. And then there is Carl ,who wants to rescue the girl, and seems totally unfazed about the million Z's surrounding the town. Total brainfart in the script wring for the last 2 episodes. Must be saving the rescue of Glenn for the finale in 3 weeks.and ratings are down for those doubters that some of this drama build up is to rescue the season..Michael
Re: Walking Dead

Kind of a snooze fest last episode ,unless you were a romance novel fan..:p Rick's showing up without explanation, since we last saw him surrounded by the hoard in the trailer seemed odd and anticlimatic. Should of at least been a flashback moment of his escape. No favoring his injured hand? Could of at least changed his shirt before his makeout session? And the pointless rescue, non rescue mission of Maggie and Aaron seemed like a plot filler and time user. And then there is Carl ,who wants to rescue the girl, and seems totally unfazed about the million Z's surrounding the town. Total brainfart in the script wring for the last 2 episodes. Must be saving the rescue of Glenn for the finale in 3 weeks.and ratings are down for those doubters that some of this drama build up is to rescue the season..Michael

Exactly mate was so looking forward to seeing how rick got out of this 1 and nothing ^&confuse^&confuse
Re: Walking Dead

Agree about last night's episode. No point and no addition to the story in any useful way. Now, if Maggie had actually gone out to find Glenn and gotten chomped... -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Agree about last night's episode. No point and no addition to the story in any useful way. Now, if Maggie had actually gone out to find Glenn and gotten chomped... -- Al

Nooooo. Maggie is untouchable! Please, give us something!!

Pretty weak episode. Everybody acting pretty nmonchalant about a giant horde of walkers nipping at their walls. I just dont get it. Id be building up additional protections inside the compound, safe house, recoubts, easy access to high points, ambush lanes, etc. For sure would be distributing guns and ammo. What the heck good are all those weapons doing under lock and key???

Carl is aging. Why he likes that weird, moody girl I have no idea.

Glenn is definitely still alive. Probably trapped.

Unbelievalbe how little weve seen Daryl this season. Thinking he comes into play a lot more goiong forward.
Re: Walking Dead

Nooooo. Maggie is untouchable! Please, give us something!!

Pretty weak episode. Everybody acting pretty nmonchalant about a giant horde of walkers nipping at their walls. I just dont get it. Id be building up additional protections inside the compound, safe house, recoubts, easy access to high points, ambush lanes, etc. For sure would be distributing guns and ammo. What the heck good are all those weapons doing under lock and key???

Carl is aging. Why he likes that weird, moody girl I have no idea.

Glenn is definitely still alive. Probably trapped.

Unbelievalbe how little weve seen Daryl this season. Thinking he comes into play a lot more goiong forward.
My main concern with the horde of walkers has been addressed before on this forum and that is the way the walls are constructed, with the supports on the outside, exerting inward pressure, instead of the opposite. I just don't get that, unless there is some sort of construction principle I am ignorant off (most probable:wink2:). Anyone notice the walls were leaking something there at the end of the show?
I think Carl's interest interest in the weird girl is natural. She's the only game in town for him and his developing, uh, curiosities about women. And the writers most definitely need to get Darryl more air time. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Yes, that was one of those filler episodes to stretch out the season. The scene where the residents were looting their supplies was a bit odd since they had only been trapped by the zombies for about ten minutes at that point. It reminded me of having medical tests when they tell you that you can't eat anything beforehand and you suddenly are starving. Rick escaping and outrunning the zombies was predictable but they should have provided some resolution since he was in a tight spot. I don't have much doubt Glenn will be saved now that they played the faithful wife card. Stringing that out would be pointless if he is actually dead.
Re: Walking Dead

Nooooo. Maggie is untouchable! Please, give us something!!

Pretty weak episode. Everybody acting pretty nmonchalant about a giant horde of walkers nipping at their walls. I just dont get it. Id be building up additional protections inside the compound, safe house, recoubts, easy access to high points, ambush lanes, etc. For sure would be distributing guns and ammo. What the heck good are all those weapons doing under lock and key???

Carl is aging. Why he likes that weird, moody girl I have no idea.

Glenn is definitely still alive. Probably trapped.

Unbelievalbe how little weve seen Daryl this season. Thinking he comes into play a lot more goiong forward.

If Maggie goes i go will go outside and stab myself in the head with a screwdriver (yes i know there are a few on here who would encourage that ^&grin^&grin).

Re: Walking Dead

My main concern with the horde of walkers has been addressed before on this forum and that is the way the walls are constructed, with the supports on the outside, exerting inward pressure, instead of the opposite. I just don't get that, unless there is some sort of construction principle I am ignorant off (most probable:wink2:). Anyone notice the walls were leaking something there at the end of the show?
I think Carl's interest interest in the weird girl is natural. She's the only game in town for him and his developing, uh, curiosities about women. And the writers most definitely need to get Darryl more air time. -- Al

Are you a zombie ? Afraid that the wall collapse and of the humans attacking you ???? :eek:

Well hope that the next episode will go further with the current story .... or it could be an episode about the foundation of the town ... who knows
Re: Walking Dead

My main concern with the horde of walkers has been addressed before on this forum and that is the way the walls are constructed, with the supports on the outside, exerting inward pressure, instead of the opposite. I just don't get that, unless there is some sort of construction principle I am ignorant off (most probable:wink2:). Anyone notice the walls were leaking something there at the end of the show?
I think Carl's interest interest in the weird girl is natural. She's the only game in town for him and his developing, uh, curiosities about women. And the writers most definitely need to get Darryl more air time. -- Al

Agree with Al, supporting the wall from outside has always seemed like an idiotic idea. Could the leaky wall be oozing walker blood from the horde pressing up against it ..... maybe soon to collapse, like what happened to the fence around the prison ..... but then again Rick's brilliant "nothing can possibly go wrong" plan did lead half the one billion walkers away from the town so everything's fine folks. :rolleyes2: This season definitely needs more Darryl and Carol as WD has been a big bore so far. Fargo is the best show on TV right now.

Re: Walking Dead

Agree with Al, supporting the wall from outside has always seemed like an idiotic idea. Could the leaky wall be oozing walker blood from the horde pressing up against it ..... maybe soon to collapse, like what happened to the fence around the prison ..... but then again Rick's brilliant "nothing can possibly go wrong" plan did lead half the one billion walkers away from the town so everything's fine folks. :rolleyes2: This season definitely needs more Darryl and Carol as WD has been a big bore so far. Fargo is the best show on TV right now.

I'm a huge WD fan but agree with the statement that Fargo is better right now. May be a matter of what's fresh but it's also because if WD has proved nothing else, it's that the show is much better with the group on the road, seeking safety, as opposed to being forted up as in the prison or in Alexandria. Rick and gang need to get "On the road again..." -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

The previews for next week appear to indicate the story would cut back to Daryl and company outside the wall. Maybe searching for Glenn. I can see the Glenn angle going unresolved for another week. With all those guns, I can't understand why the town folk don't thin the herd outside the walls. It might take a while but they could clean house in a few hours instead of waiting for the wall to fall down and be overrun. Of course if they did that then there would be no dramatic climax.
Re: Walking Dead

The previews for next week appear to indicate the story would cut back to Daryl and company outside the wall. Maybe searching for Glenn. I can see the Glenn angle going unresolved for another week. With all those guns, I can't understand why the town folk don't thin the herd outside the walls. It might take a while but they could clean house in a few hours instead of waiting for the wall to fall down and be overrun. Of course if they did that then there would be no dramatic climax.
I was thinking the same thing about the guns. It would take a huge amount of ammo but no need to worry about the noise attracting more zombies. Just be more for the party. It's disposing of the bodies that would be a challenge. Perhaps a huge bonfire with smores and a few cold ones.:rolleyes2: -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

I was thinking the same thing about the guns. It would take a huge amount of ammo but no need to worry about the noise attracting more zombies. Just be more for the party. It's disposing of the bodies that would be a challenge. Perhaps a huge bonfire with smores and a few cold ones.:rolleyes2: -- Al

Yes, they could have a community weenie roast if that one guy didn't already loot and eat them all. Afterward Rick could give a rousing speech telling them they were all weak and soft because they haven't been "out there" and "seen what it is like." LOL.
Re: Walking Dead

Another idea would be to, instead of using precious ammo, work out a system that corrals a few at a time for sword/knife work. Like how slaughter houses do for cattle. It's not like the zombies are clever enough to figure out the ruse. Gun wielders would be there as back up.
Re: Walking Dead

If Maggie goes i go will go outside and stab myself in the head with a screwdriver (yes i know there are a few on here who would encourage that ^&grin^&grin).


She's not going anywhere Wayne mate........although stabbing yourself in the head with a screwdriver would be fun, especially if you turned into a Zombie.^&grin:tongue:
Re: Walking Dead

Not a bad episode.

I would have taken out the walker trapped behind the glass office wall. No way I could get a good snooze with him pawing and snarling that close by.

Why does a watch still have value in the zombie apocalypse?

I dont see how the girl with diabetes lasted as long as she did -- not to mention her obvious cluelessness of what dead bodies do.

I cant wait to see Abraham use those RPGs!! :)

**SPOILER** Norman Reedus has said publicly the voice at the end is NOT Glenn.
Re: Walking Dead

Not a bad episode.

I would have taken out the walker trapped behind the glass office wall. No way I could get a good snooze with him pawing and snarling that close by.

Why does a watch still have value in the zombie apocalypse?

I dont see how the girl with diabetes lasted as long as she did -- not to mention her obvious cluelessness of what dead bodies do.

I cant wait to see Abraham use those RPGs!! :)

**SPOILER** Norman Reedus has said publicly the voice at the end is NOT Glenn.
Liked seeing Darryl get some screen time but don't understand why he trusted and turned his back on the two who stole his bike and bow. He should have known better.
Think the watch is nothing but a representation of the old normal that they want to cling to.
The RPGs should prove very interesting.^&grin -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Liked seeing Darryl get some screen time but don't understand why he trusted and turned his back on the two who stole his bike and bow. He should have known better.
Think the watch is nothing but a representation of the old normal that they want to cling to.
The RPGs should prove very interesting.^&grin -- Al

I have a strange feeling Darryl will be seeing those two again......dead or alive.

I've no doubt we'll also be seeing the rest of that 'new' group again very soon........
Re: Walking Dead

I have a strange feeling Darryl will be seeing those two again......dead or alive.

I've no doubt we'll also be seeing the rest of that 'new' group again very soon........

You really do not want to see this new group if it is who I think and heard it is..Michael
Re: Walking Dead

You really do not want to see this new group if it is who I think and heard it is..Michael

Nice; I like the sound of that....................so is the fate of Glenn going to be a cliff hanger heading into next season?

If so, that's dirty pool on the part of the writers and producers, I hope not.

We need closure here.

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