Re: Walking Dead

Glen still being alive could be one of the most brilliant ideas in tv history.

Agreed; it will go down with Fonzie jumping the shark tank, Gloria and the meathead moving out and next door to the Bunkers, Charles Winchester becoming a surgeon on MASH, Lamont moving out and Grady moving in with Fred Sanford and Richie going off to the University of Wisconsin as yet another brilliant idea in TV history.................:wink2:
Re: Walking Dead

Who hasn't crawled out of a dumpster after a big night out and survived ^&grin^&grin
Re: Walking Dead

Oh the memories......:tongue:^&grin

It just seems to me that Glenn's death was so underwhelming for a popular character. I kept telling my wife that you cannot just kill off a main guy this way. Seems to be something else coming..Michael
Re: Walking Dead

If Glenn was eaten as suggested he cant come back as a zombie. His body is gone.

Crawling under the dumpster would only offer temporary relief. If Glenn can fit under there so can zombies. Recall Rick crawled under a tank once. He then had to crawl up thru its escape hatch so as to avoid their reach.

Crawling up into the dumpster seems unlikely as there is no space to generate any kicking power for kicking out its bottom. Plus, a bottom-less dumpster offers temporary relief, at best.

Maybe he gets saved by somebody hiding behind the door that was locked. However he escapes the predicament, and I think he does, something needs to draw the horde away from him, quickly.
Re: Walking Dead

Perhaps the guy he was with above the dumpster, falled on him .... the gore is from him ....

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Re: Walking Dead

Neat episode, filling in the Morgan backstory. Explains it all but I still think his outlook is going to be a problem in Rickworld. Very clever of the show to take a break from last weeks cliff-hanger with Glenn and Rick. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Neat episode, filling in the Morgan backstory. Explains it all but I still think his outlook is going to be a problem in Rickworld. Very clever of the show to take a break from last weeks cliff-hanger with Glenn and Rick. -- Al

Enjoyed the extra half hour but Im luke warm on the Morgan story. Pacificist ideals are noble in normal times, foolish in zombie times, IMO. Besides, seems to me its more about them atoning for past sins than anything else. Didnt work out too well for "Eastman" either, did it? :) (East-Man, as in eastern buddhisht philosophy?)

I believe that was Ricks voice hollering to open the gate at the end. If so he must have escaped from the horde of walkers that was encirciling him in the RV. However from the tone of his voice the horde must be right behind him.

Seriously, Morgan let that Wolf live? I dont guess he understood the true moral of Eastman's "charming killer" story. The CK failed to kill Eastman but he later killed his entire family. If a truly evil person shows you who they really are, best put an end to that nonsense right then and there.
Re: Walking Dead


Seriously, Morgan let that Wolf live? I dont guess he understood the true moral of Eastman's "charming killer" story. The CK failed to kill Eastman but he later killed his entire family. If a truly evil person shows you who they really are, best put an end to that nonsense right then and there.

Any chance that Morgan is contemplating letting that Wolf starve to death? ^&confuse
Re: Walking Dead

Eastman's philosophy that all life is precious apparently did not extend to the zombies. Maybe he should have amended it to all life is precious until it tries to eat you. I find Morgan an annoying and boring character. He is clearly the counterbalance to Rick with his philosophy of needing to be ruthless to survive. The coincidence of those two random characters having met before and meeting up by chance again also bugs me.
Re: Walking Dead

Eastman's philosophy that all life is precious apparently did not extend to the zombies. Maybe he should have amended it to all life is precious until it tries to eat you. I find Morgan an annoying and boring character. He is clearly the counterbalance to Rick with his philosophy of needing to be ruthless to survive. The coincidence of those two random characters having met before and meeting up by chance again also bugs me.

IMO zombies arent alive any more than vegetables. Eastman was fond of eating the latter. I dont see an inherent philosophical conflict in his taking out Walkers.

That said, I, also, find Morgan's character distasteful. He is not interesting or likeable. Moreover, pretty much everyone still alive has seen their famly wiped out. For him to be all cry baby about something that is very common/normal doesnt earn special sympathy from me. In the real world it would, but these are zombie times.

The overaching theme of TWD is that, in end times, survival is job #1. Being cordial and/or giving someone the benefit of the doubt, those were standards of another era.
Re: Walking Dead

IMO zombies arent alive any more than vegetables. Eastman was fond of eating the latter. I dont see an inherent philosophical conflict in his taking out Walkers.

That said, I, also, find Morgan's character distasteful. He is not interesting or likeable. Moreover, pretty much everyone still alive has seen their famly wiped out. For him to be all cry baby about something that is very common/normal doesnt earn special sympathy from me. In the real world it would, but these are zombie times.

The overaching theme of TWD is that, in end times, survival is job #1. Being cordial and/or giving someone the benefit of the doubt, those were standards of another era.

I think the theme of the show is more the tension between the Rick/Carol types whose philosophy is survival of the most ruthless and others who try to retain some element of humanity even under adverse circumstances. A theme you see in a lot of in modern war movies were some soldiers commit atrocities and others do not. I just find the whole notion of Morgan as some type of Kung Fu grasshopper to Eastman's master to be a bit silly and boring. Compounded by the wildly improbable coincidence that Morgan would randomly encounter Rick again. It's something that could only happen in a TV show plot.
Re: Walking Dead

Not a big fan of this episode, thought it was a waste of an hour and half that could have been better spent on countless other more interesting subjects ..... not to mention the 873 annoying commercials inserted between 5-6 minutes of actual show time. I must have feel asleep 3 or 4 times during this episode ..... which in it's own way kind of reminded me of the creature/Gene Hackman encounter in Young Frankenstein, only it wasn't nearly as entertaining ..... Eastman did look a lot like Peter Boyle. In any case, I really didn't care how Morgan got to the " all life is precious" point in his life and that hour and half did nothing to change that.

Re: Walking Dead

Guys, this is all a put on to build up a ratings for the Glen and Rick alive episodes. The WD ratings are actually down this year and AMC stock is showing it. Michael
Re: Walking Dead

That's hard to believe as the first three episodes kicked ***.
Re: Walking Dead

Guys, this is all a put on to build up a ratings for the Glen and Rick alive episodes. The WD ratings are actually down this year and AMC stock is showing it. Michael

Nice try. AMC stock is up YTD about 3% though it is slightly trailing the S&P 500. 😚

We already know Rick is alive. Glenn must be because he didn't appear on The Talking Dead. Though he may be bit and have a limited time left.
Re: Walking Dead

When you consider what carnage the Wolves have just inflicted on the good towns-folk of Alexandria, it's hard to fathom Morgans reasoning with trying to keep any of those nutters alive. Despite what he thinks, his methods are endangering others and I don't see the group putting up with that for too much longer. Carol certainly isn't impressed and you don't want to cross swords with her.......:wink2:
Re: Walking Dead

I read an interesting comment about the show (at least to me) that argued that Rick has effectively become Shane. Kind on an interesting take on the tension between those who believe they need to be ruthless and those who want to retain some element of civility. In that regard Rick has changed teams. He is now the Shane character and Morgan is the younger Rick.

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