Re: Walking Dead

I think Rick's plan might have worked if the Wolves hadn't attacked Alexandria.
Re: Walking Dead

I think Rick's plan might have worked if the Wolves hadn't attacked Alexandria.
Maybe, but this show, being what it is, Rick should have known something ALWAYS goes wrong. All kidding aside, the plan just had too many moving parts and was too complicated. Something was doomed to go wrong in a plan so dependent on perfect timing and so vulnerable to the slightest miscalculation. Herding zombies and cats is a losing proposition. :wink2: -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Maybe, but this show, being what it is, Rick should have known something ALWAYS goes wrong. All kidding aside, the plan just had too many moving parts and was too complicated. Something was doomed to go wrong in a plan so dependent on perfect timing and so vulnerable to the slightest miscalculation. Herding zombies and cats is a losing proposition. :wink2: -- Al

After seeing this episode, I was surprised to see Glenn " killed off? "in this manner..Having read the books, Glenn had a more impactfull death that totally caught all the readers by surprise. Somehow, my gut says he is not, maybe, possibly, hardly, deadishhhh? Michael
Re: Walking Dead

Did Rick get bitten or cut his hand on that knife he pulled out of the walkers back ??

Great season and awesome EP just gets better and better.
Re: Walking Dead

Im pretty sure Rick cut his hand on the knife already in the Walkers back. An infection could still be dangerous and might necessitate amputation.

Cant believe Glenn is dead just because the rest of the group would never know his fate. That suggests Glenn escapes, perhaps by shimmeying on his back underneath the dumpster while the zombies munch Nicholas.

Morgans failure to take out those Wolves just about cost Rick his life when the latter attacked him in the RV. Rick will never know that. But killing those Wolves now has him in a dire situation surrounded by Walkers. Thanks a heap, Morgan!

I read where next week is a 90 minute episode just focused on Morgan and his backstory. So we wont find out the fate of Glenn and Rick for a while.
Re: Walking Dead

I knew Morgan and his attitudes were going to be a problem and Rick is going to pay the bill for them. I would like to see Carol eventually take care of the Morgan situation. As for Glenn, I also have a sneaking suspicion we haven't seen the last of him but if not, he went out in perfect harmony with the way this show plays. To save him will be a cheat. Having him slide under the dumpster would be the easy way out. The writers need to stick to their guns and turn him into a walker or have one of the walkers somehow end up with something of his that the group later discovers, thus confirming his demise. It's a tough world. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

On The Talking Dead last night, the theory floated is Glen is not dead...............that would be cheeseball at it's best if he somehow escaped that scrum of zombies and made it out alive.

One of the writers/producers made a statement that was read on air saying we'll see Glen again in some form, whatever that means.

As far as Morgan; he slid down the pope a few notches for me, not a likable character IMO.

At this point, I care about 4, maybe 5 of them, the rest not so much...............
Re: Walking Dead

Even if the walkers were munching on Nicholas at first there was too many of them not to have feasted on Glenn too.Hope they don't go for the Glenn escapes this scenario as it would cheapen the show.
Re: Walking Dead

Even if the walkers were munching on Nicholas at first there was too many of them not to have feasted on Glenn too.Hope they don't go for the Glenn escapes this scenario as it would cheapen the show.

Perhaps Glenn gets bitten here and there but somehow manages to escape. Similar to the married Alexandria guy who was bitten and didnt make it back home despite Michone's assurances. Unlike that guy, though, Glenn makes it back to see Maggie. There is then a heartbreaking reunion before he succumbs or otherwise dies from his injuries, possibly in a final, heroically sacrificial act. This would fit the narrative that we'll see Glenn in "some form", and give fans some level of consolation for his loss.
Re: Walking Dead

Perhaps Glenn gets bitten here and there but somehow manages to escape. Similar to the married Alexandria guy who was bitten and didnt make it back home despite Michone's assurances. Unlike that guy, though, Glenn makes it back to see Maggie. There is then a heartbreaking reunion before he succumbs or otherwise dies from his injuries, possibly in a final, heroically sacrificial act. This would fit the narrative that we'll see Glenn in "some form", and give fans some level of consolation for his loss.

That would make it twice as bad; the initial shock of seeing what I thought was him dying, then a long, drawn out goodbye.

OR, with Maggie being pregnant, maybe by "some form", it will be his child..................man, who'd want to bring a child into this mess?
Re: Walking Dead

No doubt it would be really, really hard to bring a child into that world. Problem is, the way folks are dying and kids arent being born humanity wont survive this plague.

With any disease some people possess a natural immunity. I wonder if they will ever develop this angle?

On a side note, the actor who plays Maggie, Lauren Cohen, lives here in Atlanta for the filming. A buddy of mine lives in her same "boutique" condo building and knows her pretty well. He says she is a real sweatheart, down to earth and friendly. He doesnt watch the show and considers her like his daughters. She is single and looking, apparently.... :)
Re: Walking Dead

The internet is blowing up today that Glenn is not dead; if that is the case, that's some terrible writing to pull something like that on the fans of the show and Glenn in particular.

The fact that The Talking Dead was cryptic about it last night was giveaway #1; in the past when a main character is killed off, he/she is on The Talking Dead as a guest.

Last night, no Glenn.

If it's true, that is some weaksauce right there.
Re: Walking Dead

He really didn't look like he was screaming too much for someone being eaten. More of a shocked look on his face. He crawled under the dumpster and probably kicked in the rusted bottom to get inside. The coffee table on the Talking Dead set is also an indication of a major character dying. The slab table means no one was killed. The Wood and metal table means that a fan favorite bought it
Re: Walking Dead

SPOILER ALERT..SPOILER ALERT..READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION From a star reveal website....................................................

We’re still treading in spoiler territory here, but those in disbelief at the shocking twist of last night’s Walking Dead outing “Thank You” may officially have been vindicated. A new photo and report seemingly confirms what many fans have suspected, as well as the introduction of the series’ next big bad to come.

You’re warned of EVERY POSSIBLE SPOILER from The Walking Dead Season 6 from this moment on, but rest assured, Glenn fans - our beloved pizza delivery boy lives. Not only can we officially spot Steven Yeun on set filming scenes yet to air (and notably wearing a different outfit than last night’s climactic fakeout), but The Hollywood Reporter sources note that Yeun re-upped his contract recently, and isn’t likely to be exiting just yet.

Compounding the overwhelming evidence of Glenn’s survival (and here’s where things get really spoiler-y), THR also cites sources that seemingly confirm literary big bad Negan’s introduction in the Season 6 finale, a character whose first (and last) interaction with Glenn remains distinctly memorable for the series. Granted, confirmation of Negan’s introduction doesn’t guarantee that Glenn will fulfill the same role as we’ve come to expect, though cast and crew have frequently addressed their interest in arriving at the famed sequence.

It’s also worth noting that yes, Jon Bernthal, Sara Wayne Callies, David Morrissey, Lawrence Gilliard and more have all appeared on the series after their respective character deaths, which could paint Glenn’s above appearance as a hallucination of sorts, but honestly, why? And whose? We looked into past trailers, observing that AMC cleverly excluded any footage of Glenn beyond what we’ve already seen, though we can at least spy Maggie out on a mission with Aaron in the sewers.

The circumstances of Glenn’s death also prevented anyone from observing or confirming the loss, making it overwhelmingly likely Maggie will venture outside Alexandria to find Glenn, dead or alive. Lauren Cohan isn’t anywhere to be found in the above photo, but are we to believe Rick, or Daryl perhaps, start hallucinating a refreshed-looking Glenn in the same scene spotlighting such a major addition as Paul “Jesus” Monroe?

Re: Walking Dead

Should have smelled a rat when no one from the actual show was a guest on The Talking Dead; cast member, producer or writer.

Disappointing that they'd stoop to nonsense like this; you'd think the ratings sucked and they were trying to create a buzz with this.

A real **** thing to do to the hard core fans of this show.
Re: Walking Dead

The internet is blowing up today that Glenn is not dead; if that is the case, that's some terrible writing to pull something like that on the fans of the show and Glenn in particular.

The fact that The Talking Dead was cryptic about it last night was giveaway #1; in the past when a main character is killed off, he/she is on The Talking Dead as a guest.

Last night, no Glenn.

If it's true, that is some weaksauce right there.

I could see Glen maybe make a reappearance as a zombie. That would have quite an impact on Rick's crew and the viewers given how long they have tried to avoid that fate. If they somehow save Glen it will be the biggest ripoff since the dream sequence in Dallas (or whatever show that was) that brought back the main character after killing him off. Btw: that truck horn must have been really loud since at one point they said they were another half hour away from home. They must have been miles away when they heard it. Poor Daryl has been completely wasted. He gets to do nothing except grimace and look zen.
Re: Walking Dead

I could see Glen maybe make a reappearance as a zombie. That would have quite an impact on Rick's crew and the viewers given how long they have tried to avoid that fate. If they somehow save Glen it will be the biggest ripoff since the dream sequence in Dallas (or whatever show that was) that brought back the main character after killing him off. Btw: that truck horn must have been really loud since at one point they said they were another half hour away from home. They must have been miles away when they heard it. Poor Daryl has been completely wasted. He gets to do nothing except grimace and look zen.

Glen still being alive could be one of the most brilliant ideas in tv history. Look at the uproar it has caused. When he crawls out of that dumpster viewers will be on their feet cheering.
Re: Walking Dead

JMO, but Glenn appearing all A-ok at this point is a cheat. That whole crawling under the dumpster idea just doesn't wash. Dumpsters have about 6 inches of ground clearance with small wheels and if they don't have wheels, they have zero clearance. No way Glenn fits under a dumpster. I hope the writers have more respect for the viewers than to pull a 'Dallas'. It was all a dream... -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

JMO, but Glenn appearing all A-ok at this point is a cheat. That whole crawling under the dumpster idea just doesn't wash. Dumpsters have about 6 inches of ground clearance with small wheels and if they don't have wheels, they have zero clearance. No way Glenn fits under a dumpster. I hope the writers have more respect for the viewers than to pull a 'Dallas'. It was all a dream... -- Al

Plenty of room.


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