Re: Walking Dead

I could tell you who is still alive in the book, but I won'ttttttt!^&grin Michael

So good grief where was Carl? Not even a mention of his name. Judith but no Carl. Even if the actor who plays Carl was not available, you'd think Rick would have said his name when taking on such a huge risk. Weird.

I vote for Ron as the horn blower. Rick never learns - payback is a....bummer.

There had to be a better plan than Ricks, that had disaster written all over it.
Re: Walking Dead

So good grief where was Carl? Not even a mention of his name. Judith but no Carl. Even if the actor who plays Carl was not available, you'd think Rick would have said his name when taking on such a huge risk. Weird.

I vote for Ron as the horn blower. Rick never learns - payback is a....bummer.

There had to be a better plan than Ricks, that had disaster written all over it.

Carl space sitting outside with the crazy girl holding hands towards the end.
Re: Walking Dead

So good grief where was Carl? Not even a mention of his name. Judith but no Carl. Even if the actor who plays Carl was not available, you'd think Rick would have said his name when taking on such a huge risk. Weird.

I vote for Ron as the horn blower. Rick never learns - payback is a....bummer.

There had to be a better plan than Ricks, that had disaster written all over it.
Have to agree about the plan. Some option to keep them all pinned in the quarry had to be more practical than setting thousands of zombies loose for an afternoon walk. More vehicles to block the ramps, or some of those steel sheets to help seal off the ramps, or destroying the ramps. Anything but letting them all out. How could that have gone wrong?:rolleyes2: -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

letting them all out so they can feast on other people.I guess it's every man for himself in that world.
Re: Walking Dead

Who blew the horn ?

The W ? A displeased resident of the village ? An automatic alarm ? The village under attack ?
Wait ... 1 week to go ...

And the big question . Is Carl still wearing the "stupid" hat ?
Re: Walking Dead

Have to agree about the plan. Some option to keep them all pinned in the quarry had to be more practical than setting thousands of zombies loose for an afternoon walk. More vehicles to block the ramps, or some of those steel sheets to help seal off the ramps, or destroying the ramps. Anything but letting them all out. How could that have gone wrong?:rolleyes2: -- Al

They must be taking Fear The Walking Dead Stupid Plot pills...Like, who would think that leaving a stadium full of Zombies near your base would be a good idea? If the group had all those extra vehicles and steel sheets to create a multi mile long funnel and the time to install all that, you would think that the seal them up plan would be the easiest and safest option..Michael
Re: Walking Dead

Have to agree about the plan. Some option to keep them all pinned in the quarry had to be more practical than setting thousands of zombies loose for an afternoon walk. More vehicles to block the ramps, or some of those steel sheets to help seal off the ramps, or destroying the ramps. Anything but letting them all out. How could that have gone wrong?:rolleyes2: -- Al

Are you questioning Rick's judgment! On the show that would be it for you. LOL. I thought once they had all the zombies lined up on the road they could take one of those tanker trucks and run them all down. But then we wouldn't have the great zombie showdown next week in town which I've already titled Zombie Alamo.
Re: Walking Dead

Are you questioning Rick's judgment! On the show that would be it for you. LOL. I thought once they had all the zombies lined up on the road they could take one of those tanker trucks and run them all down. But then we wouldn't have the great zombie showdown next week in town which I've already titled Zombie Alamo.
Zombie Alamo, that's a good one.^&grin I'm betting there is going to be a big thinning of the herds, both zombie and Alexandrian, next week. The suburbs always seem to be overcrowded anyway, so losing some of them won't hurt. Maybe Rick can figure some way to move the zombie herd (sort of like a cattle drive) down to and into the Potomac river. It is a rather major feature of Alexandria and everyone involved could use the bath. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Zombie Alamo, that's a good one.^&grin I'm betting there is going to be a big thinning of the herds, both zombie and Alexandrian, next week. The suburbs always seem to be overcrowded anyway, so losing some of them won't hurt. Maybe Rick can figure some way to move the zombie herd (sort of like a cattle drive) down to and into the Potomac river. It is a rather major feature of Alexandria and everyone involved could use the bath. -- Al

In "Land of the Dead" - an underrated zombie flick - the zombies could walk underwater to get across rivers which is a bit creepy. I was under the impression for some reason that water was a barrier to zombies maybe confusing them with vampires but I guess if they are dead already it makes no difference to them. At least Carol will have something to do this week other than hand out beverages and make small talk.
Re: Walking Dead

In "Land of the Dead" - an underrated zombie flick - the zombies could walk underwater to get across rivers which is a bit creepy. I was under the impression for some reason that water was a barrier to zombies maybe confusing them with vampires but I guess if they are dead already it makes no difference to them. At least Carol will have something to do this week other than hand out beverages and make small talk.
Interesting that you mention zombies walking underwater. I remember another such movie involving Nazi zombies coming out of the ocean, I believe it was called 'Shock Waves', and it was quite creepy. I think Peter Cushing was in it, bit I don't remember much else about it. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

All in a great episode did not like the flashing back between the B&W and colour. Just tell the story instead of flashing back !!

Fear Flight 462 will be interesting to watch also .
Re: Walking Dead

I'm glad there is a wikipedia explaining who's who. I forgot who Ron is. Also, were long skirts in fashion when the plague happened?
Re: Walking Dead

W is for Wolves. Morgan has to get with the program. He is going to prove a problem. There are too many Alexandrians with attitude problems, though possibly a few less after tonight. Carol proved a trooper, as usual. Good show tonight but it went way to quickly. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Great episode and one of my favorites. Took away from the main characters and focused on the secondary one's for a change. Carol's character just gets better and better. Suzie homemaker concerned about the healthy lifestyles of others and their smoking habits and wha-pow a machete to the head and smoking doesn't seem to be that bad now. Even Deanna admitting to Maggie that she wouldn't be much help in the fight. I'll just wait out here in this truck while my moron of a son who can't hit anything with a scoped AR protects me and you Maggie and your people go take care of the problem .
We find out a little about Enid(JSS). I think she might have something to do with the Wolves. It would account for her quote as referring to them as " there people to" and maybe this was why she snuck out all the time by herself to stay in contact with them. Not sure. She also didn't seem to want to stick around and help fight.
Morgan, well I think he might be on the road outta there. He seems pretty disgusted with the whole killing thing. Ninja Carol showed him up in that department.
A lot less people around now in Alexandria to oppose the "Ricktatorship."
Anyone have a theory why the Wolves chop off the arms and legs??

I had to eat my pop corn during the commercials because there was so much going during the show...:)
Re: Walking Dead

Great episode and one of my favorites. Took away from the main characters and focused on the secondary one's for a change. Carol's character just gets better and better. Suzie homemaker concerned about the healthy lifestyles of others and their smoking habits and wha-pow a machete to the head and smoking doesn't seem to be that bad now. Even Deanna admitting to Maggie that she wouldn't be much help in the fight. I'll just wait out here in this truck while my moron of a son who can't hit anything with a scoped AR protects me and you Maggie and your people go take care of the problem .
We find out a little about Enid(JSS). I think she might have something to do with the Wolves. It would account for her quote as referring to them as " there people to" and maybe this was why she snuck out all the time by herself to stay in contact with them. Not sure. She also didn't seem to want to stick around and help fight.
Morgan, well I think he might be on the road outta there. He seems pretty disgusted with the whole killing thing. Ninja Carol showed him up in that department.
A lot less people around now in Alexandria to oppose the "Ricktatorship."
Anyone have a theory why the Wolves chop off the arms and legs??

I had to eat my pop corn during the commercials because there was so much going during the show...:)

Good question about the wolves. Surely its not yet another cannibal clan. Maybe it has something to do with their name. No idea.

Im also curious as to why the Wolves dont have/use guns. I would think marauders such as they are would have had plenty of opportunities to acquire firearms. Further, didnt one of the Wolves talk about "freeing" the citizens of Alexandria because they no longer deserved to live there. My best guess is the Wolves are a cult of some sort with weird beliefs.

The wolf who escaped with a handgun will surely come back to haunt the group in some way. That should come back on Morgan but it might not, at least directly. Morgan did finally kill a wolf, but only because the guy taunted him with "you cant do it". Nice guys definitely last in the world of the Walking Dead.
Re: Walking Dead

I'd say the wolves are Cannibals, the women are the real badasses on this show.
And all this before the dead horde show up!! should be interesting, looks like there setting up another move on scenario much like the prison.
I'd say the only way to survive in this world is to keep moving, if you don't, trouble finds you and keeps at you until you do move.
Re: Walking Dead

NOOOOOOO! MASSIVE BUMMER! I guess no one is safe now. Kudos to the writers for not crapping out on the situation with some last minute miracle, but NOOOOOOOO! Looking like Rick's plan wasn't all that well thought out or executed, after all. This episode is one of the biggest downers yet. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

This show is just incredible; I've never had a show grab me, drag me in and make me really care about the characters like this one.

Band of Brothers is the only one that comes to mind where I got to know characters and then got depressed as they were wounded/killed.

The writers keep stepping up their game is all I can say...............so bummed out right now.

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