Re: Walking Dead

Seems by the lack of comment for episode 2 of FTWD, that most fans have dismissed the series. I have to say the 2nd episode might have been the best so far. Mostly well done and reasonably acted out..Michael
Re: Walking Dead

I'm going to stick with it a little longer but it won't be the have to watch show on Sunday night as Game of Thrones starts this Sunday.We might be a little unfair to this show as we have TWD to compare it to.When TWD came on there was nothing to compare it to.I still don't like most of the characters,only Strand and Daniel,maybe Nick a little bit.The rest can be blue plate specials.
Re: Walking Dead

I haven't thrown in the towel yet but the show is suffering in comparison to WD. Thought the episode OK, if rather obvious at the end. I did like the creep factor of the zombies coming out of the ocean even if the fence was a cheat. Kind of reminded me of an old nazi zombie movie called 'Shock Wave'. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

I haven't thrown in the towel yet but the show is suffering in comparison to WD. Thought the episode OK, if rather obvious at the end. I did like the creep factor of the zombies coming out of the ocean even if the fence was a cheat. Kind of reminded me of an old nazi zombie movie called 'Shock Wave'. -- Al

I couldn't get into this series two weeks ago when it resumed. I watched the first two episodes back to back Sunday night; to me, that's the way to do it. Since I'll be away this weekend at the Gettysburg Toy Soldier Show, I'll watch episodes 3 and 4 back to back in two weeks as well.

Shock Wave; loved that movie when I was a kid, scared the @$^& out of me at the time, haven't seen it in ages.................
Re: Walking Dead

This last episode kind of just spun it's wheels. Now, who couldn't see letting those kids go ashore wouldn't lead to another mess? Who could have guessed that splitting up was a bad idea? I still don't understand why they just didn't get in the boat and leave when the walkers appeared over the ridge. The writers have to up their game with this series. The beach scene would have been a good place to rid themselves of a couple of the bothersome teens.:rolleyes2: -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

This last episode kind of just spun it's wheels. Now, who couldn't see letting those kids go ashore wouldn't lead to another mess? Who could have guessed that splitting up was a bad idea? I still don't understand why they just didn't get in the boat and leave when the walkers appeared over the ridge. The writers have to up their game with this series. The beach scene would have been a good place to rid themselves of a couple of the bothersome teens.:rolleyes2: -- Al

The series is plagued with weak, cliched dialogue, very predictable script, and uninteresting characters. I can see Ricks group beating back 100 zombies, but a bunch of kids? Really? Michael
Re: Walking Dead

This last episode kind of just spun it's wheels. Now, who couldn't see letting those kids go ashore wouldn't lead to another mess? Who could have guessed that splitting up was a bad idea? I still don't understand why they just didn't get in the boat and leave when the walkers appeared over the ridge. The writers have to up their game with this series. The beach scene would have been a good place to rid themselves of a couple of the bothersome teens.:rolleyes2: -- Al

I agree it's not great but probably will stick with it. I dislike all the adult characters on this show. For some reason, the Johnny Depp-looking kid is amusing to me though. I give the writers a pass on the beach scene. You know when a bunch of kids go ashore and are told to stick together in a zombie show that the first thing they are going to do is go their own way and not be noticed. In any decent horror film, people have to do stupid things. What was that noise in the basement? Let's split up and someone should go alone to investigate sort of thing. I also like how the guy with the pistol decided to try to hold his ground and shoot at a mass of zombies closing in on him. What did he have six bullets or so? He must of thought he was Davy Crockett at the Alamo. Every man for himself and jump in the ocean seemed a better option. Oh well. At least they had blueprints for how to remove a human arm from the boat intake. Very handy so to speak.
Re: Walking Dead

Still watching (lack of alternatives?) but this show continues to go nowhere fast with silly plot twists. It is trying my patience and good will. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Still watching (lack of alternatives?) but this show continues to go nowhere fast with silly plot twists. It is trying my patience and good will. -- Al

Yeah, that episode was awful.............I'm hanging in there because Ruben Blades is a good customer of mine, that's about it...........so now it's off to Mexico, can't wait to see how much of a disaster that turns into............
Re: Walking Dead

The dad character certainly toughened up delivering that head butt. What was with cooking the girl a steak? There didn't seem much point in that whole weird scenario of taking those two from the boat. Why not have that sniper guy who took out the folks from a moving raft shoot the two guys during the hostage exchange instead of unleashing a zombie to run amok. Who do they have to pay to take a boat to Mexico? And why would anyone need money during the zombie apocalypse? Many questions!
Re: Walking Dead

The dad character certainly toughened up delivering that head butt. What was with cooking the girl a steak? There didn't seem much point in that whole weird scenario of taking those two from the boat. Why not have that sniper guy who took out the folks from a moving raft shoot the two guys during the hostage exchange instead of unleashing a zombie to run amok. Who do they have to pay to take a boat to Mexico? And why would anyone need money during the zombie apocalypse? Many questions!

Mexico has a naval blockade in place and the money needed is for a bribe to get through it...Michael
Re: Walking Dead

Mexico has a naval blockade in place and the money needed is for a bribe to get through it...Michael

It's still been a dumb series so far. Im not buying any of the characters. They each seem designed to fit some specific demographic profile purely for the purpose of attracting a certain audience. It's like their marketing people met with a few b or c team writers and said, ok, here the kind of viewers we aren't doing well with WD. Create some characters they'll relate to and, oh yeah, put em in zombie land. Hopefully we'll get WD fans in hiatus plus a whole new set of eyeballs who might just keep watching when the WD comes back.

I suppose, thankfully, it seems they're saving the best writers and storylines for WD. At least that's something.
Re: Walking Dead

Yeah they kept pushing that it was a "blended"family.
Re: Walking Dead

Well, they reached the break and I'm about through with this show. I've kept watching, hoping that the writers could ratchet up the interest/action level and they just haven't done it. The only character I like is the Blades character, the rest can all get chomped. I hoped things would improve once off the boat, but that didn't happen and now teenage angst seems to be the order of the day. One kid wants to kill mommy and daddy and the other kid just likes to hang out with the dead people. Doubt I'll be back. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Well, they reached the break and I'm about through with this show. I've kept watching, hoping that the writers could ratchet up the interest/action level and they just haven't done it. The only character I like is the Blades character, the rest can all get chomped. I hoped things would improve once off the boat, but that didn't happen and now teenage angst seems to be the order of the day. One kid wants to kill mommy and daddy and the other kid just likes to hang out with the dead people. Doubt I'll be back. -- Al

This post nails it for me, I'm right there with you.

Why do the writers feel like they have to go into the breaks with these shows on a cliffhanger?

What happened to my favorite character after he torched the compound?
So the one kid covered in zombie blood is just going to wander the countryside aimlessly for all eternity?
And the Father and Son are going to do the same thing?

Weird that they went a whole season with no main character dying, or maybe one did and I just didn't notice......................
Re: Walking Dead

Well, they reached the break and I'm about through with this show. I've kept watching, hoping that the writers could ratchet up the interest/action level and they just haven't done it. The only character I like is the Blades character, the rest can all get chomped. I hoped things would improve once off the boat, but that didn't happen and now teenage angst seems to be the order of the day. One kid wants to kill mommy and daddy and the other kid just likes to hang out with the dead people. Doubt I'll be back. -- Al

This spinoff is definately not up to Walking Dead standards. You know it's bad when you could care less who dies. I am actually rooting for the drug addict and step son to get it. It has already been picked up for another season.
Re: Walking Dead

The dad character certainly toughened up delivering that head butt. What was with cooking the girl a steak? There didn't seem much point in that whole weird scenario of taking those two from the boat. Why not have that sniper guy who took out the folks from a moving raft shoot the two guys during the hostage exchange instead of unleashing a zombie to run amok. Who do they have to pay to take a boat to Mexico? And why would anyone need money during the zombie apocalypse? Many questions!

I think we are not alone :
Audience S01E01 10.13 M
S02E01 6,67 M
S02E06 4,49 M

I'm alway expecting those peoples to sit down and sing ... Give Peace a chance ...
Re: Walking Dead

Finally watched the final episode. What a terrible, terrible, awful TV show FTWD is. Every time I think it can't outdo itself in dumbness, it then does so.

I can only surmise it's meant for an entirely different demographic than TWD. Like maybe teenagers? Or 5 year olds?.... Or people who watch the shopping channel? I'm not their target, that's for sure.

Obviously I'll be finding other ways to spend my time when its back. The TWD execs should realize FTWD risks ruining the main show's reputation with this ill advised, poorly done, uninteresting, non suspenseful, dull, badly written, meandering, non scary, pathetic excuse for a "brand extension".

Now, on to more important things...
Re: Walking Dead

How can the same people who created and produce TWD come up so short on this one.Hopefully they will listen to the criticism and change it up like killing off the whole original cast,except Blades.{eek3}^&grin
Re: Walking Dead

Finally watched the final episode. What a terrible, terrible, awful TV show FTWD is. Every time I think it can't outdo itself in dumbness, it then does so.

I can only surmise it's meant for an entirely different demographic than TWD. Like maybe teenagers? Or 5 year olds?.... Or people who watch the shopping channel? I'm not their target, that's for sure.

Obviously I'll be finding other ways to spend my time when its back. The TWD execs should realize FTWD risks ruining the main show's reputation with this ill advised, poorly done, uninteresting, non suspenseful, dull, badly written, meandering, non scary, pathetic excuse for a "brand extension".

Now, on to more important things...

Even the zombie gore in this show is bad, or I should say the lack of it.................it's just awful.

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