Walking Dead (WARNING MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS) (10 Viewers)

Re: Walking Dead

How can the same people who created and produce TWD come up so short on this one.Hopefully they will listen to the criticism and change it up like killing off the whole original cast,except Blades.{eek3}^&grin

Ruben is by far the best actor in the series and if anything happens to him, I'm out............................I'm hanging in there only because of his involvement in this show.
Re: Walking Dead

So, did anyone ever figure out which star gets killed of by Nagin in the cliff-hanger? I would have expected a possible info leak by now but have heard nothing. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

I'm sure someone has guessed it but doesn't realize it.No one will know for sure until October 23rd.
Re: Walking Dead

A friend of mine's condo is next door to Lauren Cohan's in Atlanta's Inman Park neighborhood. She is rarely there these days. Could be nothing, but could be ??. He asked her at the coffee shop who died and she claimed she didn't know herself! I find that implausible. I read they filmed 9 different scenarios with each major character getting whacked so that not even the crew would know. I don't see how they could keep fooling them in later episodes unless the first half of the season focuses on side stories and characters. I'm pretty sure viewers wouldn't like that one bit.
Re: Walking Dead

A friend of mine's condo is next door to Lauren Cohan's in Atlanta's Inman Park neighborhood. She is rarely there these days. Could be nothing, but could be ??. He asked her at the coffee shop who died and she claimed she didn't know herself! I find that implausible. I read they filmed 9 different scenarios with each major character getting whacked so that not even the crew would know. I don't see how they could keep fooling them in later episodes unless the first half of the season focuses on side stories and characters. I'm pretty sure viewers wouldn't like that one bit.
I can see it now, Rick wakes up in the hospital and it was all a dream... -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

So, did anyone ever figure out which star gets killed of by Nagin in the cliff-hanger? I would have expected a possible info leak by now but have heard nothing. -- Al

Reports are the cliffhanger way the last season ended was one of the biggest blunders in TV history.

Can't argue with that, them ending it the way they did was idiotic on so many levels I lost count.

Simply put, you don't do that to your loyal followers, that's a good way to lose followers.

And I've seen in more than on location on the internet who it was that got whacked; makes sense to me, perfect sense actually.
Re: Walking Dead

Reports are the cliffhanger way the last season ended was one of the biggest blunders in TV history.

Can't argue with that, them ending it the way they did was idiotic on so many levels I lost count.

Simply put, you don't do that to your loyal followers, that's a good way to lose followers.

And I've seen in more than on location on the internet who it was that got whacked; makes sense to me, perfect sense actually.
I don't have a clue who got croaked, but if there is any justice, it was Glenn. He dodged the Big Adios so many times that I've lost count, not to mention that cheat when he supposedly hid under the dumpster. That one really ticked me off. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

What a mess this episode was. Guessed one but not the other. Nagen is a real bad guy. Now all I am focusing on is someone killing him, in the nastiest way possible. This show has taken a really ugly turn for a show that was already bad. Kudos to the writers, I think. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

What a mess this episode was. Guessed one but not the other. Nagen is a real bad guy. Now all I am focusing on is someone killing him, in the nastiest way possible. This show has taken a really ugly turn for a show that was already bad. Kudos to the writers, I think. -- Al

All I can say is wow; I've been a fan of a lot of TV shows, but this one has grabbed me like no other show. That episode was incredible. I don't think any one episode of any show had the effect that this one had on me, it was soul crushing.

Not to give anything away; UNBELIEVABLE.


I had no idea two were going to die tonight. I thought the second one was going to die, but when the first one got whacked, I let my guard down and figured the second one was safe, then WHAM!!, he was not safe. His death was gut wrenching to be honest.

What an episode, I'm gutted to be honest, it sucked the life out of me.

I did a 180 on the cliff hanger; the way they shot this was pretty brilliant actually.

As Al said, Nagen is a very, very bad man.

Despicable actually.
Re: Walking Dead

I thought they did a great job showing how a man can be broken.Great episode!{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Re: Walking Dead

All I can say is wow; I've been a fan of a lot of TV shows, but this one has grabbed me like no other show. That episode was incredible. I don't think any one episode of any show had the effect that this one had on me, it was soul crushing.

Not to give anything away; UNBELIEVABLE.


I had no idea two were going to die tonight. I thought the second one was going to die, but when the first one got whacked, I let my guard down and figured the second one was safe, then WHAM!!, he was not safe. His death was gut wrenching to be honest.

What an episode, I'm gutted to be honest, it sucked the life out of me.

I did a 180 on the cliff hanger; the way they shot this was pretty brilliant actually.

As Al said, Nagen is a very, very bad man.

Despicable actually.
I found it completely gut-wrenching , as well. The thing is, I had accepted someone was going to die, quessing one correctly and the 2nd one catching me by surprise, so the deaths weren't the problem for me, it was that scum Negan being so completely off-the-wall despicable that I really want to see him die in a most horrible way. I find it difficult to cope with a character that is so completely without humanity of any sort. His character is written so totally without a goodside of any sort, I just find myself infuriated with him. Great writing. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

I found it completely gut-wrenching , as well. The thing is, I had accepted someone was going to die, quessing one correctly and the 2nd one catching me by surprise, so the deaths weren't the problem for me, it was that scum Negan being so completely off-the-wall despicable that I really want to see him die in a most horrible way. I find it difficult to cope with a character that is so completely without humanity of any sort. His character is written so totally without a goodside of any sort, I just find myself infuriated with him. Great writing. -- Al

Agreed all around.

The only thing about Negan is I assume he's going to be around for a long time and how many more bad things is he going to do, this is just the tip of the iceberg with this guy, I have a feeling it's going to get a lot worse.

One of the things that really bothered me is these people have lived through so much, they dodged death so many times and to die like that, holy smokes, it sucks the life out of you trying to wrap your head around it.
Re: Walking Dead

Spewing the kid never copped it and lost that stupid hat ^&grin
Re: Walking Dead

All I can say is wow; I've been a fan of a lot of TV shows, but this one has grabbed me like no other show. That episode was incredible. I don't think any one episode of any show had the effect that this one had on me, it was soul crushing.

Not to give anything away; UNBELIEVABLE.


I had no idea two were going to die tonight. I thought the second one was going to die, but when the first one got whacked, I let my guard down and figured the second one was safe, then WHAM!!, he was not safe. His death was gut wrenching to be honest.

What an episode, I'm gutted to be honest, it sucked the life out of me.

I did a 180 on the cliff hanger; the way they shot this was pretty brilliant actually.

As Al said, Nagen is a very, very bad man.

Despicable actually.

I knew weeks ago from various sites, but also from the book community. I was not surprised and thought the whole episode was a cheap and weak way out for the writer. Negan turned out exactly as written in the book. No surprise as I have been warning those who might listen. I watched the 1st half hour and almost none of Talking Dead after. No gut wrenching for me, other than boredom and predictability. How many minutes of zombies did you see that episode? Near none ,get used to it...If you like Sons of Anarchy and the gang fights, then you will enjoy the next season of human on human conflict, drama, and frustration. I stopped buying the books for this reason. By the way, Negan is still alive in the book. Just so the series does not suck you in about revenge and justice being the end game..I am done with the series. WHO WANTS TO WATCH A SHOW ABOUT HUMANS BUTT KISSING A TOTAL A@$%&@#&*% FOR ANY NUMBER OF EPISODES? :mad:Michael
Re: Walking Dead

I thought it was all pretty predictable but well done, particularly the scene with Carl and Negan. Agree with Mark: great illustration on how to break someone -- give them a choice, none of which is palatable.
Re: Walking Dead

Just seen the episode 10min ago
As I had read nothing, it was coming as a big surprise as I was expecting a detour by " Meanwhile what's happening with Carol" . Perhaps next episode

Great episode almost traumatic even for me, I don't know if I will sleep well tonight . Troboscopic images, tension, wanton violence, desacralisation of personality, leaving ashes deep in the throat .
But " I will kill you..."

Not so many years ago it would have been : restricted audience above 18 and shown in theatre specialised in horror movies
I have amended the title. Although really if you haven't seen it stay off forums/social media !!!

I thought it was a great episode and I think will affect the group for a few season to come. I was fine until Negan mentioned Glens' eye, (which I did not notice) then I felt quite nauseated. Can't wait for the next episode !!!!!!
For those who have read the books...there is a spoiler warning on this thread, but that really pertains to the show. Most of us have not read the series - please don't tell us what happens in the books before it happens on the show.
For those who have read the books...there is a spoiler warning on this thread, but that really pertains to the show. Most of us have not read the series - please don't tell us what happens in the books before it happens on the show.

When I first started watching this series, I was a fan as I am a fan of zombie movies; don't ask me why, I just am, different strokes and all that.

As the series has progressed, to me, it's now all about the characters and bonding/indentifying with them. In a lot of ways, I wish there was no comic book to shadow the series as the writers have now apparently decided to follow the comic book and mimic what happens there in the tv series.

I really wish what happened last night did not happen, but that's up to the writers. You hate losing characters that you've come to know and like; there were at least three others last night that had they been the victim, I would not have cared.

But that's the rub; the writers know you care as a fan of the series; the internet reaction last night and today has been unreal, many folks are claiming they are done with the series.

Yeah righ; until next week..............to me, this is THE one "can't miss/can't wait till the next episode airs" show on tv.

For me, it's easily top 5 all time, maybe top 3 after last night.
One of the things I liked about the series in the first few years is that they were not afraid to kill off characters so you were on the edge of your seat. Dale was one of the best characters on the show but they killed him off. Lately, there's been little of that so I'm glad they're back to that.

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