According to the Talking Dead that was a real tiger, certainly didn't look real to me !

Yes, that was the fakest looking tiger I've seen since the old Sinbad movies. It looked like something Ray Harryhausen put together in the 1950s. LOL. Maybe Siegfried and Roy should be consulted now that they have some spare time. This was the typical filler episode TWD uses between the main plot. They met the quota of character deaths in episode one. So it will likely be a while before anything happens.
Old Neegan is the best bad guy they have had on this show. The one thing they have always lacked is a really good villain. The actor who plays him is great. Poor Daryl. I can't get that horrible song out of my head. I remember the ATF/FBI set up speakers and played terrible music for days on end in an effort to get the Waco folks to surrender. It didn't work much better for them. Daryl seems to be hanging tough and chowing down those Alpo burgers.
Evidently, Negan has no redeeming qualities. He just keeps grinding it in. How long before Rick or someone else snaps? Probably will be me if AMC figures out how to work more commercials into the show. Seemed like they came every 3-4 minutes tonight. I almost gave up on the show tonight because of it. {sm2} -- Al
Evidently, Negan has no redeeming qualities. He just keeps grinding it in. How long before Rick or someone else snaps? Probably will be me if AMC figures out how to work more commercials into the show. Seemed like they came every 3-4 minutes tonight. I almost gave up on the show tonight because of it. {sm2} -- Al

So it wasn't just me that thought the commercials were excessive ! Thought I was imagining it. LOL.

Another good episode IMO, I am enjoying Negans character much more than I did with the Governator :)
I'm the opposite the more I see of Negan the more I can't stand him and seeing Rick groveling before him makes me sick.
That episode was great; 90 minutes of commercials with what seemed like 30 minutes of story.....................:rolleyes2:

This guy is getting really old, really fast. I couldn't live like that, sorry; survive everything they've survived and now this NERD is going to show up once and awhile and take stuff and if you don't have some new and exciting stuff each time, he's going to kill someone?

Then everything they took, they burned in a big pile? So what was the point of that, to show them that they can?

Sorry, that **** would not flush......................this guy and his band of ********* needs to be dealt with.

I'm a lucky one
A friend who sent me copy of the show, clean first all commercials and when coming on Belgian TV, some weeks later, it's without commercials .
It's a 52min episode

This one is intended to build hatred against the Negan and his gang, and it worked for me, anger growing and growing, almost yelling names at the screen .
I'm a lucky one
A friend who sent me copy of the show, clean first all commercials and when coming on Belgian TV, some weeks later, it's without commercials .
It's a 52min episode

This one is intended to build hatred against the Negan and his gang, and it worked for me, anger growing and growing, almost yelling names at the screen .

With commercials it was advertised as 1 1/2 hours ! 38 mins of commercials.....that is excessive {eek3}
The DVR is my friend! {sm4}

I didn't watch it live either, I had the pleasure of watching the Patriots lose to Pete the pom pom waiving stooge and his Seachickens........................I watched it the next day via the DVR...................much better option for sure.
All I know is if they keep the storyline like this they will eventually lose me as a viewer.
All I know is if they keep the storyline like this they will eventually lose me as a viewer.
I kind of feel the same way. Negan is beyond just bad, he is so bad that he is hard to watch. My wish would be for a relatively short story line where some sort of revolt leads to Negan's complete and utter destruction and with the result that maybe his people start singing "Ding-dong the witch is dead" sort of thing and the story then gets back to zombies being the threat. -- Al
Yeah I think they have thrown the zombie threat into the background, instead they are focusing on human conflict.This was ok for awhile but it's starting to get tiresome.
I can't just be about killing zombies, that would just be boring. There has to be a storyline. There has to be people you love and also who you hate, people that make you scream at the TV and that you loath to the very depths of your core.
With commercials it was advertised as 1 1/2 hours ! 38 mins of commercials.....that is excessive {eek3}

I can't watch anything on AMC due to the endless commercials. If it wasn't for the DVR I would probably pass on TWD. The irony is AMC was once commercial free like TCM. I'm liking Negan more and more. He is like a Capt. Hook to Rick's Peter Pan. It has always bugged me that there is not more speculation among the characters as to what is causing the zombie problem. There were a few episodes along those lies but they apparently don't care much. They are mostly ingoring the zombies at this point who are more like troublesome pets than anything.
I can't just be about killing zombies, that would just be boring. There has to be a storyline. There has to be people you love and also who you hate, people that make you scream at the TV and that you loath to the very depths of your core.

I agree but I think you have to have a balance.I also think they need to find some clues as what caused the virus.I personally think the military was trying to devise a new weapon and somehow it infected a scientist who got out.

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