I never clued in as to why she talks like a Trekkie. She didn't seem to be doing that at the end of the last episode. Very weird even in the context of this show.

I noticed that. She seemed to be speaking normally after all her people were killed. I also couldn’t help but wonder where the power came from to run that giant shredder.
I noticed that. She seemed to be speaking normally after all her people were killed. I also couldn’t help but wonder where the power came from to run that giant shredder.

She appeared to have a lot of hidden secrets in that junkyard.
I noticed that. She seemed to be speaking normally after all her people were killed. I also couldn’t help but wonder where the power came from to run that giant shredder.

Negan's guy asked about solar panels and a helipad in the junkyard. Maybe the solar panels provided the power and the helipad is related to the helicopter seen in an earlier episode.
A bit of filler episode this week in which (almost) everyone makes their way to Hilltop. With Carl's demise, I find Maggie to be the most annoying character on the show for some inexplicable reason. And the constant theme of conflicting emotions between being ruthless and compassionate with your enemies has played itself out. Someone make up your mind. It's constantly repeated over and over with every character. And then revisited.
Why would the zombies be under the water in the swamp? Humans are not amphibious so what gives. Maybe next week will be a Carl free zone?
Why would the zombies be under the water in the swamp? Humans are not amphibious so what gives. Maybe next week will be a Carl free zone?
Thought that a cheap gimmick. All through this series the zombies have been vulnerable to water, and now they hang out in it? The writers just went with the obvious cheap thrill. There aren't really many swamps in the immediate Alexandria area (unless you count DC). When are the survivors going to 'claim' the Pentagon? That would make an interesting abode to clean out and live in.:rolleyes2: -- Al
Thought that a cheap gimmick. All through this series the zombies have been vulnerable to water, and now they hang out in it? The writers just went with the obvious cheap thrill. There aren't really many swamps in the immediate Alexandria area (unless you count DC). When are the survivors going to 'claim' the Pentagon? That would make an interesting abode to clean out and live in.:rolleyes2: -- Al

Yes, I tuned out the reality element of this show. I don't think of it as Alexandria, VA. Why wouldn't these folks avail themselves of the White House or military bases nearby that could be secured? If some random group roaming about with cross bows can survive, then certainly elements of the military and government might be around with lots of supplies. But not a sign on the show or any curiosity by the characters as to what caused the zombies or who might help them. Oh well. I can't wait to read those letters from Carl! LOL. I gazing into my crystal ball and predicting Eugene gets to take Negan out.
Ah yes Alexandria Virginia

Next episode they go to the George Washington wine festival in Mount Vernont
They will not take the Pentagon but The Gadsby's Tavern Museum via the Carlyle House for a stop-over
But there is another possibility; if they wishes to see ennemies coming from far : The Georges Washingtn Masonic National Memorial .
Or .... they will try to get to a boat and come here in Belgium, we still have French Fries and Chocolates and beer

A decent episode tonight but. once again, the two big boys face off in a duel to the death and, once again, neither one of these boobs can close the deal. Getting a bit old. Kill one of them, already! Don't know about the new Empire Records on wheels. -- Al
Rick and Negan have had more showdowns than Batman and the Joker. That is getting ridiculous. A pretty entertaining episode though.
Neegan has to stay alive to kill his second in command. I want to see that showdown.
A decent episode tonight but. once again, the two big boys face off in a duel to the death and, once again, neither one of these boobs can close the deal. Getting a bit old. Kill one of them, already! Don't know about the new Empire Records on wheels. -- Al

For a cop he has awful shooting skills.
Another filler episode this week but at least the zombies finally showed some bite. I don't fully understand the notion that rubbing zombie blood and guts on weapons can cause someone to turn into a zombie. Rick and company practically took a bath in zombie gore in earlier episodes with no ill effect. The A-Team shootouts have also become tiresome. I call this weeks throwdown The Battle of the Headlights. Great plan to attack at night but leave your headlights on (but they still couldn't see those belts of nails on the ground) illuminating yourself to be mowed down. But then of course all the headlights got shot out and they were blinded by the headlights of Maggie's gang! Oh well. The best laid plans. It reminded me of the Russians at the battle of Seelow Heights.
Another filler episode this week but at least the zombies finally showed some bite. I don't fully understand the notion that rubbing zombie blood and guts on weapons can cause someone to turn into a zombie. Rick and company practically took a bath in zombie gore in earlier episodes with no ill effect. The A-Team shootouts have also become tiresome. I call this weeks throwdown The Battle of the Headlights. Great plan to attack at night but leave your headlights on (but they still couldn't see those belts of nails on the ground) illuminating yourself to be mowed down. But then of course all the headlights got shot out and they were blinded by the headlights of Maggie's gang! Oh well. The best laid plans. It reminded me of the Russians at the battle of Seelow Heights.
Great point about the zombie blood and guts. The gang has spent most of the series soaked in the stuff without any consequences. Since everyone is already infected, how does further exposure matter, except when death occurs? Infected arrow tips or spear points shouldn't matter as the victims are already infected and only a mortal wound would matter anyway. I detect a hole in the line of logic, if one can apply logic to zombies in an apocalyptic world where cars never run out of gas, electricity seems plentiful, and Alexandria, Va., continues to look like rural Georgia. :rolleyes2: -- Al
The getting infected confused me too because remember when Ezeikeil's group was feeding zombie meat to the pigs or chickens ( I forget which) they gave the Saviors,they didn't get infected.
Quite a bit of action this week. Negan lives to fight another day. Another helicopter tease. I guess we know now that the dump people are not flying it. Who was the guy Negan picked up at the end?
Quite a bit of action this week. Negan lives to fight another day. Another helicopter tease. I guess we know now that the dump people are not flying it. Who was the guy Negan picked up at the end?

I look forward to the usual cliff hanger episode in two weeks....................ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
One thing I've never been able to reconcile is what happened to the military in all this chaos? The zombies move slow and are vulnerable to head trauma, so why was the military unable to adapt their defensive tactics? Someone on this show has a chopper, are there others, perhaps airplanes? Where are the armored units with their tracked vehicles, their tanks? A tank would basically be invulnerable to zombies who couldn't get out of the way, climb on, or otherwise really threaten a tank. I know this is a question that realistically can't be answered as the whole show requires suspension of belief but I am curious as to what befell the military. -- Al

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