On Talking Dead Scott Gimple said that Carl had gotten bit on a previous episode and was surprised that no one seems to notice this.Did anybody notice this and what episode was it ?
Mark, apparently it was the episode where Carl was helping that homeless loner that he left food for when they were fighting walkers in the woods. I missed it but Carl supposedly expressed the wound by closeup facial expression as it was not shown as it was physically inflicted. Carl has known he was a walking dead man since then, thus his peculiar actions. -- Al
Mark, apparently it was the episode where Carl was helping that homeless loner that he left food for when they were fighting walkers in the woods. I missed it but Carl supposedly expressed the wound by closeup facial expression as it was not shown as it was physically inflicted. Carl has known he was a walking dead man since then, thus his peculiar actions. -- Al

Maybe this will change the focus of the show back on the zombies. They have become nothing more than annoying props for the last couple of seasons. There were a couple of interesting episodes way back about the CDC and trying to figure out what was going on then the show went strictly to the man v. man theme. Z-Nation does a much better job with the zombie problem including govt and military involvement. There has been none of that in the TWD since as long as I can remember. Gazing into my crystal ball (I've never read the graphic novels so have no idea what happens) but it seems like Maggie's baby is going to have some divine role to play. I can see Rick as the last man standing with the outstanding philosophical question at the end being whether surviving at all costs is worth having to see all your family and friends perish.
There was somebody flying a helicopter a couple of episodes back.I wonder if that will reappear.
I haven't read the comics either but I do know, from reading several sources, that the demise of Carl is a MAJOR left turn from the story line of the comics. Carl is alive and well quite a ways past where the TV series currently is in the timeline, so obviously the writers have something else in line for the future of the show.
I am also curious about the mysterious helicopter. Perhaps Rick will get his mitts on the chopper and go all Lt.Col. Kilgore on Negan and gang.:tongue: -- Al
I haven't read the comics either but I do know, from reading several sources, that the demise of Carl is a MAJOR left turn from the story line of the comics. Carl is alive and well quite a ways past where the TV series currently is in the timeline, so obviously the writers have something else in line for the future of the show.
I am also curious about the mysterious helicopter. Perhaps Rick will get his mitts on the chopper and go all Lt.Col. Kilgore on Negan and gang.:tongue: -- Al
Oh yeah, the kid who plays Carl, Chandler Riggs, is 17 years old and had apparently been told that he would be needed another 3 years, but this obviously has changed, for whatever reason, and this has POed Riggs' father, who is claiming Riggs was lied to and was fired. Unrest on the set. Be interesting to know if the new plot line was made necessary because of the firing (for whatever reason) or if the plot line was written and the separation then decided on. Might be as simple as Riggs just wanting to move on to college or whatever. -- Al
Oh yeah, the kid who plays Carl, Chandler Riggs, is 17 years old and had apparently been told that he would be needed another 3 years, but this obviously has changed, for whatever reason, and this has POed Riggs' father, who is claiming Riggs was lied to and was fired. Unrest on the set. Be interesting to know if the new plot line was made necessary because of the firing (for whatever reason) or if the plot line was written and the separation then decided on. Might be as simple as Riggs just wanting to move on to college or whatever. -- Al

I'm not completely convinced this isn't some PR ploy to attract interest and they come up with some twist to keep him on the show. It would be the first time, for example, that the demise of major character has been revealed in advance.
My recollection from some earlier episode is that the CDC guy told Rick the zombie plague was effectively airborne such that everyone - even the living were infected. So even a person that died of natural causes that had not been bitten would nevertheless become a zombie. I don't recall, though, the timeline after being bitten to turn into a zombie if the person is not killed by the zombie. I wonder how much time Carl has left? I also wonder if I'm giving this a lot more thought that it deserves and need another hobby besides toy soldiers to pass the time. :wink2:
My recollection from some earlier episode is that the CDC guy told Rick the zombie plague was effectively airborne such that everyone - even the living were infected. So even a person that died of natural causes that had not been bitten would nevertheless become a zombie. I don't recall, though, the timeline after being bitten to turn into a zombie if the person is not killed by the zombie. I wonder how much time Carl has left? I also wonder if I'm giving this a lot more thought that it deserves and need another hobby besides toy soldiers to pass the time. :wink2:
If I remember correctly from the CDC episode, there was no definite time involved from being bitten, to dying, to returning as a zombie, or from simply dying before returning. It happened quickly in some cases and sometimes took hours. From the first season, there was a character that was bitten in the attack on the camp outside Atlanta (near the quarry and where Andrea's sister got chomped). He was watched carefully by the group but hung on for quite a while, even going on the road to the CDC with the group. He eventually made the group leave him on the side of the road as he couldn't take the travelling anymore as his ToD approached. His death was never shown but it was clear it was near. At any rate, the lack of a defined time-line is something the writers could certainly milk. -- Al
My recollection from some earlier episode is that the CDC guy told Rick the zombie plague was effectively airborne such that everyone - even the living were infected. So even a person that died of natural causes that had not been bitten would nevertheless become a zombie. I don't recall, though, the timeline after being bitten to turn into a zombie if the person is not killed by the zombie. I wonder how much time Carl has left? I also wonder if I'm giving this a lot more thought that it deserves and need another hobby besides toy soldiers to pass the time. :wink2:

This comment wins today^&grin

To those still watching, WD is back tonight at 9pm, to start the 2nd half of the current season 8. -- Al
Have to give the writers credit, at least they didn't try to worm their way out of the situation with some sort of cheap trick, even if they did drag it out too long. Pretty decent episode with a lot going on. Morgan and his protege have turned into real killers. Only real down side to this episode was it was very long with 1.2 million commercials.:rolleyes2: -- Al
Overall, the episode was poor and disjointed and, Christ, how they dragged out this Carl thing, soaking out every last tear. The episode was interminable, with all this silly semonizing about let's make a better world blather.
More than once I caught myself saying "Die already Carl . . . . "
:smile2: Mike
I DVR’ed it and was tempted to fast forward through those scenes.
The silver lining.... Carl is gone!!!!!
I thought it was a pretty boring episode. The only interesting thing was that neegan appears in the “dream” old.
It could have been predicted that Carl's death scenes would be dragged out. I suppose we're lucky it didn't go into a multi-episode trek. Still, the writers knocked him off without trying to get around it. Now it's done, at least we won't have to look at that HAT anymore.^&grin -- Al
It could have been predicted that Carl's death scenes would be dragged out. I suppose we're lucky it didn't go into a multi-episode trek. Still, the writers knocked him off without trying to get around it. Now it's done, at least we won't have to look at that HAT anymore.^&grin -- Al

Sorry to have to correct you here Al, but during Carrrrrl's seemingly interminable death scene (if you'll pardon the pun :p) that HAT was passed along to Judith. Now it's perfectly understandable and excusable that you may have missed that touching moment as it's quite possible that you, along 98% of the view audience, fell asleep long before that happened ..... good grief why am I still watching this show? :rolleyes2:{eek3}^&grin

Sorry to have to correct you here Al, but during Carrrrrl's seemingly interminable death scene (if you'll pardon the pun :p) that HAT was passed along to Judith. Now it's perfectly understandable and excusable that you may have missed that touching moment as it's quite possible that you, along 98% of the view audience, fell asleep long before that happened ..... good grief why am I still watching this show? :rolleyes2:{eek3}^&grin

I was awake and I saw the passing of the hat to the sister, but I was hoping she would be too young to where that Stetson, for a few years at least, and the audience would thus be spared seeing it for a while. I do envision a future where Judith becomes the new Wonder Woman Zombie Killer, wielding daddy's magnum and wearing the Stetson. I can hardly wait.:wink2:^&grin -- Al
I was awake and I saw the passing of the hat to the sister, but I was hoping she would be too young to where that Stetson, for a few years at least, and the audience would thus be spared seeing it for a while. I do envision a future where Judith becomes the new Wonder Woman Zombie Killer, wielding daddy's magnum and wearing the Stetson. I can hardly wait.:wink2:^&grin -- Al

Yeah, you might be onto something there Al ..... a Stetson wearing red headed version of a Wonder Woman/Lara Croft/Kill Bill-Uma Thurman hybrid slashing her way thru hoard after hoard of w/d. The big question is, will any of us who have been tuning in since S1/E1 still be watching ..... in the case of my wife and I, who have been just barely hanging in there for the last 2 seasons ..... I think not. :smile2:


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