I found 'The Road' to be the most realistically depressing movie about the end of the world that I have ever seen. Everything about it is brilliant from an 'end of the world' aspect. Even the low light that the movie was shot in added to the whole depressing setting, before even mentioning the daily struggle to simply survive. It is a movie that should not be missed if 'the end of the world' holds any interest. Much better than zombies. -- Al

Hard to watch because it’s ultimate message is that humanity will end humanity — all by itself. In fact the struggle of each person to survive is itself the cause of our demise as a species.

While that’s possible, I’d like to think we are better than that, at least on the whole.
Hard to watch because it’s ultimate message is that humanity will end humanity — all by itself. In fact the struggle of each person to survive is itself the cause of our demise as a species.

While that’s possible, I’d like to think we are better than that, at least on the whole.
Like you and Mark, I have a tough time watching this movie. It is so well done, pulls no punches, and impressed me so that I purchased it on Blue-Ray quite sometime ago yet have only been able to watch it one time (not counting the one time I saw it on without benefit of HD, thus missing many details). It is not light entertainment but I recommend it to anyone who listen. -- Al
I saw the movie a few months ago and, yes, it's pretty bleak; more of what things would be like than TWD. However, one thing TWD does get right: humans, even though they have suffered a catastrophe, will compete and destroy each other rather than work cooperatively. I dare say that any other animal species would do the reverse.
I saw the movie a few months ago and, yes, it's pretty bleak; more of what things would be like than TWD. However, one thing TWD does get right: humans, even though they have suffered a catastrophe, will compete and destroy each other rather than work cooperatively. I dare say that any other animal species would do the reverse.

Is that really right? Humans have suffered many catastrophes and yet here we are. See the American Civil War, as an example.

Of course in human history, there are plenty of cases where humans behaved badly. Awfully, even. See WW II. But even the Nazis had allies. So for me, like in Las Vegas, in the end I give the house, in this case the “good folks”, a slight edge.

The only way to know for sure is for the end of the world to arrive. Despite all the turmoil today, I see that as a very low probability event.
Is that really right? Humans have suffered many catastrophes and yet here we are. See the American Civil War, as an example.

Of course in human history, there are plenty of cases where humans behaved badly. Awfully, even. See WW II. But even the Nazis had allies. So for me, like in Las Vegas, in the end I give the house, in this case the “good folks”, a slight edge.

The only way to know for sure is for the end of the world to arrive. Despite all the turmoil today, I see that as a very low probability event.

The Road is sort of a darker, adult Lord of the Flies. In the end Ralph of LotF was saved by the presence of adults/civilization. Bad people will always be among us. But I think the good folks ultimately win out, as we do now. Maybe I’ve seen too many movies but I prefer this somewhat sunnier disposition to a dark, brooding, woe is humanity mentality.
None of this, zombie or human, good or bad, will matter when the comet hits.:wink2: -- Al
None of this, zombie or human, good or bad, will matter when the comet hits.:wink2: -- Al

Confusing, dull and disjointed second episode of Season 8. The series is on the verge of becoming unwatchable.
Confusing, dull and disjointed second episode of Season 8. The series is on the verge of becoming unwatchable.
Yep. Really having trouble staying engaged this season. Has degenerated into a rather dull action series at this point. Too many moving parts. -- Al
The plot of the show has gotten overly complicated and much too crowded with characters. The writers have lost what made the show interesting, the one on one character interaction in a survival situation. Any war movie or western does armed conflict better than WD does, but WD did excel in making the viewer care about the characters and their stories. All that has somehow gotten lost in these mass battles and endless addition of characters that flit in and out. If such a thing is even possible in a zombie apocalypse, the writers have violated the KISS principle. -- Al
Watching the second episode was like watching the A-team; so much lead flying around by the Priest and Co yet hardly anyone died and since when did corrugated metal sheets stop bullets !!!

TWD (and also GOT) used to have a knack of getting you like a character and then bam they killed them off. Now so many of the characters are permanent fixtures and the suspense has gone.

The problem with this show is how long can you continue to present a show about zombies; it's digressed into showing us all that the real threat is other humans, whether it's within the group or outside of the group.

Ok, we get it.

That said, these last two episodes have been horrible, viewership is down 33% from last year.

I wonder if at some point AMC goes to the producers and says sorry fellas, we're pulling the plug on this, viewership is in the toilet, advertisers don't want to spend a fortune running ads during the show (and is it me or are there 9,000 commercials every episode) and that will be all she wrote whether the story is ready to be finished or not.....................
The NFL sucks, the WD sucks, I'm beginning to question my priorities... -- Al
I’m beginning to think the Walking Dead’s only hope is a massive reboot where most everybody is killed off and a completely new storyline commences with different people. If they don’t and the gang defeats the big bad Saviors, then what? The worst thing that ever happened was when they began to camp out in Alexandria. They should have at least trekked into DC! Basically been a downward trajectory ever since.
I actually enjoy Z-Nation more than TWD. That show takes itself less seriously and has some humor. TWD is stuck on the theme of how civilized people should deal with folks who don't play by the same rules. Do they revert to the same brutal tactics or maintain the facade of civility? Sort of interesting at first but every character on this show has gone through the process. Morgan went from total pacifist to a seek and destroy killing machine. Jesus (creeping up my annoying character skill) is going through the same process. It's now tiresome. Rick, Daryl, and Carol need to break out and get back on the road.
I actually enjoy Z-Nation more than TWD. That show takes itself less seriously and has some humor. TWD is stuck on the theme of how civilized people should deal with folks who don't play by the same rules. Do they revert to the same brutal tactics or maintain the facade of civility? Sort of interesting at first but every character on this show has gone through the process. Morgan went from total pacifist to a seek and destroy killing machine. Jesus (creeping up my annoying character skill) is going through the same process. It's now tiresome. Rick, Daryl, and Carol need to break out and get back on the road.
Excellent idea. Leave Maggie, Carl, the babies and kids behind, and hit the road looking for the CURE. That could work. -- Al
Boring storyline

Ridiculous characters

Bad cinematography

Too many dreams/flashbacks/premonitions

Unrealistic firefights where no-one is hit from a few feet away and there’s often no need to re-load a clip

I came close to not watching this Monday. The past 3-seasons seem to have been the same storyline
It's lost that end of the world feeling where the zombies are a sideshow.

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