Not an awful episode as certain internal conflicts are starting to manifest such as Morgan vs Jesus (kill 'em all faction vs spare them faction) and what could be a similar problem growing between Darryl and Rick. When is someone going to rid the show of that sleeze Gregory? Where is Gabriel? And what's with the traitor Scarface? He could have killed Negan a dozen times over by now. Inquiring minds want to know. -- Al
Not an awful episode as certain internal conflicts are starting to manifest such as Morgan vs Jesus (kill 'em all faction vs spare them faction) and what could be a similar problem growing between Darryl and Rick. When is someone going to rid the show of that sleeze Gregory? Where is Gabriel? And what's with the traitor Scarface? He could have killed Negan a dozen times over by now. Inquiring minds want to know. -- Al

There's definitely been more action but again with the speeches and monologues. It's like a Shakespearean play. They have beat the theme of kill 'em all vs civility to death. Every character has gone through that transition. Sometimes multiple times. Jesus has rocketed up my most annoying character list to the top nosing out the King. Carol has been reduced to listening to the King ramble on and on and occasionally smiling. His group looks like something out of a bad Flash Gordon remake.
There's definitely been more action but again with the speeches and monologues. It's like a Shakespearean play. They have beat the theme of kill 'em all vs civility to death. Every character has gone through that transition. Sometimes multiple times. Jesus has rocketed up my most annoying character list to the top nosing out the King. Carol has been reduced to listening to the King ramble on and on and occasionally smiling. His group looks like something out of a bad Flash Gordon remake.
The writers need to get Carol back in the thick of things. I have been unable to become interested/invested in any of the newer characters since the crew got to Alexandria. Outside of the old crew, Negan is the most interesting addition. This series is just spinning it's wheels right now, not horrible, but not really outstanding either. I suppose any long running series will hit the occasional dry stretch in terms of ideas, as the WD has with it's current running in circles. The core group is where my interest lies. Maybe they can split off and go back on the road in the not too distant future, where the series was truly worth watching. -- Al
This show has turned into a cowboy western of shoot ‘em ups. The writing lacks imagination. Now in the next episode we have the WW II recreation with the machine gun in the tower, etc.
This show has turned into a cowboy western of shoot ‘em ups. The writing lacks imagination. Now in the next episode we have the WW II recreation with the machine gun in the tower, etc.

At least the CGI tiger bit the dust this week. Another speech though. I thought this most recent episode wasn't too bad expect for another extended shootout and a silly chase in which Daryl and Rick manage to knock out a guy with a machine gun using just a pistol. Rick jumping vehicles was old school A-Team material. But still a watchable episode.
At least the CGI tiger bit the dust this week. Another speech though. I thought this most recent episode wasn't too bad expect for another extended shootout and a silly chase in which Daryl and Rick manage to knock out a guy with a machine gun using just a pistol. Rick jumping vehicles was old school A-Team material. But still a watchable episode.
Plus, Rick was lucky he had one of those jeeps that is impervious to .50 cal MG fire. I did like the scene where the Savior that had captured His Majesty revealed his split personality. -- Al
At least the CGI tiger bit the dust this week. Another speech though. I thought this most recent episode wasn't too bad expect for another extended shootout and a silly chase in which Daryl and Rick manage to knock out a guy with a machine gun using just a pistol. Rick jumping vehicles was old school A-Team material. But still a watchable episode.

I felt badly for the poor Tiger, but then again, it bums me out whenever I see some poor deer laying lifeless by the side of the road as I travel back and forth to shows....................
I thought this was the best episode so far as it dealt with the myth of the King and showed him to be a beaten man. The rest of it was ordinary. Im sorry the Tiger is dead. His death was part in parcel of what brought the King down.
I have to be honest I'm struggling with this series thus far. The shoot-out scenes are boarding upon the ridiculous now and can someone please advise the folks producing it that bullets from assault rifles actually do go straight through cars with relative ease, especially at close range.
Last night was the best episode of TWD in a long, long time, IMO. It had suspense, an unexpected development or two, didnt engage in preachy speeches or moralizing too much, and a bit of humor. Boy, that was a long wait.
Found the episode last night perhaps the best so far this season. It was a 'talky' episode compared to the shoot outs, but at least there was some interesting talking going on. -- Al
Phew......thanks fella's, was starting to think it was going all down hill in a blaze of disappointment & frustration.^&grin
Gee, another one of Rick's plans went kablooie. Imagine my surprise. Not the worst mid-season finale and the typical nothing-gets-resolved ending, but I was not surprised by any of it with the exception of the very end. I am getting tired of this Rick vs Negan face-off without end. For 2 guys who want so badly to kill each other, they keep blowing their chances. -- Al
Gee, another one of Rick's plans went kablooie. Imagine my surprise. Not the worst mid-season finale and the typical nothing-gets-resolved ending, but I was not surprised by any of it with the exception of the very end. I am getting tired of this Rick vs Negan face-off without end. For 2 guys who want so badly to kill each other, they keep blowing their chances. -- Al

Yes, a lot of the same themes repeated over and over again. It has the feel of drawing things out as long as possible. I was also confused by a lot of what was going on. The bad guys letting everyone go to fight another day smacks of Dr. Evil. And how does Rick get into Alexandria unnoticed, find Negan, and then get away? A lot of action this season but often unrealistic and pointless.
Yes, a lot of the same themes repeated over and over again. It has the feel of drawing things out as long as possible. I was also confused by a lot of what was going on. The bad guys letting everyone go to fight another day smacks of Dr. Evil. And how does Rick get into Alexandria unnoticed, find Negan, and then get away? A lot of action this season but often unrealistic and pointless.
The finale was very disjointed. Found the sequence with Rick returning to the burning and obviously fallen Alexandria unrealistic as he goes right to his house and starts calling out for Michone and Carl. Silence is golden. I guess it didn't occur to him that someone else could be waiting in the silent darkness. For someone who has lived on the edge for so long, Rick seems lacking in caution.:rolleyes2: -- Al
I realize that Eugene is a complex and confusing individual . . . but I am confused ^&confuse
:smile2: Mike
The finale was very disjointed. Found the sequence with Rick returning to the burning and obviously fallen Alexandria unrealistic as he goes right to his house and starts calling out for Michone and Carl. Silence is golden. I guess it didn't occur to him that someone else could be waiting in the silent darkness. For someone who has lived on the edge for so long, Rick seems lacking in caution.:rolleyes2: -- Al

I might have zoned out but wasn't Rick also in the car with Carol and the big axe guy at one point? Then there is some sort of crash but they all end up separated. I might have missed something there. Carl getting bit was interesting. I wonder how they will manage to keep him on the show?
I might have zoned out but wasn't Rick also in the car with Carol and the big axe guy at one point? Then there is some sort of crash but they all end up separated. I might have missed something there. Carl getting bit was interesting. I wonder how they will manage to keep him on the show?
This post has a *SPOILER ALERT!* -- You didn't miss anything. That was an example of how disjointed the show was. They were all together, then they weren't. No idea what happened. *SPOILER ALERT!* -- Carl is history. According to the talk show, he will be around in the next episode to accomplish some task or another, but the writer said the bite was 'a one-way ticket' and there was no coming back from it. The only way to keep him at this point wpuld be to pull off a massive cheat ala Glen under the dumpster, by making Carl the first human immune to the bite. Such a cheat would finish me watching, and probably a lot others too. -- Al
I might have zoned out but wasn't Rick also in the car with Carol and the big axe guy at one point? Then there is some sort of crash but they all end up separated. I might have missed something there. Carl getting bit was interesting. I wonder how they will manage to keep him on the show?

I thought the same thing and thought that I must of blinked and missed how Rick got out of the car . . . .
:smile2: Mike
On Talking Dead Scott Gimple said that Carl had gotten bit on a previous episode and was surprised that no one seems to notice this.Did anybody notice this and what episode was it ?

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