Walking Dead (WARNING MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS) (10 Viewers)

We are within shouting distance of the new season starting Sunday, Oct. 22. -- Al
Pretty decent episode but this has all become a bit tedious. Why wasn't one of Rick's best shots on hand to drill Negan while they were talking out in the open before all the shooting started outside Sanctuary? I mean, Negan was right out in the open, BANG, problem solved. And by tedious, I mean that I kept waiting for the sky to fall in on Rick and gang, just like it always does, and I'm sure, will again. I'd really like to see the group get back to surviving against the thousands of zombies, maybe working on a cure for the virus, or maybe just hitting the road again for fun and adventure. A little tired of the continuing civil wars, although I would like to see Rick take care of the Junk Yard Dogs that betrayed him. -- Al
Where was all of Negan's people? I only saw him and some of his leaders.
Where was all of Negan's people? I only saw him and some of his leaders.
The missing followers is the exact reason I kept waiting for disaster to strike Rick and gang. Good question, where were all of Negan's people, who he had just told that they were all going to war? They have to be somewhere. Could be they are out getting ready to hit Alexandria and Hilltop while Rick is busy elsewhere. It would fit with Negan's threat that Rick had no idea what was about to hit him. -- Al
I think the general idea was that they were taken out, especially at their HQ. Based on previous storylines, you expected something bad to happen to them.

I’m not sure what to make to the few moments showing him as an older man. Is it a dream or a daydream?
I think the general idea was that they were taken out, especially at their HQ. Based on previous storylines, you expected something bad to happen to them.

I’m not sure what to make to the few moments showing him as an older man. Is it a dream or a daydream?

Clearly, Ricks attack went off way too smoothly. Something is amiss.

Few things I noticed:

They never showed anyone inside the Building being injured or killed. Highly suspicious.
Dwight’s message arrow back to Daryl was left unseen by the audience. At some point he has to add value to Ricks team or why have him?
What was the significance of Carl giving food to the homeless Muslim guy? Their will be a positive outcome from that bit of charity I suspect.
Machone and Carl’s talk of playing defense suggests they are expecting an attack from Negans crew before Rick an company return.
If things went all that smoothly, there wouldn’t be a show, would there?
If things went all that smoothly, there wouldn’t be a show, would there?
So true. Anyway, things going smoothly and zombie apocalypse just don't seem to work together very well. Then, throw in the occasional leader with delusions of grandeur and there goes the neighborhood. -- Al
Pretty decent episode but this has all become a bit tedious. Why wasn't one of Rick's best shots on hand to drill Negan while they were talking out in the open before all the shooting started outside Sanctuary? I mean, Negan was right out in the open, BANG, problem solved. And by tedious, I mean that I kept waiting for the sky to fall in on Rick and gang, just like it always does, and I'm sure, will again. I'd really like to see the group get back to surviving against the thousands of zombies, maybe working on a cure for the virus, or maybe just hitting the road again for fun and adventure. A little tired of the continuing civil wars, although I would like to see Rick take care of the Junk Yard Dogs that betrayed him. -- Al

It seems like one of the few advantages of living in the post-Zombie apocalypse is that you wouldn't have to listen to a lot of speeches. No such luck! Rick and Maggie kept droning on and on. If only Glen could come back from the dead. He was king of the pep talk lecture. Annoying. I also couldn't follow a lot of what was happening. It kept jumping around. Negan must have had some of the dumbest scouts in history. Didn't they ever check in instead of getting slaughtered one by one without anyone noticing? Some good action though. It's too bad Rick isn't as good a shot as Daryl who was hitting bullseyes while driving his motorcycle. Rick's group really hated those windows in Negan's buildings. They shot all of them out for some unknown reason. The plan to drive a herd of zombies across town to kill your enemies seemed overly complicated when all you had to do is mow them down while they stood a few fight away chatting with no guns drawn and your side was armed to the teeth with automatic weapons.
It seems like one of the few advantages of living in the post-Zombie apocalypse is that you wouldn't have to listen to a lot of speeches. No such luck! Rick and Maggie kept droning on and on. If only Glen could come back from the dead. He was king of the pep talk lecture. Annoying. I also couldn't follow a lot of what was happening. It kept jumping around. Negan must have had some of the dumbest scouts in history. Didn't they ever check in instead of getting slaughtered one by one without anyone noticing? Some good action though. It's too bad Rick isn't as good a shot as Daryl who was hitting bullseyes while driving his motorcycle. Rick's group really hated those windows in Negan's buildings. They shot all of them out for some unknown reason. The plan to drive a herd of zombies across town to kill your enemies seemed overly complicated when all you had to do is mow them down while they stood a few fight away chatting with no guns drawn and your side was armed to the teeth with automatic weapons.
Yep. I am also impressed by the seemingly unending supply of modern weaponry and bottomless amount of ammo so far into the apocalypse, though perhaps this isn't as far-fetched as I think, given the NRA's political clout. -- Al
Yep. I am also impressed by the seemingly unending supply of modern weaponry and bottomless amount of ammo so far into the apocalypse, though perhaps this isn't as far-fetched as I think, given the NRA's political clout. -- Al

. . . . and lets not overlook the endless supply of gasoline that seems to be available . . . . even gas gets old and stale after awhile . . . .
:smile2: Mike
. . . . and lets not overlook the endless supply of gasoline that seems to be available . . . . even gas gets old and stale after awhile . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Good point and along those lines, how about the many cars that seem able to fire right up whenever needed, regardless of where found. I guess batteries never die in Zombieworld. I suppose some suspension of belief must be allowed, some artistic allowance involved, after all, we are dealing with zombies. One other thing I have always wondered about, the smell. This must be a world of unendingly bad odor. How could it be otherwise with millions of unburied bodies, not to mention the zombies wandering around, whom obviously have other priorities beyond keeping clean and B.O. free. :rolleyes2: -- Al
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The two most annoying characters are now Maggie and King Ezekiel. The latter of whom strikes me more as a bad character actor from Flash Gordon than the reality based TWD.
It seems like one of the few advantages of living in the post-Zombie apocalypse is that you wouldn't have to listen to a lot of speeches. No such luck! Rick and Maggie kept droning on and on. If only Glen could come back from the dead. He was king of the pep talk lecture. Annoying. I also couldn't follow a lot of what was happening. It kept jumping around. Negan must have had some of the dumbest scouts in history. Didn't they ever check in instead of getting slaughtered one by one without anyone noticing? Some good action though. It's too bad Rick isn't as good a shot as Daryl who was hitting bullseyes while driving his motorcycle. Rick's group really hated those windows in Negan's buildings. They shot all of them out for some unknown reason. The plan to drive a herd of zombies across town to kill your enemies seemed overly complicated when all you had to do is mow them down while they stood a few fight away chatting with no guns drawn and your side was armed to the teeth with automatic weapons.

That episode was idiotic on so many levels I lost count.

Nice summary of the nonsense; he's yammering away with a **** ton of automatic weapons pointed at him, Rick counts down from 10, opens fire at 7 and no one is hit.

Then what looks like the entire population of Alexandria is there, so no concerns about your home base being whacked.

Not to mention picking off the look outs one by one with such ease, guess they weren't very good look outs after all.

Further words fail me.
That episode was idiotic on so many levels I lost count.

Nice summary of the nonsense; he's yammering away with a **** ton of automatic weapons pointed at him, Rick counts down from 10, opens fire at 7 and no one is hit.

Then what looks like the entire population of Alexandria is there, so no concerns about your home base being whacked.

Not to mention picking off the look outs one by one with such ease, guess they weren't very good look outs after all.

Further words fail me.
One wonders whether or not word of the many holes in the season premier plot might have been leaked before the show. Report that the viewership for the episode was 11.7 mil, down from 17 mil for last season's premier. That's a lot of lost viewers. -- Al
Good point and along those lines, how about the many cars that seem able to fire right up whenever needed, regardless of where found. I guess batteries never die in Zombieworld. I suppose some suspension of belief must be allowed, some artistic allowance involved, after all, we are dealing with zombies. One other thing I have always wondered about, the smell. This must be a world of unendingly bad odor. How could it be otherwise with millions of unburied bodies, not to mention the zombies wandering around, whom obviously have other priorities beyond keeping clean and B.O. free. :rolleyes2: -- Al

I think these valid complaints are a result of an endemic problem: maintaining a sense of reality in a long running series that is based on pure make believe. A zombie infused world is “believable” for only a limited time period. After that it becomes farce. A dystopian future, zombies or not, would probably look more like The Road than TWD. And The Road was just **** depressing.

In a real zombie world, people would spend most of their time preparing for long cold winters, ensuring zombie defense, medical care and other basic needs. Planting, tending, harvesting, storing and trading zucchini et al would be the norm, but that is hardly hit show material.

I still marvel at the many characters who’ve remained quite plump and well fed in what must be a calorie lean world. I’d expect most of the “good” processed foods would be long gone. As sugary snacks would probably still be edible, everybody would be in dire need of a visit to the dermatologist.
I think these valid complaints are a result of an endemic problem: maintaining a sense of reality in a long running series that is based on pure make believe. A zombie infused world is “believable” for only a limited time period. After that it becomes farce. A dystopian future, zombies or not, would probably look more like The Road than TWD. And The Road was just **** depressing.

In a real zombie world, people would spend most of their time preparing for long cold winters, ensuring zombie defense, medical care and other basic needs. Planting, tending, harvesting, storing and trading zucchini et al would be the norm, but that is hardly hit show material.

I still marvel at the many characters who’ve remained quite plump and well fed in what must be a calorie lean world. I’d expect most of the “good” processed foods would be long gone. As sugary snacks would probably still be edible, everybody would be in dire need of a visit to the dermatologist.
I found 'The Road' to be the most realistically depressing movie about the end of the world that I have ever seen. Everything about it is brilliant from an 'end of the world' aspect. Even the low light that the movie was shot in added to the whole depressing setting, before even mentioning the daily struggle to simply survive. It is a movie that should not be missed if 'the end of the world' holds any interest. Much better than zombies. -- Al
I watched "The Road" once and could not watch it again.It is that good.

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