What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ? (3 Viewers)

Great paint-work there, CNQ. Very subtle and very sophisticated.:cool:


Thank you Moe. The wife likes this model too. It reminds us of the time we visited Kennedy Space Centre 5 years ago.
CnQ, That is an impressive Apollo model. Very nice :salute::


Thanks. I promise this is the last pic of it with my 1/6 scale astronaut ^&grin

Agreed - the "Herc" is a surprisingly good looking aircraft - BUT what nobody tells you is just how NOISY it is - especially on a long flight. My fist time in one, I flew from Southern UK to Cyprus - and was deafened for about two days afterwards. Nobody warned me about using ear defenders!!!:D jb

Yeah, after a few thousand hrs logged, my hearing is shot. Driving my wife nuts. :redface2: Should get some hearing aids, but too many TS to buy first. :wink2: Chris
This set wasn't actually 'acquired' in the last 2 weeks, but I painted then over the past few weeks :)


Its the Baron Percy Wurst with drivers and medical riders with was sold as castings by French maker Miniatures Historiques de Soldats de Plomb (MHSP)

Bought on EBay (France I think) with some of the figures being originals from the 1970's and some reproductions released by Atlas about 10 years ago.

Nice set ???

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Yeah, after a few thousand hrs logged, my hearing is shot. Driving my wife nuts. :redface2: Should get some hearing aids, but too many TS to buy first. :wink2: Chris
Chris, that's the same problem I have after 20+ years of air horns and sirens; drives my wife nuts, me, not so much.:wink2: -- Al
This set wasn't actually 'acquired' in the last 2 weeks, but I painted then over the past few weeks :)

View attachment 179546

Its the Baron Percy Wurst with drivers and medical riders with was sold as castings by French maker Miniatures Historiques de Soldats de Plomb (MHSP)

Bought on EBay (France I think) with some of the figures being originals from the 1970's and some reproductions released by Atlas about 10 years ago.

Nice set ???


Having seen this one evolve it has turned out brilliant mate.
Bought the new Market Garden releases from King and Country HK.

6 piece house from JG Miniatures.

King and country Garage, RAF radioman, new man with dog and sitting fields of battle tommies.

Well, last Sunday night I got back from a long weekend at the wonderful Chicago Show.
Spent a few days there, enjoyed seeing a whole lot of Toy Soldiers, but even more meeting with friends that I made throughout several years, and who share the same hobby, enthusiasm with me :smile2:
Of course, a few new troops found there way to my home and I want to share them here.

Upon arriving on Thursday around noon, my first purchase was the "Three Musketeers & D'Artagnan" by King & Country.
I waited for a set like this for a long time and am surely not disappointed.

Here they are "One for All, All for One" ^&grin


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Next on my list were a few sets from the Napoleonic "French Hussars at Camp" by King & Country.
I enjoy non-combat scenes and it seems that more and more mfrs. are going that way, to display soldiers and troops while on campaign but not actually fighting.

Here's the group I brought home from the Chicago Show.


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Then I thought of three lonely First Legion Minutemen I had at home in my cabinet, and was looking to find some company for them.
Had success at two different dealers and here's what I bought.
I particularly was happy to get the Flag Bearer, as it seems to be sold out at the mfr. and most dealers.


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Later on during the weekend, I decided to get two more fellows for my Pike and Musket group, and they are PnM025 Prince Rupert of the Rhine and PnM028 The Laughing Cavalier.
Here they are shown together.
I really like the Pike & Musket line.


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I also decided to make one major purchase, and my choice went to First Legion and their Seven Years War line.
It was the charge of the Prussian 3rd Cuirassier Regiment that I decided to get, and also General Friedrich Wilhem von Seydlitz.

I bought all nine figures, but took home only two. The rest will be shipped to me soon.

Here is the Officer and the Trumpeter of the Prussian 3rd Cuirassiers, and I can't wait to see the remaining troops join them :smile2:


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And last but not least, on Saturday afternoon, while having another stroll through all the rooms, I found the old "table and chairs" set from King & Country.
George "Warrior" had that in his room since Thursday, and I must have looked at it numerous times.
It just didn't "click" until Saturday :redface2: ^&grin
Well, now I got it, and am able to display the old set of seated French Soldiers, which I found earlier this year in the Treefrog Consignment Store.
They will go very well with the new "Hussars in Camp".

Cheers, and Happy Collecting!



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Good to see you back in the swing of things Konrad.Glad you had a great time my friend.All the best.

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