What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ? (4 Viewers)

Happy that a most waited for lot of WW1 Allied troops has just arrived from down under.....Again thanks to John´s most capable hands....We were able to convert some hard to find one off ( in most cases ) sets .... then lost in history, into some great sets now to become part of the WW1 Series....When I first came across these sets from a fellow in Denmank .....{sm4} they were left idel in his attic for a great part of 20 years......After some conversation and vodka rounds....the sets in kit format made their way to Australia first for mustering and then to the tropics for final presentation and billiting.


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:salute:::salute::Happy that a most waited for lot of WW1 Allied troops has just arrived from down under.....Again thanks to John´s most capable hands....We were able to convert some hard to find one off ( in most cases ) sets .... then lost in history, into some great sets now to become part of the WW1 Series....When I first came across these sets from a fellow in Denmank .....{sm4} they were left idel in his attic for a great part of 20 years......After some conversation and vodka rounds....the sets in kit format made their way to Australia first for mustering and then to the tropics for final presentation and billiting.


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:cool::cool:Happy that a most waited for lot of WW1 Allied troops has just arrived from down under.....Again thanks to John´s most capable hands....We were able to convert some hard to find one off ( in most cases ) sets .... then lost in history, into some great sets now to become part of the WW1 Series....When I first came across these sets from a fellow in Denmank .....{sm4} they were left idel in his attic for a great part of 20 years......After some conversation and vodka rounds....the sets in kit format made their way to Australia first for mustering and then to the tropics for final presentation and billiting.


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Just picked this up,Carignan-Salieres Regiment 1665-1669.John Jenkins.

:cool::cool:Happy that a most waited for lot of WW1 Allied troops has just arrived from down under.....Again thanks to John´s most capable hands....We were able to convert some hard to find one off ( in most cases ) sets .... then lost in history, into some great sets now to become part of the WW1 Series....When I first came across these sets from a fellow in Denmank .....{sm4} they were left idel in his attic for a great part of 20 years......After some conversation and vodka rounds....the sets in kit format made their way to Australia first for mustering and then to the tropics for final presentation and billiting.

Those are just lovely, Luiz, some of the nicest glossy figures I've ever seen.^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool

Those are just lovely, Luiz, some of the nicest glossy figures I've ever seen.^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool[/QUOTE]

Had a beer with the painter yesterday and saw some more figures on the production line, always a pleasure going to John's for a visit.
Hi Wayne,
Thanks for the note....
You are really lucky to live down the road from John.....That means you can check out on all the great stuff he is upto.....^&grin^&grin^&grin
Yes, he is coming up with some great one of´s......and I am looking forward to seeing them...we have extensivley spoken of them over the months and now they are nearly ready...Amazing that we were able to reproduce some time pictures in miniature formats....but that is enough for spoilers otherwise manufacturers will pick up the wind and come up with copies...hahahaa{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}
A few more group pics of the sets...to come.

Those are just lovely, Luiz, some of the nicest glossy figures I've ever seen.^&cool^l

Had a beer with the painter yesterday and saw some more figures on the production line, always a pleasure going to John's for a visit.[/QUOTE]


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Hi Wayne,
Thanks for the note....
You are really lucky to live down the road from John.....That means you can check out on all the great stuff he is upto.....^&grin^&grin^&grin
Yes, he is coming up with some great one of´s......and I am looking forward to seeing them...we have extensivley spoken of them over the months and now they are nearly ready...Amazing that we were able to reproduce some time pictures in miniature formats....but that is enough for spoilers otherwise manufacturers will pick up the wind and come up with copies...hahahaa{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}
A few more group pics of the sets...to come.

Had a beer with the painter yesterday and saw some more figures on the production line, always a pleasure going to John's for a visit.

Always be one offs as John painted them
Thanks Louis,

John is always ready to bring to life some of the most interesting kits or revive some old set, battered by the years and forgotten in some corner, that I can dig out from old attics and reproduce them in miniature period sets.....that makes the collecting even more fun for you know you will end up with a one of sample.....that in a dio will sure to stand off....
Some times I come across sets that have had their days of glory but due to twists of time were lost and forgotten for years....as I send them to John I am always wondering if they can be brought back to life....And I am always happily surprised that they are given a new spell of life.......

Those are just lovely, Luiz, some of the nicest glossy figures I've ever seen.^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool[/QUOTE]
Just filling in some pieces have wanted for a while.

Eclectic mix.

A little of old and new.


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I have just ordered an Italeri Operation Cobra Battle set.
It contains figures, vehicles and diorama accessories.
Assembling and Painting will be a fun project.
Just received my first ever Frontline ACW figures, a command set and standard bearer set for the 5th NY. I took a flyer because I like the uniform but have never bought Frontline matte simply because ACW matte was a secondary collecting interest. I took a shot because of the price, less than half current matte prices in general per figure, and I have to say, these are outstanding figures, extremely well painted and detailed. The flag bearer set is of year 1999 make, while the command set is from 2004. I am really sorry I hadn't seen fit to delve into Frontline earlier (other than some of their superb gloss Light Brigade figure). I believe I will be adding to these bargain priced figures in the near future. -- Al
Also got a 'deal o' the century' when I lucked into a Hobby Master 1/32 SBD Dauntless off the Lady Lex (yellow wings, don't you know). Lets just say it would have been a good deal at twice what I payed. Thrilled to death with it as it is my first 1/32 HB model. A real beauty. -- Al
Bought some kits,first time in a while but these caught my fancy.They are 54mm/60mm.

1.17th cen. Huron It is out to the painter now.Want it as a companion piece to my JDD Carignan-Salieres soldier.
2.Ottawa raider jumping fence to attack
3.Superb FFL vignette
4.Beau Geste.old Andrea kit.Sure looks like Gary Cooper.^&grin
5.Spanish soldiers in Philippines 1896

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Keeping up with the idea of divising sets that are not the standard items we can acquire over the counter and or acquire but then proceed into adapting them to either some new pose that better fits my collection and or dioramas, one year ago I came across some great German WW1 period pictures that I said to myself, why not try to divise a set that could come as close as possible off these period pictures and at the sametime be a one of item....Well having that in mind I started researching the source of the sets that could be used for that purpose and was lucky enough to have come across with just the right raw material that could be turned into my representation of that specific picture and ship it all to Obee so that he could them through in his endeless expertise and make the whole thing happen.....:D:D:cool:
Well the outcome, could not be more impressive and I will post the period picture or drawing and the actual set Obee was able to build up with the matériel, I sent over to him....Great Work! Leaves me to think that the big guys all pretty much into WW1 ( K&C, WBritains, JJenkins Designs and Thomas Gunn ) could pick up from these samples and come up with their own versions, even with more details and or options, hence giving us collectors additional options to increase our own collections...What I have been seeing lately is that JJD has come with some WW1 sets but very few times they are in action poses, and then T Gunn has come with some also, as matter of fact we must have been on the same wave length at least on one set....The AA machinegun and its garrison....This month he is releasing his static AA Machinegun position with one sentry on the look out....On the other hand I came up with a sample of WW1 AA Maxim Machinegun and garrison, but demonstrating the multi use of the standard gun sled/Support, that the troops using an AA adaptor could covert on the filed the gun to an AA role and therefore provide on the run AA suppressing fire as the troops move on the battlefiled.....This I did to show the added functionality that the German Quartermaster requested and had built into the gun strucutre/sled, which explains in part the reason why the gun was way heavier than its British cousin....For sure there are more reasons along with the size and other functionalities of the sled as well as the size of the actual gun that did not suffer the reengineering that the same gun received in the British Armoury so as to make it lighter and using a tripod......:salute:::salute:::salute:: The list of differences is huge and we could take hours discussing them...some day I may place one next to the other and list them...Also as part of the recent troop deployment that has just arrived from Down Under we have a saloon car converted for AA role ( just as the period picture...this one Obee did miracles to come as close to the actual thing as it was possible with the resources we had at hand...Hint the big guys come come up with something like that...K&C would be the fastest to get one of their own as they already have the saloon car......Then we have sundry stormtroopers as they would look as the troops were advancing during the St Michael offensive on the Western Front..and also the standard communications teams and officers conferencing over maps of the battlefield....
Hope you enjoy the pictures as Obee and I in divising the sets...
Luiz aka Artillery Crazymini_IMG_8674.jpgIMG_9666.JPGaacar1 (002).jpg41215772_2165758713454718_7934079810156888064_o (1).jpg10624811_914403468592045_632374797544172838_n (2) (002).jpg
Keeping up with the idea of divising sets that are not the standard items we can acquire over the counter and or acquire but then proceed into adapting them to either some new pose that better fits my collection and or dioramas, one year ago I came across some great German WW1 period pictures that I said to myself, why not try to divise a set that could come as close as possible off these period pictures and at the sametime be a one of item....Well having that in mind I started researching the source of the sets that could be used for that purpose and was lucky enough to have come across with just the right raw material that could be turned into my representation of that specific picture and ship it all to Obee so that he could them through in his endeless expertise. As part of the recent troop deployment that has just arrived from Down Under we have a saloon car converted for AA role ( just as the period picture...this one Obee did miracles to come as close to the actual thing as it was possible with the resources we had at hand) ..Hint the big guys come come up with something like that...K&C would be the fastest to get one of their own as they already have the saloon car......Then we have sundry stormtroopers as they would look as the troops were advancing during the St Michael offensive on the Western Front..and also the standard communications teams and officers conferencing over maps of the battlefield....
Hope you enjoy the pictures as Obee and I in divising the sets...
Cheers Luiz aka Artilelry_Crazy


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