What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ? (10 Viewers)

Last buy this Jul 13, 2020 5 Labayen old production...

Nice catch!

I have a couple Labayen kits in my stash, awaiting finishing. It's the Prussian SYW hussar figure, I think it depicts the Belling regiment. Nicely quality, very good sculpts.

Over the years, I have managed to obtain every papier mache structure King & Country produced from when they opened shop until they switched to polystone circa 2000, except for one: the Streets of Hong Kong Walled Garden. Last night, I was telling my son Alec, who asked me why we didn't have every one of the buildings, about the one time I saw one for sale, during room trading at the OTSN, when as I was about to say "I'll take it" my wonderful friend, the late Larry Lo, told the seller, Chris (the gentleman who assists Andy Neilson at the shows, and makes the "Sand Pebble" steam boats), that he wanted everything Chris had. You snooze you lose! {sm4} My son asked if I was angry at Larry, and I told him not chance, we were great friends, and Larry had always been very generous with me. After I told him the story, I did something I haven't done for years, look for the Walled Garden on ebay. There it was, with an affordable buy-it now. I snagged it, thinking, "thanks for the heads-up, Larry!" as I did so. Call me superstitious, but for me to discuss the story of how Larry beat me to the draw on the one Walled Garden I had ever seen for sale the night it popped up on ebay is more than a coincidence. Larry was looking out for me.:salute::


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Got lucky and picked up a set off my dwindling Trophy WWI want list: GW18, German Attack on the Western Front:


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I also picked up SP19, one of the Trophy diorama pieces recommended for use with their WWI figures in the catalogue:


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I have wanted the Honor Bound winter kitchen set for years.. (I'm a sucker for a set with a dog) One came up Ebay new in box.
The horses came a little damaged but I added a touch of glue and it seems fine..What a wonderful piece.

Now if I can get hold of K&C chariot and 1 more Manes Marzano Retreat Russia set..... I added some older K&C Egyptians sets as well last week.


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I have wanted the Honor Bound winter kitchen set for years.. (I'm a sucker for a set with a dog) One came up Ebay new in box.
The horses came a little damaged but I added a touch of glue and it seems fine..What a wonderful piece.

Now if I can get hold of K&C chariot and 1 more Manes Marzano Retreat Russia set..... I added some older K&C Egyptians sets as well last week.

That HB set looks really nice. I didn't know it came with a dog- very cool!
I'm looking for a Manes Marzano Retreat from Russia set too...the one with the damaged cannon.
That HB set looks really nice. I didn't know it came with a dog- very cool!
I'm looking for a Manes Marzano Retreat from Russia set too...the one with the damaged cannon.

That is the set number 05.. and a terrible set to own. I hear it brings bad luck upon your house, plagues, your livestock will perish, etc, etc. You should abandon all plans for it if it were to come up for auction:) It also happens to be the last set I need.

The HB set is something Joe. I've always admired Louis set when it shows up in his pics.
Added one more of the Trophy WWI Western Front sets I am after:


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Over the past couple of months I have got some ebay purchases in from the UK, and now have painted the castings ......

Tradition of London - Belgian Jager Hornist and Officer c 1815

Lasset - French Hussars painted as 7th bis Regiment in Egypt c1800

I'm also working on some Prussians c1815 by Tradition and Alexanders Toy Soldiers, so watch this thread for more.

My first TS purchase in months and first aircraft purchase in even longer, gotten off E-bay at a tremendous price, is JJD SOV-05 (S), the Soviet Air Force Polikarpov I-16 based out of Murmansk in 1941. I have always wanted this aircraft as I love the color combinations and I am fond of the aircraft. It pairs with my other JJD I-16, the Tinker Spanish Civil War version, although I do think the Soviet version more attractive. I doubt it will happen, but I would buy a third version if John would do the I-16 in Chinese Air Force colors. -- Al
I just obtained one of the last four Trophy WWI vehicles on my want list: the British WWI Staff Car:


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One of my fellow collectors herein Perth was wanting to sell some Napoleonic Stadden figures so brought them along to our local collectors 'Gathering' last weekend.

From the batch these are what I got, ...... and as you can see I have been busy this week painting 2 of the figures, a Chasseur à Pied de la Garde in campaign clothing and Mameluke of the Imperial Guard holding an Austrian Grenadier hat probably after the battle.


The others are (Top Row) 3 x Lancers and 2 x Marines, French grenadier c 1780, Chasseur, Mameluke, 4 x Dragoons.
Keep a lookout for a painting threads as I will keep on posting images as they are completed.

One of my fellow collectors herein Perth was wanting to sell some Napoleonic Stadden figures so brought them along to our local collectors 'Gathering' last weekend.

From the batch these are what I got, ...... and as you can see I have been busy this week painting 2 of the figures, a Chasseur à Pied de la Garde in campaign clothing and Mameluke of the Imperial Guard holding an Austrian Grenadier hat probably after the battle.

View attachment 265263

The others are (Top Row) 3 x Lancers and 2 x Marines, French grenadier c 1780, Chasseur, Mameluke, 4 x Dragoons.
Keep a lookout for a painting threads as I will keep on posting images as they are completed.


Very nice. And no black lines{sm4}
Very nice. And no black lines{sm4}

Here's a closeup of the fist two painted, and I never paint black lines on my figures, unless it is part of the uniform, like on the Mameluke's coat or on tartans :)


More to come later this month, I hope ??

My Lock-down 2020 Additions and Adjustments 1 Pfalz DIIa

Having been 'furlowed' for 3 months I had the time to make a number of additions to my collection, two new planes, two new Saxon aces and two repaints. Finally I have the opportunity to post these on the forum

I decided to modifiy the Pfalz DIIIa that originally appeared in the Heco thread post 1292 by removing the joint between the nose, lower wing and rear fuselage the result I think looks more like the sleek Pfalz DIIIa that is my favourite WWI plane. Unfortunately, in order to get both Mahn and Pech in my collection I had to repaint the DIIIa in the markings of Herbert Mahn of Jasta 72 - now to get another Heco Pfalz to modify to a DIII for Karl Pech. I think my figure of Mahn based on a Jasta 72 group picture is one of my most accurate.

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I have been introduced to Stadden at a very late time in the collecting world....too bad for me! Charles was no longer trading and I had to work through the fairs and friends to retain sets...To make things worse got bit by the Sudan/Boer War , WW1 and Zulu War periods......Bug
What amazes me is the range of armies Charles was involved in and the accuracy and details he would take the extreme care to add to every set....Each Regiment, Battalion has its peculiar details added to the last button...You can pick a set up and go to the reference books and they are an exact copy......
Especially the Napoleonic ones with all these incredible details....
His sets are a water mark in the hobby.....the amount of sets that used to pop up at e-bay or via friends and contacts are gradually becoming less and less available so I am very happy for you John for having picked up such an interesting selection of Napoleonic troops.....
I would risk saying that the modern manufacturers will never come close to what Charles did at his time, nor in range nor level of detail.....
My introduction to Stadden made a great change in my collecting....I started considering his sets as professional and the Trophy of Wales, Little Legion and the like ....toy soldiers...where they are nice and colourful...but lack the prestine attention to period gear, scale and uniform accuracy.....
Look froward to seeing the next sets from this last acquisition of yours gain a lick of paint and come to a colourful life....

One of my fellow collectors herein Perth was wanting to sell some Napoleonic Stadden figures so brought them along to our local collectors 'Gathering' last weekend.

From the batch these are what I got, ...... and as you can see I have been busy this week painting 2 of the figures, a Chasseur à Pied de la Garde in campaign clothing and Mameluke of the Imperial Guard holding an Austrian Grenadier hat probably after the battle.

View attachment 265263

The others are (Top Row) 3 x Lancers and 2 x Marines, French grenadier c 1780, Chasseur, Mameluke, 4 x Dragoons.
Keep a lookout for a painting threads as I will keep on posting images as they are completed.


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