What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ? (3 Viewers)

Wooden WW1 DH4 bomber that I commissioned from My Mahogany Models. It is 1/30 scale and will hold 2 1/2 pilots being made for me by Capt. Kronos. It is the best detailed of the models I have ordered in the past..Michael


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I had the great pleasure today, after getting home from work, to find a package sitting on the front porch ^&grin
It was a box containing seven mounted First Legion figures.

I bought the complete set of the Seven Years War Prussian 3rd Cuirassiers, including General Friedrich Wilhelm von Seydlitz at the recent Chicago Show in September.
Two figures, the Officer and the Bugler, I took home right away, but the rest of the charge I had to have shipped to me.

Well, here they are now, the remaining seven, and what a treat of wonderful Toy Soldiers they are :smile2:
Anyone thinking about these, if you want a great looking Cavalry charge, go for it, you won't be disappointed :wink2:

Happy Collecting!



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Can anyone give me ANY information on these paper toy soldiers we just recently found??...

Here is the background...
We have a refurbished Kimball baby grande piano that was originally built in 1896. My son Lucas was playing with a bouncy ball. It bounced under the piano and disappears. He started looking underneath the piano and found a "secret spot" to hide things. He put his hand in this area (in the front leg of the piano) and pulled out these cardboard paper toy soldiers. Unfortunately, since he didn't know what he was grabbing he ripped one of them when pulling them out.
Can anyone tell me are these American Soldiers?? Can you tell from their "decorations" if they are pre WWII?? Year?? Did anyone have something like this when they were young? There is nothing indicating on the soldier that there was a stand for these soldiers to sit on (no slit on the base of the paper). They stand at about 2 inches tall (maybe a bit taller but not much).
Lucas was SO excited to find these rare objects. We are trying to "research" to find out more about them. smile emoticon
Paper Soldiers.jpg
I try always to come up with something new and out of the mainstream ..... "that is away from the mass manufacturers from mainland China" .....and at the sametime support the small businesses...So with Obee´s help, a lot of historical data digging and photo scanning...I was able to start putting together a nice Jäger ( English version Jaeger ) battalion....:salute::
The initial troops coming from down under comprises of a mortar section ( a nice mittlere Minenwerfer 76mm )...these mortars could fire in a high angle mode as well as a low angle flat trajectory mode (in both instances with the trail stuck on for better stabilization). Adding to that a section of smart Jäger infantry section ready for inspection on parade ground, and finally a heavy machinegun section ( partially set up...still missing the ammo carriers ).

Note: A nice aspect to point out usually missed, in the detailing of many when considering a Jäger soldier in marching order with his back pack on is that these back packs were very interesting, unike to them, and not replicated by any other German troop in WW1.....:cool: the flap at the back of the pack was made out of a badger head!{eek3}:smile2: See pictures for details. Detail missed by all that have launched a Jäger troop to this date.....^&grin
To achive these sets, I have spent over a year collecting ideal WW1 German soldiers from several manufacturers ( some still trading - scale link and others that no longer trading ).Having harvested the sets, they were then sent down under and placed in the production plans.
Hence, there is more to come....once the prposed sets are completed I will have a crack forward troop batallion to crash against my Tommy troops......

" The Jäger battalions represented only a small proportion of the Imperial German Army, the Jäger ( hunters ) nevertheless carried a prestige far transcending their actual number. Basically of light infantry character and of an independent and largely volunter nature, they represented an élite image such as the modern paratrooper bears in relation to the orthodox infantry.
Specialising in difficult terrain, often well in advance of the main body, the Jäger excelled in a skirmishing capacity, operating on a more roving and independent basis than the conventional infantryman, and combining all the attributes of the hunter with that close affinity with nature that only the professional foresters acquires.
Unike in many ways, the Jäger called his rifle a Büchse ( carbine ) rather than a Gewehr ( rifle ), his bayonet he termed Hirschfänger ( Hunting Knife ) and he carried instead of the conventional infantry pack a Dachs or badger.....In the early stages of the war the Jäger maintained their traditional advanced scouting tactics, often in close co-operation with the cavalry, inflicting ' bee stings ' rather than engaging in heavy pitched battle, but with the stagnation of trench warfare they became increasingly committed as normal infantry with most of more mobile troops transferred to the Balkans or Eastern areas where there was more space to maneuver and maintain a fluid war..." ( H.Kinna and D.A.Moss in Jäger & Schützen Dress and Distinctions 1910-1914 )......IMG_3921 (3).jpgIMG_3920.JPGIMG_3919.JPGIMG_3918.JPG
I finished painting these 30mm Flat castings yesterday - so I think they qualify for the two-week criterion.

They represent two French Napoleonic gards Artillery teams - at the gallop - heading into action against one of the old foe. One team tows the Cannon, whilst the other has the Ammunition Caisson in tow. Towards the rear, you may be able to make out a Guards Artillery Officer ( Colpack headgear) - and two mounted NCO's. The postillion riders are from the Guards Artillery Train, and wear their distinctive paler blue uniforms

The manufacturer is B&S Zinnfiguren of Leipzig, Germany - and I've painted them, somewhat differently to most Flats these days, in Humbrol Gloss. johnnybach.

A few pics for scale:

View attachment 181385

View attachment 181386

Arithmetic suggests that the model ought to be a little under six inches long and three inches wide.

Finally, there's Sir Leapsalott, Bonzo's CO:

View attachment 181387

The only thing that holds the TC in place is a crease in the figure's behind. Tank riders are one thing; tank floaters are another. Still, the figure is a nice addition to the set. The antenna is my creation, BTW. It's made out of nylon-coated fishing leader and will take a lot of abuse. There's nothing wrong with the KC version. I simply don't want to lose or damage it.

Just returned from a trip to France, and came back with a handful of figures on French themes (all Mignot, except the last):

A few WW1 troops and a Marne Taxi

The Marquis de Lafayette

A Napoleonic Imperial Guardman

And a few that my wife liked that were picked-up since she's wonderful enough to encourage my collection and accompany me on outings to shops when we have the chance- d'Artagnan and a patriotic Tin-Tin and Milou (or Snowy to us Yanks)- Tin-Tin is not Mignot, but I'm not familiar with the maker.
Thanks all of you for the kind wished for my birthday yesterday :)

This is the surprise present that I got


Seems that there have been a few emails between my good wife, Pauline, and K&C to get this new excusive figure here in time, so thanks to Andy and Kristy in HK for making this happen.

He's now taking pride of place in my Napoleonic collection, and now I'll be dropping a few 'subtle hints' for some additional Hussars for Christmas.

Ivan Moe, I was refering to another forum about our Hobby ! Sorry for the confusion. Congrats on picking up the new Tank !

Thanks all of you for the kind wished for my birthday yesterday :)

This is the surprise present that I got


Seems that there have been a few emails between my good wife, Pauline, and K&C to get this new excusive figure here in time, so thanks to Andy and Kristy in HK for making this happen.

He's now taking pride of place in my Napoleonic collection, and now I'll be dropping a few 'subtle hints' for some additional Hussars for Christmas.


He isn't in the fish tank mate ^&grin^&grin
Received my WW1 wooden DH4 bomber in 1/30 scale. Made by My Mahogany Models, it is in matte finish and is a near copy of a photo I gave them. It is easily the most detailed of all the models I have commissioned this past year. The 1/2 pilots were cast and painted by Capt. Kronos, a member of this forum. A much cheaper alternative for crew than JJ..Cost was $335 U.S. and $79 shipping from Philippines.( $414 total ) Michael


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Received my WW1 wooden DH4 bomber in 1/30 scale. Made by My Mahogany Models, it is in matte finish and is a near copy of a photo I gave them. It is easily the most detailed of all the models I have commissioned this past year. The 1/2 pilots were cast and painted by Capt. Kronos, a member of this forum. A much cheaper alternative for crew than JJ..Cost was $335 U.S. and $79 shipping from Philippines.( $414 total ) Michael
Very nice item and display
Del prado italian infantryman 1935 Abyssinia. With a few changes I will turn it into an italian bersagliere ww2 north Africa for my african dio.{sm3}


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