I wouldn't recommend any manufacturer to change their unique style of presentation, only to improve on the quality as much as they can. Each style has it's charm.
I don't understand FL with those long same faces
NO doubt about that mate. I don't know but I guess if you are a fan of Rubenesque faces, bodies and hands, especially of the oversized variety, you may not like the FL ones.:wink2: IF not, I think their faces are also among the best done in this scale.^&coolThe faces of FL Stalingrad and AK are fine by me as I don't focus much on the faces (which IMO are well done)....Poses, detailed sculpts, painting..and most of all....."subject depicted" are what is the most important issues for me.....No complaints....well done figures{sm4}....simply the best, most realistic TS figures out there.....Nothing else even comes close to what FL is producing
NO doubt about that mate. I don't know but I guess if you are a fan of Rubenesque faces, bodies and hands, especially of the oversized variety, you may not like the FL ones.:wink2: IF not, I think their faces are also among the best done in this scale.^&cool
NO doubt about that mate. I don't know but I guess if you are a fan of Rubenesque faces, bodies and hands, especially of the oversized variety, you may not like the FL ones.:wink2: IF not, I think their faces are also among the best done in this scale.^&cool
Sigh, right oh governor; and about those flying pigs.:smile2: Perhaps it would be helpful to review the thread title and the posts to which I responded.We have all of this before, it is growing tiresome.
We have all of this before, it is growing tiresome.
you lost me^&confuse
NO doubt about that mate. I don't know but I guess if you are a fan of Rubenesque faces, bodies and hands, especially of the oversized variety, you may not like the FL ones.:wink2: IF not, I think their faces are also among the best done in this scale.^&cool
Sigh, right oh governor; and about those flying pigs.:smile2: Perhaps it would be helpful to review the thread title and the posts to which I responded.
Bill ,
true Classics .. makes you wonder how long a thread entitled So whats so Horrible about K&C and why are they still soooo expensive would have lasted ^&grin .. I'd say about as long as this one :salute:: Regards Gebhard
Well, it was a reply to a comment about a competing set of faces being too long and gaunt so it hardly unreasonable to suggest that one's preference for a given style might be responsible for that impression. So in context, even if it has been three years, it would only seem inappropriate if the observation no longer applies? Besides, Rubenesque is not perjorative but rather a style rather favored by many.The reference to overiszed hands, faces and bodies. It has been going on for nigh on three + years now.
I was wondering the same when the thread first started, but it appears that the turning point on this is entirely an own goal by FL collectors. Nicely done Gents. :rolleyes2:
Really? I don't see it that way. I think Spit was appropriate, but the moderator was trying to intervene before the pile-on started...which it is.
First Legion have great figures but crazy prices, becoming affordable , these are made in China
and I understand need to make profit , but made in China they can be $20 cheaper each figure,