Which historical military period are you passionate about collecting? (2 Viewers)

Which historical military period are you passionate about collecting?

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I voted "other".

FIW is my favorite.

Closest thing I saw was American Independence.
Hi There!
I would have liked to see the F&I/Seven Years War included, With that said, my primary interest would be from about 1740 to 1825. I think that this was a great period in the development of 'National' uniforms, technology, tactics and specialization.
This is of course would be followed by the 'Late Unpleasentness' as I have been involved in living history for this period since I was 16. What great parents I had...I got my first black powder musket from them for Christmas that year!
Ken Osen

+1 on Seven Years war . great era with old Fritz .I also Like the Kaisers full dress lot .FIW was anew term to me .Interesting though .I remember painting a lot of Indybums and French for Suren , 30 mmWillie ,figures ,waaaaaaaaaaay back then .
I would have to say French and Indian War is my favorite. Just like that period more then most.
An interesting poll this.

World War II with a total of (60) is still double the popularity all the Napoleonic Wars. However I'm surprised Vietnam and Modern conflicts polled so low, but I'm not surprised the Korean War scores so poorly.

I think there may be a mix-up with the meaning of the question that is leading to this low scoring. In other words, is it "what you like to collect, given what is available on the market", or "what you like, period". I, for one, am interested in both of these periods, but currently there are not many figures available for either, so I don't think I could be passionate about collecting even though I have an interest in them.
I think there may be a mix-up with the meaning of the question that is leading to this low scoring. In other words, is it "what you like to collect, given what is available on the market", or "what you like, period". I, for one, am interested in both of these periods, but currently there are not many figures available for either, so I don't think I could be passionate about collecting even though I have an interest in them.

But even if there isn't much available, are you likely to buy it if/when you do see it? Are you likely to suggest it if asked by toy soldier companies what new areas they should explore? Then maybe you could consider yourself "passionate" about collecting it, even though you aren't currently "actively" collecting it.
Interestingly enough, due to the lack of an editing option for your responses I can't list my interest in the Napoleonic Wars, which is now the largest part of my collection.
But even if there isn't much available, are you likely to buy it if/when you do see it? Are you likely to suggest it if asked by toy soldier companies what new areas they should explore? Then maybe you could consider yourself "passionate" about collecting it, even though you aren't currently "actively" collecting it.

Good point - I just thought there may have been confusion over the question.

Personally I am big on Napoleonics, AWI, FIW, and British Imperial. As an American, I got a good dose of the Civil War in school and think it's a fascinating subject, but as a collector (and a painter), I have never been interested in the uniforms. In my opinion, a kepi should never be slouched!
I still am going strong on the Alamo, as much as already been released, there is so much more that companies can concentrate on. I am hoping someone will start releasing mexican cavalry. (sorry I have'nt posted lately, Iv'e just completed my move from Pennsylvannia to sunny south carolina.
I still am going strong on the Alamo, as much as already been released, there is so much more that companies can concentrate on. I am hoping someone will start releasing mexican cavalry. (sorry I have'nt posted lately, Iv'e just completed my move from Pennsylvannia to sunny south carolina.

Phil, sorry to hear you left. I am a big Alamo fan also. I am buidling Alamo wargaming armies in 25mm metal and 40mm metal. Talk about overkill.

I posted my above comment soon after your OP and I won't say it-Hell! Yes I will- I told you so :D.

You say you are a passionate ACW collector (which surprised me I thought I was the only one on here) But there lies the rub how do you define "passionate"? I too am very passionate about the ACW and collecting said figures (currently 1500 1/32-54mm metals from practically every manufacturer some now long defunct) subsequently, that's what I voted for. Now I also have a couple of hundred or so of FIW & Alamo figures that I am also very fond of but I did not vote for them as my definition of "passionate" did not fit my interpretation of the criteria of your poll.
Put another way, if the love of my life or someone else with the same authority said "Either your soldiers go or you do" I would willingly give up my Davy Crockett Tennesseans and my Roger's Rangers but I would put up with suffering needles in my eyes before I gave up any of my blue or grey troops. That's how I would define "passionate".

Therefore that's why I believe your poll is slightly skewed by giving an option of multi-choice because now you have most voters voting for more than one era. Now if they are all passionate about their multi choices as I am about the ACW then I stand corrected and duly admonished but I think I would still remain somewhat sceptical. For example I for one would have said Ron was the most "passionate" Napoleonic collector on the forum (as his abundance of uppercase posts tell us everyday) and I know he collects other eras but I had no idea that he was also "passionate" about the Spanish Civil War and the two or three Del Prado figures representing that era-if you see what I mean.

We collectors are today very fortunate to have such a diverse range of eras to indulge in and possibly voters have voted for a number of military periods they already have a few figures of and would like to add to their collections as indeed I would but I don't have a big enough bank-roll to do so. But are they truly being honest with being passionate with their multi-choice voting?

Having said all that your top three end results would most probably not alter because although every American trade TS survey ranks the ACW and WWII as the top two best selling toy soldier eras on the market today with Naps a close third, that however, is definitely not the case on Treefrog which is indeed a predominantly WWII forum with Naploeonic coming in as second. Now I have known that for twelve months just by reading most of the threads so did we really need a poll to confirm the blindingly obvious :confused:.


I can't believe I actually bothered to read all that. That's a small part of my life I willl never get back. :rolleyes:

Sorry to have upset you with my poll. :D
Well, it's been interesting to look back at my answers and where I see myself going in the next 3-6 months. UKReb was right about how we define passionate and with the prices of toy soldiers being what they are, I am starting to realize which toy soldiers I am passionate about and which ones were summer flings. {sm4}

I'm sending AWI, Korean War, WW1 and Viet Nam on foot patrol. I have collected what I need from those ranges and do not ever see myself dropping another cent on those time periods.

Which leaves me "Ancients, WW2- Europe and Modern". Of the ancients, I had collected Egypt and Greece but Rome is where my heart truly lies. I believe I have collected what I need for my Egyptian collection and will be bowing out gracefully sometime this year- in reality, the Egyptian "fling" really just presented a nice way to display my Roman War Galley- not so much an actual interest in ancient Egypt per se. Greece is left in direct competition with Rome- Greece looses.

WW2- Thought I was loosing interest there but some acquisitions this year brought me back into the fold.

Modern- still love my guys in tan DCUs. :)

Soooooo, sort of looks like I have some sort of troublesome infidelity issues here which could lead to a blowup on the scales of a Tiger Woods.{sm4} WW2 and now Rome have the selection to fuel a passion for many years to come. Modern is pretty much one major producer though for equipment and AFVs, no era comes close.

Still, looking at how I am going to spread the wealth over the next 9-12 months.......

ROME WINS. VENUS would be proud. {sm4} This was by the slightest of margins. Modern figures, unless the landscape changes soon, only offers so much. WW2, I have a rather extensive collection already so the passion is still there, though not as new and exciting as ROMA.
My category WWII European Theater is out front.I see Stuka's and Russians out in the horizon....... Out there somewhere.
I'm mostly a reviewer, however if I were to collect i would surely be into collecting world war 2, and cold war/ vietnam soldiers. There is such a rich amount of excellent history from that era in time. And there are so many lessons that were learned that will almost certainly never be forgotten.{bravo}}
Since I initially voted on this poll, and covering all the different periods I collected, I have drastically altered what and how much I collect. I have cut down on era's and numbers, all due to rising costs. I now only collect WW1 aircraft (having just purchased a last Tiger tank) and Jacobites, with the option of a WW2 aircraft here and there.:wink2:^&grin -- Al
I am somewhat confused. do you review toy soldiers but not collect them??

I'm mostly a reviewer, however if I were to collect i would surely be into collecting world war 2, and cold war/ vietnam soldiers. There is such a rich amount of excellent history from that era in time. And there are so many lessons that were learned that will almost certainly never be forgotten.{bravo}}

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