Which historical military period are you passionate about collecting? (1 Viewer)

Which historical military period are you passionate about collecting?

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The General

Feb 13, 2008
N.B. You can vote for more than one option. :)

I figure that the majority of forum members are American and that my passion, the American Civil War, will rank highly in this poll. Having said that, the Second World War should also rank highly for the same reason.

The next biggest forum contributors are British so that for them I can only assume that the Napoleonic period as well as the Second World War will also rank highly with them.

I have also found that Ancients (Egyptians, Greeks, Trojans, Persians & Romans) also have a huge following around the globe.

What is your passion when it comes to collecting military figures?
Unfortunately, all of them:). I must say, even though I'm American & former military, I still have a preference those Napoleonic warriors. Get them in gloss, matte, 54mm or 90mm, doesn't matter. I guess its a combination of Naps being the first set I ever had or my secret passion for all things English:eek:. That being said, I must find a way to sneek over to the Tradition of London shop when I hop across the pond this summer:).
Unfortunately, all of them:). I must say, even though I'm American & former military, I still have a preference those Napoleonic warriors. Get them in gloss, matte, 54mm or 90mm, doesn't matter. I guess its a combination of Naps being the first set I ever had or my secret passion for all things English:eek:. That being said, I must find a way to sneek over to the Tradition of London shop when I hop across the pond this summer:).
I'm Irish born & ex Australian Regular Army but I must admit I was very tempted by the Napoleonic era.

Curse those British scarlet and French royal blue uniforms! ;)
This is how it went down for me..........

Metal v Plastic
Most metal soldiers come already painted so I thought if I purchased plastic soldiers and painted them it would make me a hobbiest as opposed to buying metal soldiers which would only make me a collector. :(

25mm v 54mm
Smaller soldiers are cheaper but bigger soldiers are better made and easier to paint. :)

Napoleonics v American Civil War
I love a battlefield that has infantry, cavalry and artillery. That led me to 2 choices, Napoleonics or ACW.

I was swayed towards Napoleonics due to the colour and spectacle of a typical 1800's European battlefield.... Red British, Blue French, Black Prussians, White Austrians etc. etc.

The A.C.W. did have it's fair share of colur though with navy blue Union troops, light blue overcoats, grey Confederates, green sharpshooters, butternut Rebels, red Zouaves etc....

The Final Decision
I saw some packets of Timpo gattling guns in the hobby store and said "Stuff it, I'll go with the American Civil War!"

My girlfiend also bought me a 54mm Wild West train which has since been converted into a Confederate train. :eek:
Currently for me I don't really have a theme to my collecting other than if it's Britains and I like it I will buy it. Most of the figures are mounted (must be the animal nut in me :D )

I am hoping to get into the WWI series of Britains starting with the RFA limber and add some more ceremonial figures to my line up. I would also like to start to collect the Golden Jubilee series.
N.B. You can vote for more than one option. :)

I figure that the majority of forum members are American and that my passion, the American Civil War, will rank highly in this poll. Having said that, the Second World War should also rank highly for the same reason

100% correct on the second part of your statement but completely wrong on the first part.

I also thought that the forum- being America the ACW would rank highly here but it doesn't. Yeah! there are a few on here who collect/display the blue and the gray but nowhere near the WWII collectors and I would think the Naps would overtake the ACW as well.
Hi There!
I would have liked to see the F&I/Seven Years War included, With that said, my primary interest would be from about 1740 to 1825. I think that this was a great period in the development of 'National' uniforms, technology, tactics and specialization.
This is of course would be followed by the 'Late Unpleasentness' as I have been involved in living history for this period since I was 16. What great parents I had...I got my first black powder musket from them for Christmas that year!
Ken Osen
For me, its the British Colonial, or Queen Victoria's Little Wars, to paraphrase one of my favourite books. Anything between around 1800 to around 1900.

That doesn't discount a passionate interest in Ancients of the Eastern Mediteranean, from around 1400BC up to around 300BC.
In addition, if any manufacturer were to produce an EARLY Pacific WWII range, with its diversity of nationalities, uniforms and equipment then I'd be delighted.
And finally, a developing interest in the FIW.

There now, that's me covered all bases.....:):):p:eek::eek:

I slowly rotate thru interests in periods. If I continue to enjoy and army, I add to it some and move on to the next. If something never gets on the table after a while I call it a mis-match and sell it or give it away.

My mainstays are Medieval, Civil war, Lotr and WWII.
I saw one person clicked the Spanish Civil War. Besides Del Prado, I wonder what else there is to collect in that time period.
I figure..... the American Civil War, will rank highly in this poll.

.......I can only assume that the Napoleonic period as well as the Second World War will also rank highly.......

So far so good:

17 votes: WWII Europe
11 votes: Napoleonics
..9 votes: American Civil War

Interesting stratification of the data- we have "Ancients" which literally encompasses thousands of years of history and then small chapters like Rough Riders, Spanish Civil War,etc.

Without a doubt, I am solidly in the ancients column. I absolutely am fascinated by the cultures of the ancient world. I think Shlieman's discovery of Troy had to be the most fascinating discoveries in the history of humanity. The ancient world just was so broad and far reaching and impacted so many facets of life as we exist even today- how it cannot be a resounding first place on this poll is intriguing.

Of course, anything 20th Century, mostly because one or more of my relatives were involved with it. AWI as well just because I am an American;)

imo, I think the most neglected period of military history is Chinese military history (in the toy soldier world). I am really pretty stunned that we are in an industry that is mostly produced and distributed from the PRC yet very little of their culture is reflected in this.

I am a little surprised with the ACW votes- I thought that this group wouldn't vote it quite as high- guess I was wrong.
Interesting stratification of the data- we have "Ancients" which literally encompasses thousands of years of history and then small chapters like Rough Riders, Spanish Civil War,etc.

Since recorded history began there have been only 3 days in which no evidence can be found of war taking place anywhere in the known world.

That made it extremely difficult to put the history of human warfare into 20 poll categories.

As for Ancient History, I studied it for two years and am fully aware of it's vast timespan. Given that in a multiple answer poll 47 people have voted and only 4 votes were for "Ancients" it was a good move. ;)

With regard to the Roughriders, since Armies in Plastic make these figures and many smaller plastic makers make Spanish Civil War figures I figured a spot for them was warranted. Not so good a move. :eek:

Give me 100 poll options and there wouldn't have been a problem. :D
Give me 100 poll options and there wouldn't have been a problem. :D

It wasn't a criticism from me, just an observation.

Interesting to see that there are 3 votes for Korea yet only one- probably mine for Nam!! I collect the 1:18th scale Nam figures from 21st Century. Passed on the Nam figures from KC back when- one of those heartbreak decisions- WW2 or Nam figures- WW2 won out but by a slim margin. Figarti makes some unique figures for both of those periods as well.

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