Hi Guys,
Thanks to Firebat (Alex) for raising this interesting topic. If I may let me give you another perspective…
As both a collector and manufacturer I am interested in all fighting vehicles of World War Two – both Axis and Allied. I do my best to listen and read all kinds of suggestions and ideas from collectors, dealers and, occasionally, other manufacturers on what should, or indeed, could be produced at some later time. Then, when and where possible, I consult actual previous and current sales details and other data plus future release info on particular figures before deciding what our collectors and the market will most readily buy. Sometimes we get it wrong…most times, I humbly believe, we get it just about right.
Like all of you I also have my own preferences and prejudices however I try and contain these in the light of real facts and figures not just personal opinion.
To suggest, as Alex does, that some of us have our own mind about things is actually very true…Who on this forum and others does not? However to go on to say that “we don’t really listen” is perhaps an exaggeration based on the supposition that we may not always produce exactly what is in accordance with his or someone else’s particular wish.
Finally, as this great thread is in the King & Country section I am proud of the fact that our little company has, over the years, produced more Allied and Axis vehicles than the rest of our competitors combined!
Once again, Happy New Year guys and thankyou Alex for bringing the subject to the fore again.
With best wishes for 2014 and beyond!
Andy C.