World Cup in Brazil (4 Viewers)

Every four years this is talked about; how soccer is popular in the US more now than ever before and how it's gaining a foothold.

Sorry, I don't see it; the US is a gigantic melting pot. In Boston, there is a huge Italian section that goes crazy over Italy but could care less about US soccer, a huge Portuguese section that goes crazy over Portugal but could care less about US soccer, a huge Irish.................well you get the idea.

If the US got to the final, I'd watch and if they lose, I'd be over it in the blink of an eye.

It still bothers me that the Patriots lost to the Giants in the 2008 SB, the Red Sox lost to the Mets in the 1986 WS and the Bruins lost to the Blackhawks in the finals last year.

Regionally and from city to city we are wild about our sports; nationally there is little to no connection for national based sports whereas in Europe and South America and elsewhere, an entire country gets behind their national soccer team.

It's never going to happen here.

As in ever.
George hit bit on the head with his post, every 4 years we get a little soccer fever and then poof!! It's gone, my thoughts are take a look at high school, college soccer games, you would be lucky to find stands that are one third full or less!! My 16 yr old son goes to a Division 4 school which is huge and if we go to the school for events, practice etc.. You see the empty stands with a scheduled soccer game going on, it's sad but I just do not seeing soccer ever catching on to a level of most other countries, its a fun sport and enjoy to play it, but as a viewer not as much, but hey lets go USA!!! Beat Germany!!!!...Sammy
I was checking the forecast for tomorrow`s game in Recife and from 1 to 2:30 PM local time of the game there`s a high probability of rain and the temperature will be around 85. Even if it doesn`t rain, it will be very humid and hot. Under these conditions physical fitness play an important role in the game. I expect to see a great game since I don`t think there will be any "collusion" by the teams no matter how much speculation is out in the media. IMHO the U.S. so far has shown a very competent game and can get a good result tomorrow.
Got a vacation day tomorrow, and am looking forward to watching the U.S. / Germany game at noon.
A friend of mine (American) and me are going to the "Hofbrauhaus" in Newport, KY around 10:30 AM to make sure we catch some good seating :wink2:
Should be a considerable mixed crowd in there by start of the game, so both parties will have strong support.
Some good lunch, a couple Steins of good beer and hopefully an enjoyable game to watch.
And best of all, my good old Lady will pick us up after it's all done ^&grin
If that's not a recipe for a good day out, then I don't know.^&grin


Now that sounds like a great way to watch any game!

My wife picked me up once after drinking away a Sunday watching NFL games at the local bar. I say once because I am now relegated to taxi's and car service if I drink and then need transportation. My ban has something to do with an incident at a Burger King drive thru and the removal of my pants during said ride home.

I was checking the forecast for tomorrow`s game in Recife and from 1 to 2:30 PM local time of the game there`s a high probability of rain and the temperature will be around 85. Even if it doesn`t rain, it will be very humid and hot. Under these conditions physical fitness play an important role in the game. I expect to see a great game since I don`t think there will be any "collusion" by the teams no matter how much speculation is out in the media. IMHO the U.S. so far has shown a very competent game and can get a good result tomorrow.

Agreed. Fitness will be very important as will be judiciously using your substitutes. There's been so much attention on the 1982 game, whose anniversary is today, that I don't think it will happen and they want to make sure there are no accusations. The hope is that Portugal wins their match and, if so, it's likely the US will go through. However, Ghana has shown themselves to be very hard.
Good point mate that happens here as well,last week after the England game a heap of drunk English expats when on a drunken rampage fighting,lighting flares etc etc,never happens after ANY other sport over here.....^&confuse^&confuse

Mate, the closest I have ever seen of Aussie fans being unruly is when the Adelaide Crows won there first premiership in 1998! I was living in Adelaide at the time and the fans were going off there tree!!! ^&grin

Drunken fans happen all over in every sport and every country. I know in this country fans have gotten out of control after a championship and the police had to be called in. I also note this story from Australia,

As long as teams sell beer at events or where are fans are passionate about their teams (hence the origin of the term "fanatic"), fans will go crazy from time to time.
Drunken fans happen all over in every sport and every country. I know in this country fans have gotten out of control after a championship and the police had to be called in. I also note this story from Australia,

As long as teams sell beer at events or where are fans are passionate about their teams (hence the origin of the term "fanatic"), fans will go crazy from time to time.

So its ok to get smashed and beat up the oppositions supporters because your a "Fanatic"..........................{eek3}{eek3}
In Australia i have never heard of mass carnage and violence in any other sporting event like soccer has,why because when 1 country that hates another plays it all gets political has nothing to do with sport.
No, the point is that fans all over get involved in bad behavior, not just football fans. You first said that Australian fans don't get drunk. Well, a simple search showed that was just incorrect. Wonder what else I could find? :rolleyes2: No sport is innocent. Football fans have done some pretty regrettable things, events that led to deaths but I recall Detroit fans rioting in 1984 when their team won the World Series.

Maybe it's time to focus on the matches again, if you care to do so :wink2:
Suarez just payed for a very expensive Italian meal. I'll bet his teammates are thrilled.:rolleyes2: -- Al
He got what he deserved. Had the referee (who coincidentally is known as Dracula in Brasil) seen the bite, Uruguay would have been down to 10 men and I doubt Uruguay would have scored.

Let's hope Colombia can beat them this weekend.
I also just saw that two of Ghana's star players got into some sort of trouble and have been sent home. That may help Portugal, which may help the USA.

I also understand it's raining cats and dogs in Recife, where the US Germany game is to be played.

SUAREZ OUT...GOOD what a weasel. FURLON IN? If Furlon goes in two things will wife will be glued to the TV to watch him play and Uruguay will now have a really solid chance to produce a win.

Wayne, a please, please don't tell us that AUSTRALIA is the pillar of fan etiquette in the international community. C'mon now mate! You know you guys drain those big *** Foster beers and cut loose down there listening to Men at Work. BTW, I love Renee Geyer's "It only happens when I look at you" song.

Sentaapua, what is the weather going to be in the USA vs. Germany game...are we still on? Oh and Sentaapua who was that hottie fan in the back ground of your pics? Wow, what a looker...I guess Brazil does have some of the most beautiful women!

Jazz, be nice to Wayne. Lets quote scripture for our Aussie elitist friend from Luke 23:43 "Father forgive them. For they not know what they do"

Leaving the shop today and letting my guys run the store as I am off to "Wing and Rings" to watch the game, then off to Corpus Christie, TX for a Beach Soccer Tourney for the kids.

John from Texas
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I also just saw that two of Ghana's star players got into some sort of trouble and have been sent home. That may help Portugal, which may help the USA.

I also understand it's raining cats and dogs in Recife, where the US Germany game is to be played.
Brad, I don't know enough about the teams involved but other than the obvious effect rain will have on any soccer game, how much will the US team be effected as opposed to the German team? Will either team gain an advantage in bad weather? -- Al

I heard a report before that the pitch is in good shape so I assume the effect will be minimal but since conditions are not optimal, who knows?

I also noticed that not only Suarez is banned for 9 international matches but he's banned for football activities for 4 months, which means Liverpool won't have him until late October (season starts in August). They should have made him get psychological treatment.

Brad, I don't know enough about the teams involved but other than the obvious effect rain will have on any soccer game, how much will the US team be effected as opposed to the German team? Will either team gain an advantage in bad weather? -- Al


Well playing in the Its slick, sloshy and anyone is highly susceptible to an injury. HOWEVER COMMA, the US trained for a month in Bradenton, FL at the IMG Academy which is south of Tampa. I sent my daughter there for soccer camp and the weather there is humid, hot, soupy with rain ever afternoon. So, the US is certainly ready to play in any weather especially the hot and muggy weather they are going to be in today. I don't know where the Germans did their pre-camp, but I doubt in was at the IMG Academy.

Anywho, should be a thriller and with the added drama of inclimate weather it will be a doozy.

John from Texas

SUAREZ OUT...GOOD what a weasel. FURLON IN? If Furlon goes in two things will wife will be glued to the TV to watch him play and Uruguay will now have a really solid chance to produce a win.

Wayne, a please, please don't tell us that AUSTRALIA is the pillar of fan etiquette in the international community. C'mon now mate! You know you guys drain those big *** Foster beers and cut loose down there listening to Men at Work. BTW, I love Renee Geyer's "It only happens when I look at you" song.

Sentaapua, what is the weather going to be in the USA vs. Germany game...are we still on? Oh and Sentaapua who was that hottie fan in the back ground of your pics? Wow, what a looker...I guess Brazil does have some of the most beautiful women!

Jazz, be nice to Wayne. Lets quote scripture for our Aussie elitist friend from Luke 23:43 "Father forgive them. For they not know what they do"

Leaving the shop today and letting my guys run the store as I am off to "Wing and Rings" to watch the game, then off to Corpus Christie, TX for a Beach Soccer Tourney for the kids.

John from Texas


Heavy rain and heat! That's what's its like in Recife right now, just spoke to a friend that lives there and he gave me the update, also mentioning it was a battle to drive to the stadium!
As for the brunette, I don't know her, and couldn't ask (my wife was with me ^&grin{sm3}{sm3}{sm3}), although dully noted during the game...
I'm all USA now!!:wink2: They are going to make it to the next phase!:salute::

I'm happy with this outcome for the Suarez case. Anything else would be demoralizing for both Fifa and the Cup.
Thanks for the answers, guys. Hadn't considered it but I suppose humid conditions could work for the US but I would assume the Germans are superbly conditioned and probably won't be at any real disadvantage. Humid, hot, and wet will effect everyone. I was in Miami in August on a couple of occasions and I wouldn't willingly repeat that experience. Just want to see a good game that isn't decided by someone slipping on a crucial play. -- Al

As for the brunette, I don't know her, and couldn't ask (my wife was with me ^&grin{sm3}{sm3}{sm3}), although dully noted during the game...:

That is too funny!!!!!!! OK signing off for now...on my way to watch the match.

John from Texas

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