World Cup in Brazil (2 Viewers)

Below photo shows Andre Araujo Avenue in Manaus before and during a Brasil match.


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Trust me, that`s exactly what Brazilian cities look like before and during Brazil`s games, be it a major city like São Paulo, Rio, Brasília or a small town. Traffic jams to get back home in time for the game and not a soul on the streets during it. Even the highways are empty during games because truckers stop at service stations to watch the games Brazil is playing. Football is extremely popular here, truly the national sport and passion, and at World Cups, its something like "the homeland wearing cleats"...{eek3}:wink2:{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}
As of today`s games Italy`s premature departure came as a surprise to me. The Uruguayans display fantastic determination and strength, but frankly I thought that Italy`s better tactic and individual talent would triumph. I was obviously wrong. As for the bizarre side of the game, I think that the biting episode will have consequences, because of the widespread media repercussion it had...

I thought you might enjoy the photo. Although I think people in the US are passionate about baseball, football, etc., it is nothing like in other countries. The closest that I have been to this kind of experience was when I was in the Estadio Santiago Bernabeu in Madrid in the 1970s for a championship game between Real Madrid and Barcelona. I can't even remember who won the game, just that it was incredible!


I thought you might enjoy the photo. Although I think people in the US are passionate about baseball, football, etc., it is nothing like in other countries. The closest that I have been to this kind of experience was when I was in the Estadio Santiago Bernabeu in Madrid in the 1970s for a championship game between Real Madrid and Barcelona. I can't even remember who won the game, just that it was incredible!



Are you dating yourself sir...the 1970's? Brother, I was a pee wee in the 70's. Anywho, Shame on Suarez, but more importantly shame on FIFA if they do not address this kind of behavior by a player...any player.

I am so glad Sentaapua is posting pictures of the what a site!

John from Texas
FIFA has opened an investigation so he will get something. I don't know if the ban will include EPL matches but he will probably miss a few for Uruguay.
FIFA has opened an investigation so he will get something. I don't know if the ban will include EPL matches but he will probably miss a few for Uruguay.

The most comical aspect of the incident was after the bite, he jerked his head back and fell to the ground, then grabbed at his teeth like HE was the victim.

And people wonder why soccer is not more popular in the United States............:rolleyes2:
The most comical aspect of the incident was after the bite, he jerked his head back and fell to the ground, then grabbed at his teeth like HE was the victim.

And people wonder why soccer is not more popular in the United States............:rolleyes2:


....and he thought that he could get away with it with the WHOLE WORLD WATCHING??? Yes, then he pulls the worst acting job in C-Movie history, which by the way was a pathetic performance. What bothers me is that he really believes that he can get away with this or is just out of touch?

HOWEVER COMMA, this gets back to my stance that there should be two refs ON THE FIELD for the matches. ONE GUY CANNOT REF 22 PLAYERS!!! I have always found it odd there is only one ref on the field. If there were two three quarters of the BS that goes on would cease to exist.

Suarez needs a good ole fashion *** whopping for biting and acting like a soccer sissy...dude MAN UP.

John from Texas
Since the MLS started in 1994, the game has been growing slowly but surely. Franchises have increased in value and NY just added a team to go along with the Red Bulls. The growth is there and MLS is starting to attract some well known players, not just over the hills ones.

Incidents of athletes doing stupid things happen in every sport and I don't think one bad apple will turn people off if they're interested.

From what I've seen, there's more interest in the US team than ever before. I just hope they can make it through to the round of 16 to keep the interest going. It would also be great if we could get the World Cup back here sometime soon.
Even if it does grow I doubt it will ever over take the NFL, NBA or MLB in popularity.

That has never been the goal, so to speak. The first objective was to get a foothold and that has been or is being accomplished.
I thought the world cup was to showcase the game all it has done has shown how over rated and pethetic soccer is,to many sooks play,biting scratching and as for taking a fall its unbelievable.
There is very poor sportmanship in the game if you can accept a win from a free kick that has been staged.
I tried to give it a go but im sorry it is a sham,when do the riots start........................:rolleyes2::rolleyes2:
These have been the preliminaries, so to speak. However, it's been a great Cup so far; the Argentina Nigeria was a wonderful match.

The knockout or the round of 16 start Saturday.

However, if you don't want to watch, don't. The other few hundred million who do will continue to do so.
Since the MLS started in 1994, the game has been growing slowly but surely. Franchises have increased in value and NY just added a team to go along with the Red Bulls. The growth is there and MLS is starting to attract some well known players, not just over the hills ones.

Incidents of athletes doing stupid things happen in every sport and I don't think one bad apple will turn people off if they're interested.

From what I've seen, there's more interest in the US team than ever before. I just hope they can make it through to the round of 16 to keep the interest going. It would also be great if we could get the World Cup back here sometime soon.

Every four years this is talked about; how soccer is popular in the US more now than ever before and how it's gaining a foothold.

Sorry, I don't see it; the US is a gigantic melting pot. In Boston, there is a huge Italian section that goes crazy over Italy but could care less about US soccer, a huge Portuguese section that goes crazy over Portugal but could care less about US soccer, a huge Irish.................well you get the idea.

If the US got to the final, I'd watch and if they lose, I'd be over it in the blink of an eye.

It still bothers me that the Patriots lost to the Giants in the 2008 SB, the Red Sox lost to the Mets in the 1986 WS and the Bruins lost to the Blackhawks in the finals last year.

Regionally and from city to city we are wild about our sports; nationally there is little to no connection for national based sports whereas in Europe and South America and elsewhere, an entire country gets behind their national soccer team.

It's never going to happen here.

As in ever.
Every four years this is talked about; how soccer is popular in the US more now than ever before and how it's gaining a foothold.

Sorry, I don't see it; the US is a gigantic melting pot. In Boston, there is a huge Italian section that goes crazy over Italy but could care less about US soccer, a huge Portuguese section that goes crazy over Portugal but could care less about US soccer, a huge Irish.................well you get the idea.

If the US got to the final, I'd watch and if they lose, I'd be over it in the blink of an eye.

It still bothers me that the Patriots lost to the Giants in the 2008 SB, the Red Sox lost to the Mets in the 1986 WS and the Bruins lost to the Blackhawks in the finals last year.

Regionally and from city to city we are wild about our sports; nationally there is little to no connection for national based sports whereas in Europe and South America and elsewhere, an entire country gets behind their national soccer team.

It's never going to happen here.

As in ever.

Good point mate that happens here as well,last week after the England game a heap of drunk English expats when on a drunken rampage fighting,lighting flares etc etc,never happens after ANY other sport over here.....^&confuse^&confuse
Just got back and saw the second half of the France Ecuador match. France was not too inspiring. However, they had nothing really to play for so I suppose they can be excused tonight on that account.

Looking forward to tomorrow's matches, of course ^&cool
Got a vacation day tomorrow, and am looking forward to watching the U.S. / Germany game at noon.
A friend of mine (American) and me are going to the "Hofbrauhaus" in Newport, KY around 10:30 AM to make sure we catch some good seating :wink2:
Should be a considerable mixed crowd in there by start of the game, so both parties will have strong support.
Some good lunch, a couple Steins of good beer and hopefully an enjoyable game to watch.
And best of all, my good old Lady will pick us up after it's all done ^&grin
If that's not a recipe for a good day out, then I don't know.^&grin
Good point mate that happens here as well,last week after the England game a heap of drunk English expats when on a drunken rampage fighting,lighting flares etc etc,never happens after ANY other sport over here.....^&confuse^&confuse

Back in 1998 when France knocked off heavily favored Brazil 3-0, I was with a friend of mine driving home from a cookout and a car full of Brazilian fans drove up along side us so my moron friend sticks his arms up through my open sunroof and flashes 3 fingers and then a fist repeatedly and the car full of Brazilians went postal, they tried to run us off the road, they where hanging out the windows shaking their fists at us and screaming, going bananas.

Smart move there Sherlock; I should have pulled over, let him get out of the car and then drove off.

Not a good idea to antagonize a carload of angry soccer fans..............

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