World Cup in Brazil (3 Viewers)

Well Brad, I think you have every reason to be confident, since after the Costa Rica hiccup, Uruguay playing England has proven good enough to post fear in their opponents. I`m sure the Italians are very worried... Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil all have the stature to make it far into the tournament.
The big Latin surprises so far have been Colombia, and even more Costa Rica.
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I know there have been some bad calls by the refs but I really like the new goal line technology.
If this result holds in Ghana Germany, it's not good for the US unless they can win tomorrow because Germany would be fighting for its life against the US in the third match.
Ghana playing a terrific game and leads Germany 2-1 with about 20 minutes to go. -- Scratch that, Germany just tied. -- Al
If this result holds in Ghana Germany, it's not good for the US unless they can win tomorrow because Germany would be fighting for its life against the US in the third match.

Never mind :redface2:
Italy, USA, Germany, France still alive, so I am happy.....................
Enjoyed the second half of ghana vs gemany more than the entire portugal vs
germany game. What a match! Now it is all up to game 3 of the series.
Lot's of surprises so far, everything remaining peaceful - good Worldcup, thank's Brazil.:salute::
GaaaaK! The big choke. Had it and let it get away. Guess the US needs to stay awake early in the game and late in the game. :rolleyes2: They seem to do ok in the middle time span. -- Al

Good Lord they had IT!!!!!!!!!!! Dropped their guard and called it a day and BAM they score one in the last 20 seconds. SON OF A GOAL! A clear case of never stop playing until you hear the whistle.

John from Texas
I don't think they dropped their guard but one of the players, maybe Bradley, didn't get back quickly enough and Ronaldo is a lethal player, not to mention Portugal was desperate. It's a shame but they're still in good position. It would be better for Portugal to win because they're -4 in goal differential as long as the US doesn't lose badly, which I don't see happening.

This could be a situation where both US and Germany tacitly agree to play for a tie as both teams would have 5 points and what the other teams did would be irrelevant. This is what Germany and Austria did in 1982 to deny Algeria a spot in the knock out stage, which is why the last games in a group are now played at the same time.
I don't think they dropped their guard but one of the players, maybe Bradley, didn't get back quickly enough and Ronaldo is a lethal player, not to mention Portugal was desperate. It's a shame but they're still in good position. It would be better for Portugal to win because they're -4 in goal differential as long as the US doesn't lose badly, which I don't see happening.

This could be a situation where both US and Germany tacitly agree to play for a tie as both teams would have 5 points and what the other teams did would be irrelevant. This is what Germany and Austria did in 1982 to deny Algeria a spot in the knock out stage, which is why the last games in a group are now played at the same time.

Hope your joking Brad that is cheating...............^&confuse^&confuse
It's no joke. The US coach was a player on German world cup teams and has very close ties with the German team.

I don't think it would be as obvious as that but if they are tied at some point, they might not as play as hard as they would otherwise. It may not be sporting but it's understandable.
The US played very well, far better than Portugal, and the tie does not reflex the game... Anyway I`m hopeful that Germany and the US will make to the next phase!
Congrats USA, fine performance.

Hello England, hello Spain, we're also coming home, coming home, coming home, Portugal is coming home^&grin^&grin^&grin.

I don't think it would be as obvious as that but if they are tied at some point, they might not as play as hard as they would otherwise. It may not be sporting but it's understandable.

I hope no US team would consider not playing hard to get a tie. I think there is a big difference between playing conservatively at some point and intentionally not playing hard or having some tacit agreement with the opposing team to end the game in a tie. If the latter happened both teams should be disqualified.
I think the game between the US and Germany will be fantastic by any measure, weather they play all out or even in the case a tie emerges as a common strategy, what would be a very hard case to prove.

Today Brazil is playing Cameroon here in Brasília. The city “stops” at 1 p.m. because all offices will be shut by then and hopefully I will be in the stadium to cheer. What was supposed to be an unimportant game turned otherwise after the draw with Mexico, and contrary to many who believe it's a very easy task, what worries me is exactly the fact that Cameroon has nothing to lose, since they are already out...

I’ll try to post some pics this evening of the Stadium and the game.

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