Sorry for coming back but Marco55 contacted me and so did Kevin so I wanted to say howdy.
And then I come upon this nightmare of a thread (no offense Steel- you didn't steer this thing astray)
Alright, I am going to respond here and all my comments are directed at the Atomic weapons issue and particularly, the ugly comments against Japanese. I cannot speak for the events surrounding the Blitz as I just don't know enough about it.
I fully believe that the use of the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the 2 biggest days of the 20th Century- and easily in the top 10 in the history of humanity. Why 60 years later are we having the discussion surrounding the use of the weapons- the answer is really simple- we as Americans (and when I say Americans, I mean those of Western culture- England, Aussies, Canadians, etc) place a GREAT value on life- we spend TONS of money defending serial killers in our courts, defending the right to life and all of that stuff. The idea of our nation ultimately making the decision to eradicate scores of people in the blink of an eye is the antithesis of what we stand for culturally.
I believe we should have at least attempted a conventional invasion of mainland Japan- remember this- we made the decision to drop the bomb based on the ASSUMPTION that scores of Americans would have died in the invasion and that it was "impossible". We are a nation who have collectively achieved the impossible throughout our history- think Washington would have believed 2 months following Kips Gap he'd be accepting the Hessian surrender at Trenton?? What about the impossibility or the "Amount of lives we would loose" if we gave up at Bastogne or failed to launch Overlord because of the misgiving of the cost of casualties?? I wonder what people would have thought if on December 6, 1941 I stood at the Lincoln Monument and declared "In 4 years, we will be the predominant military and economic power in the world"- I would've been laughed at and jeered "That's impossible"- guess what- WE DID IT!!
So then why is it suddenly ok to accept "impossible" as an explanation to use the bomb and loose sight of our values?? And I have heard you guys throw out "you cannot hold me responsible for crimes committed by my ancestors"- your right- so why do we say it was ok to bomb innocent Japanese children and women when their government made the decision to nail us at PH??
I wonder what the world would have thought had we drawn the war out to 46 or so and when the truth surfaced that we decided to follow conventional means to the end of Japan and we chose not to use the bomb even though we could have?? In the end, what did we get for our efforts to liberate the oppressed peoples of Asia?? Well, we got a revolution in China and went to war with them 5 years later, we watched several of those countries fall to the sway of Communism- in the end, we got Japan as an ally!!
We value human life and no where is that more present than in our armed forces- I recall quite vividly when my unit was put on alert statues in late summer 92 in preparation for Somalia- we were CONSTANTLY doing drills to properly train our troopers to engage hostiles- NOT CIVILIANS- we FULLY understand the repurcussions of our decision to raise our right hands and take our oath of service- that one day, we may very well meet a painful and bloody end. In 1945 we had millions of servicemen enlisted ready to invade Japan if our nation asked us to- these are men who exercised their rights as free citizens of the US to defend their countries- why not let them?? They made a choice and if they met their end by that choice, they accepted it- scores of those school children didn't get to make that choice.
I'm really really glad and very impressed that you guys feel it's cool and acceptable to use the term "Japs" in reference to the Japanese. I have felt the sting of ethnocentrism myself- I was born in Okinawa when my dad was supporting the effort in Nam (Camp Kue) and I lived for three years as his dependent in Germany- let me tell you how much fun that was in my own country being called "Little Nazi boy" and having people make slanty eyes at me- glad I am not really a Japanese person.
Anyway, to the rest of you that seem to think it's cool to belittle "Japs" - follow this link feel free to go to one of their meetings and tell those guys they are "Japs"- they proved themselves time and again as true warriors and patriots but guess what we kept calling em- JAPS!! I hope your backbones are as stiff then.
I hope I am overreacting- someone needs to speak up here before this spirals further into the abyss. There is no way, this thread should have five stars associated with it. It should have been torn down a long time ago. Next time some of you guys walk by the flag, take a real long hard look at it- ponder what it really means to be an American.
I support Truman for making a decision at a critical juncture in history- I am not a fan of anything that Imperial Japan EVER stood for- I just believe that we should have given the invasion a shot before we dropped the Fat Boy.
Don't sweat it Shannon, I'll go away again. And for the record, no, my unit was demob'd before Somalia so I missed that one- thankfully.