Zach's Collection (1 Viewer)

This next grouping is from The Lance series from Blackhawk. My plan is to use these as the focal point for my medieval market diorama that I've been working on (pics to come). I am thinking that they will either be on their way for the Crusade or on their way home. I might need to add some dirt if they are on their way home!

Love this series, especially the wagon !

I have the Lancer, Lady, Monk and Crossbowman on horse back, along with the wagon and three footman, going through the imagination says it is Hugh and Aline Beringar with Brother Cadfael on their way to Maesbury for Christmas.
I like your Tradition knights, Zach! Do you buy them already painted? They're also available as kits. Their knights remind me of Courtenay's and Ping's knights, to a degree. They're attractive, with the gloss finish but a nice level of sculpted detail.

A nice collection, congratulations!

I got them painted...if I did it, they'd live here:



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Great extensive and diverse collection.Love it,Mike B.:salute::
If it's weird....I love it!

This is my new Bazooka Gnome! I included the second photo for scale. That is King Henry V from Tradition of London with him!


These next figures are all Sioux mounted figures from Minimen (Jack Updyke). I wasn't familiar with Minimen before going to the Chicago show - now i just love them!

In order, these are:
Gall Attacking, Crazy Horse, Brave Praying for Victory, Gall in Bonnett, Sioux Warrior with Guidon, White Bull, Red Cloud, Sioux Scout on Pinto



A new year, means new goodies...

Just arrived from Ukraine! This is a Tartar Miniatures kit that was sculpted by Alexander Deryabin
It is The Son. I commissioned Sergey Popovichenko to paint it for me. I love his gritty style and could not be happier with how it came out!



Time for an update...

This is "Gifts from Home" Federal Soldiers w/ Gifts Set #1 Wm. Britains 31250

I don't collect many Britains, but I really love the exclusive Treefrog sets - the one of Santa and this companion to it:

This is "Cheetah Running" from AeroArt

and his buddy, the Hyena, also from AeroArt. I lost out on the auction for the Tiger unfortunately...$350.00 for a tiger was even a touch too much for me! {eek3}
Next up are sets from K&C that I've been looking for for years and was lucky enough to finally find them!

The First is "A Day at the Races" - the K&C jockeys.

the next is the Hong Kong Fire Brigade. Now I just have to locate the burning building!
and for some new K&C...

This is The Cardinal and Le Comte De Rochefort from the Pike and Musket collection. I love that K&C has started producing sets like this - three musketeers, robin hood, holmes and watson, Etc.

This is Frontline's figure of an Israeli Paratrooper. Not the best figure in my collection, but I collect all things IDF and didn't have him.

Adding to the sickness that is my Beau geste Durbar collection, is the Elephant of the Maharaja of Alwar, 1903. Just a mass of glossy perfection!!!
What good little Jewish collector doesn't have Christmas Carolers in his collection. These are the new ones from K&C World of Dickens Series. They are set #1 and set #2

I love this next figure. So many storied to be told with her. She is Thomas Gunn's Lady sitting on a suitcase smoking (very creative name) from the Home Front collection. I really hope they continue to make figures like this. So useful in making dioramas realistic and very well done.

More K&C Pike and Musket. These are Prince Rupert and a couple mounted cavalrymen

What good little Jewish collector doesn't have Christmas Carolers in his collection. These are the new ones from K&C World of Dickens Series. They are set #1 and set #2

Laugh out loud funny. I can sympathize ^&grin

Great additions to your collection.
Beautiful stuff as always Zach, love the african predators and the musketeer and Richelieu are beautiful, K&C just keeps getting better and better.
Just got some new stuff in the mail over the past week. I have to say, if you are at ALL interested in Holmes, these new sets are fantastic! I am absolutely in love with Holmes, Watson and Baker St. I know the blue placard isn't accurate (a modern addition), but I don't mind it. Ps - if you do get the Baker Street facade - look for the lanterns...I forgot to take mine out of the box. The others in this update are some new Pike and Musket and some Bobbies....




Many moons ago, I bought a big lot of Streets of Hong Kong figures. I have finally found the time to start going through them (mainly bc I'm not going outside in -16 degree weather!). I'l post pics as I go through them...






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