Latest addition to the collection...
This is "Winston" by Cartoon Miniatures, painted by Stanislav Kurylenko
Robert Guiscard was the father of the first Baron Badolato and is this my earliest known ancestor. He conquered all of Southern Italy and Sicily and founded the Town of Badolato. Thor and I had discussed Aeroart’s plans to eventually make this figure at a show in New Jersey last year. I am so excited he finally made it and have to buy one immediately!Here are some new arrivals
The first is a 16th Century Chinese Warrior. It is a Nevskya Miniatura figure that has been painted by Olga Kropotova. For those who don't know, she is the daughter of Tatiana Gapchenko, who is the owner of Nevskya. She is one of the most talented young Russian artists I've come across. I was finally able to meet her this summer and she is a wonderful person. If you haven't seen any of her work, check out her latest elephant! WOW!
The next three are all new figures from AeroArt/The Saint Petersburg Collection. They are
King Henry III w/Sword and Shield 6411
Kuroda Yoshitaka w/Bow 6410
Norman Warlord Robert Guiscard 6406
Absolutely!!! Cool that you can trace back that far!!
Haha! It works great!!!!
Some Russian Additions
All Aeroart other than Joan of Arc...there are no markings on her so not sure who made it. Not the best figure, but I am sucker for Joan figures!
That's a great figure, but I think that the inscription on the flag should read, "DEPAR LE ROI DU CIEL," not "DEPAR LE POI DU CIEL", "Roi du ciel" being "the King of Heaven".
Well, in modern french , it also misses the "t" of départ. I am not sure, but maybe it is an archaic french.