Zach's Collection (2 Viewers)

This is a Russian Archer The casting is from EK Castings and the painting from Zodiac Art (on Ebay)
Overall, I don't think the painting is to the level of some of the other pieces available out there, but the cost of this was $97. Not cheap, but definitely cheaper than many of the others. While overall, not maybe AS good, the shield is wonderful. Looks better in person than in these photos.



I really liked this one when I first saw it and didn't buy it. Then I saw it again on Ebay and knew I had to. I think the horse is really the star of this little vignette.
This is Union Cavalryman Standing Beside Horse, Loading Rifle from Sineus for The St. Petersburg Collection #140



Next is Honda Tadakatsu Holding Two Swords from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #6353
This is the prototype figure
It's not easy to see in the photos, but the painting on the back of the robe is amazing.



This is also a prototype figure.
This one is Armored Saracen Archer from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #6359


And lastly for today is Edward III at Crecy with His Knight from Grudsky Studio / St. Petersburg Collection #3157/3161.1
Overall, I think this is a great set, but Edwards face seems odd to me. He looks like one of those old norse carvings. It doesn't matter to me though since I am a sucker for all things British Monarchy!


Top Shelf stuff Zach! Royalty always intriguing and flashy, easy on the eyes, love the saracen bowman, I have a large group of Saracen flats and am looking for sources of uniform coloring and info to supply for the commission of the figures and I've added him to the portfolio.

If you care, make sure you check - many times the Russian figures are made to look good an not necessarily historically accurate ( he may be, but I'm just not sure)
If you care, make sure you check - many times the Russian figures are made to look good an not necessarily historically accurate ( he may be, but I'm just not sure)

Yes Zach, now that you mention it, he does look pretty well armored for a bowman, but still looks great( maybe in a Hollywood style). But to be frank I've alwyas wondered about the accuracy of many of the truly stunning figures coming out of st. Pete, the clothing is often a work of art and I've questioned wether in ancient times such extravagant clothing and armor were worn in battle even by royalty?
These are my first figures from Beau Geste. If you like the old world glossies, you definitely need some of these! They are just full of traditional wonderfulness!

These two sets are the 369th Regt., Harlem Hellfighters, US Infantry, WWI. One is the band set and the other, the soldiers. I had them make me an add-on set of marching soldiers to add to the "parade".



This is K&C New Rickshaw Set. I just love the driver, chilling out smoking. Doesn't seem that he cares that he doesn't have a fare!

This is Marcus Antonius, 1B.C. (at Map Table). It was painted by the painters of Kolobob and is an Andrea casting.


This is Maharaja of India-19th Century. It is from Sineus. I have an email in to Thor from AeroArt bc the base has the AeroArt logo on it. I don't know if this was originally aeroart or not. I know Sineus did make stuff for them a ways back. We shall see. Either way, the painting on this guy is wonderful. The detailing is amazing. (so is the packing material that I didn't remove from his head before taking the photos! :redface2: )




Here's another from Sineus - also with an AeroArt logo on the bottom. This is

Mounted Russian Herald - 15th Century



In our final installment of Zach really can't stop buying stuff and will have the best toy soldier collection at his bankruptcy court hearing, we have

Mounted Grenadier-1790 from AeroArt (#3882). The details on this one are really great.



If interested, I added a few more to the Russian Figures forum
Just back from the North East Toy Soldier Society Show...
I was so lucky (in my opinion) today! This was on my wish list for the longest time and I've never seen it in person. Nicholas Cameron of Crown Miniatures (a fantastic guy) had this sitting on his table and I had to contain my excitement! I have always loved all things Richard III. I'm in the camp that he gets a raw deal from Tudor authors, perpetrated by Wm. Shakespeare. If you are interested in historic fiction, I highly recommend The Sunne in Splendor by Sharon Kay Penman. But, enough of that - onto the pictures!

This is The Battle of Bosworth Set:Richard III,Sir John Cheyney,Sir Thomas Stanley,Sir Percival Thirlwall from Grudsky Studio / St. Petersburg Collection #3208-3211
It is four individual figures that go together to make this scene






This is one of my favorite vignettes made by Aeroart along with "the capture of Joan of Arc" and "the death of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy". The interlocking bases
made these limited edition sets quite unique. Only 51 of the Battle of Bosworth were made, 35 for the Death of Charles the Bold and 59 of Joan of Arc.
I acquired these between 1997 and 2000 and preferred the presentation over the wooden look bases.
Great find!
I used to have another interlocking set by AeroArt, the death of Thomas Beckett, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Also a great set.

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