"Refugees on the Road" (10 Viewers)

That's it, George...I know the subject of my next conversion...just have to find the right moss for the hair. What Napoleonic unit would Larry best suit?

Definately not old, middle or young guard, cuirassier or carabinier, perhaps foot artillery so when he messed up, Moe could crack him over the head with a ramrod............

Bit of a sweeping statement. You surely, cannot be saying that those responsible for the concentration camps represented the entire nation?

If you are then sadly, you have failed to appreciate the history of the events of the time and, in doing so, by your response, respond in similar to exactly what and how got the german people on the road to the concentration camps... by calling them 'Jewish scum'

Its sad how such severe reactions have occured from civillian sets and how from this the giant leap to the concentration camps has become automatic for some.
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This has just went too far, let's not even bother attempting to change the subject, can a moderator not close this thread it is highly boring now and I think it has crossed the line, in fact I think it did two days ago lol!

Lets put the swastikas and Lee Enfields away and be pals?
It was not until today that I read thru this thread as I thought it was the typical "I love these figures, great addition, blah, blah, blah.
But today I did read it and seen the terms, "I got the shivers" or "I was disturbed".
I can honestly say in all my years of collecting I was never "disturbed" nor did I get the "shivers" after viewing ANY toy soldier figure, set or era depicted.
I simply like it or don't.
If viewing a toy soldier can cause that type of emotion, how can one handle the ups and downs of real life!
Oh, one figure did cause me to chuckle, it was the German pooping!
Lighten up!

Well said!:)
I'm coming in here late. The figures are really nice and I can see them as teaching something if presented well. The is the same company that did the German flirting with the French woman that I joked about. Concern might be that "toy" figures trivialize the subject.

I am reminded of the concentration camp diorama at The US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. We are talking about the K&C figures but as I was trying to find a photo of the Museum's diorama, I found these dioramas.

Holocaust Memorial Center
Detroit, MI (not a camp..just nice!)



"Museum of the Armed Act" (?) in Nowa Huta, Poland


The image of these figures is very powerful and really demonstrates the emotional impact that can be derived from any creative diorama. Granted, this is an emotionally charged subject, but I think the objective depiction permits the figures to serve as a chronical of an event rather than the kind of "glorification" we sometimes see in TS dioramas. I am very encouraged by this level of craftsmanship and the artist's vision to depict an event that he/she thought was important enough to share with others. The more I see the work being produced, the more I think it really does border on "fine art".
It was not until today that I read thru this thread as I thought it was the typical "I love these figures, great addition, blah, blah, blah.
But today I did read it and seen the terms, "I got the shivers" or "I was disturbed".
I can honestly say in all my years of collecting I was never "disturbed" nor did I get the "shivers" after viewing ANY toy soldier figure, set or era depicted.
I simply like it or don't.
If viewing a toy soldier can cause that type of emotion, how can one handle the ups and downs of real life!
Oh, one figure did cause me to chuckle, it was the German pooping!
Lighten up!

Trust me folks, I'm personally not losing any sleep over this discussion, and hate to belabor the point, but just wanted to point out the fallacy of equating finding something offensive with having poor coping skills.

Bit of a sweeping statement is it not 'german scum'. You surely, cannot be saying that those responsible for the concentration camps represented the entire nation?

If you are then sadly, you have failed to appreciate the history of the events of the time and, in doing so, by your response, respond in similar to exactly what and how got the german people on the road to the concentration camps... by calling them 'Jewish scum'

Its sad how such severe reactions have occured from civillian sets and how from this the giant leap to the concentration camps has become automatic for some.

My apoligies....."Nazi Scum"
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My apoligies....."Nazi Scum"

Still not accurate because "Nazi" was a political party, that is like saying "Republican Scum" or "Democratic Scum" :)

Anyway, it's those "Rebel Scum" we have to watch out for - cue 'Star Wars' theme :eek: :D
Still not accurate because "Nazi" was a political party, that is like saying "Republican Scum" or "Democratic Scum" :)

Anyway, it's those "Rebel Scum" we have to watch out for - cue 'Star Wars' theme :eek: :D

Hi Oz,

Not really the same even if it was a Political party/term because as we look at them they were the only party in 1940's Germany so its not much of a race when the opposition parties are in prison. But the term Nazi is generally accepted by most folks so we can use it in this case.

Hi Oz,

Not really the same even if it was a Political party/term because as we look at them they were the only party in 1940's Germany so its not much of a race when the opposition parties are in prison. But the term Nazi is generally accepted by most folks so we can use it in this case.


I know what you mean but millions of ordinary Germans were members of the Nazi Party. Most joined out of patriotism for their country and did not share the radical views of the loonies that were running the party.
I can't beleive civilians are causing a war here
maybe some should collect farm animals
I know what you mean but millions of ordinary Germans were members of the Nazi Party. Most joined out of patriotism for their country and did not share the radical views of the loonies that were running the party.

I agree with you Oz. I have family that fought on both sides during WWII. To clasify every German as a true "Nazi" is spitting in the face of German heritage. My grand fathers brother was a great man, he fought for his family and his country not for "Hitler". That said my children will learn to know about both sides of my family. They will learn that both my grand father and his brother fought for their countries and families not because some higher power such as Nazi Germany demanded it but because one knew it was the right thing to do while the other knew his family and everything he knew was at stake (He was terrified of the Russian offensive and prayed everyday that the allied forces in the West would win the race to Berlin). My kids will grow up learning that there were two heros in my family.
I can't beleive civilians are causing a war here
maybe some should collect farm animals

Careful, this thread has enough politics, you may tempt Andy to display the K & C animals in an "Animal Farm" scene - "Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad" :eek: :D
It was a WAR and when WAR happens there are DEAD people REFUGIES bad people etc….So if you decide to collect NAZI Germans soldiers you have to accept the reality of this regime. There always people crying here, unbelievable I don’t know that is related to aging or what…

If somebody say something or show something than they start CRYING again and again, my father fought and this and that…but those who complain have hundreds of Nazi soldiers on their collection…so if all this disturbing you why you collect NAZI ARMY in first place.

Also, the difference between LAH marching and the Waffen SS fighting is only the colors of the uniforms..
Still not accurate because "Nazi" was a political party, that is like saying "Republican Scum" or "Democratic Scum" :)

Anyway, it's those "Rebel Scum" we have to watch out for - cue 'Star Wars' theme :eek: :D

It appears to me that Brian's original post was specifically referencing the Nazi's involved in running the concentration camps. I think we can all agree that "nazi scum" is a perfectly fair appellation for those Nazi's tossing women and children into gas chambers and ovens.
It appears to me that Brian's original post was specifically referencing the Nazi's involved in running the concentration camps. I think we can all agree that "nazi scum" is a perfectly fair appellation for those Nazi's tossing women and children into gas chambers and ovens.

I was refering to the generalized term, however I would certainly agree with your more specific example.
It appears to me that Brian's original post was specifically referencing the Nazi's involved in running the concentration camps. I think we can all agree that "nazi scum" is a perfectly fair appellation for those Nazi's tossing women and children into gas chambers and ovens.

To describe them as "nazi scum" is being kind...
Seen as a few have gone crackers on here about these sets, technically, german camp guards did not through women or children onto fires or, into gas chambers 'Kapo's' did forced to do so by German guards for their temporary survival or, extra rations etc.

Nobody, on here who has castigated these sets and, criticised as overstepping the mark or bad taste has said that they will not have german pieces in their collection full stop. How many who criticise and selectively use history to support their outrage have say, the Hummel or flakpanzer gephard in their collection which, was Totenkopf and, that regiment was drawn from camp guards.

If you think the camp guards are 'scum' fine but, for all the reasons some are stating that this civillian set picture is reprehensible should only do so if, they have no SS or german army items in their collection.

Most of the rounding up of refugee's etc was only done with the aid of the Heer divisions.

I ceratinly see nobody condoning what went on but, surely, we should be discussing K&C rather than the speculative hysteria of what some believe these sets possibly, maybe, might somehow represent should we really think hard enough.

Only my opinion but, its been very informative and interesting

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