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  • A late Merry Christmas and that in a few hours we may all have a Great New Year! Happy New year and let us keep in touch.
    Thank you very much Craig for your Christmasd thoughts. My wife and I had a very delightful Holiday weekend surrounded by our adult children and our grandchildren. I hope you and your family had as nice of a Christmas Holiday as we did. Happy New year and all the best . . . .
    Merry Christmas Craig and a happy new year, have a great one mate,

    All the best

    Most of the stuff have been swaps with trophy stuff mate i have no where near the money to buy this stuff
    All my glossies were in boxes and a guy asked if i would be interested in swapping so the rest is history
    My wife got me the flak 41 for christmas
    Ibeen selling all my old trophy and other glossies and got a few old retired ws sets and 2 snow tigers ,flak crew ,2 winter panhards ,winter command car 2 winter ambulances TG desert 190 . spitfire ,and some other new summer ws sets,waiting on new spitfire,ME262
    Have you pre-orderd anything
    Craig, a very Happy Christmas and a fantastic new year mate, have a great one

    Merry Christmas Craig.
    All the best in the New Year.I guess you guys are getting all the snow this year?No snow here yet,I`m just waiting for the kids to get up.
    All the best my friend.
    HI craig - I have just posted a message on the forum - painting - regarding info received etc from nshighlander (dave). Concerns info from Edinburgh - no tenor drums. Thought you might be interested. johnnybach
    Hi Craig
    About the only new thing for me will be the figure from the show in England and I ordered the figure from the show in the US.Thats it for me.I have really slowed down with the Toy Soldier buying the funds just are not there any more.Keep on dreaming I guess.The new WB Gordons will be on that list for Xmas.Have a good one take care.
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