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  1. O

    Painted Normandy GI's

    I have total respect for a guy who'd go into a hot LZ without a firearm to save his fellow soldiers' lives - particularly when as a conscientious objector he could (if he could justify his claim) have avoided the situation altogether.
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    Painted Normandy GI's

    I don't believe medics were officially allowed to arm themselves until the 60s (during Vietnam) for defense of their patients - and self-defense when their non-combatant status wasn't respected by the VC and NVA. However, this didn't stop individual medics from grabbing a .45 for the same...
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    Painted Barzso British Grenadiers AWI

    Great job - thanks for sharing your pix - both inspiring and depressing (when I compare my paintjobs).
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    Napoleonic French Pontooners 1/32nd

    That's a uniform I had not seen before. Goes to show you learn something new every day. Thanks for sharing it.
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    Own: Chinese nationalists, 88th Division.

    Some great shots Anth. These are some beautiful figures - hoping they become more readily available and affordable in the future.
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    Rebel Calvaryman

    Great job - what I come to expect when you show off your stuff. Thanks for sharing.
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    Napoleonic French Pontooners 1/32nd

    Here's a great page from a site I use: Here's the home page. It's dedicated to Waterloo, but has pretty good guides to most - if not all - the units that...
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    Various Confederate officers

    Great job! Always a pleasure to see great paint jobs.
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    Alamo figure conversions

    Great job with the conversions; paint jobs too. Thanks for sharing.
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    Set 27 will be more Germans!

    I meant, "Gary Binder, not Gary Dutko." But hopefully everyone got my point and I should quit while I'm only a length or so behind? Good news about the new sets coming out - didn't realize they'd be here already, but they did say they might be in time for the show.
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    Set 27 will be more Germans!

    Just informed it was Gary Binder not Gary Binder who did the conversions on the Germans for TSSD. Thanks for the correction.
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    Set 27 will be more Germans!

    It might just be additional poses to go with what he already has. That's what I get from "add-on." I remember a few years back when I bought a couple sets of resin figures made from conversions of the longcoat and late war sets by Gary Dutko (I think). I'm always on the lookout for new poses.
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    Any news on Conte?

    I gave up on his site for plastics. It doesn't appear as if anyone has updated it in year(s). I bought all three colors of the Spartans, I haven't noticed any breakage but then again, I haven't had them out in a few years - I've kept them stored in as air-tight plastic container as I could...
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    105mm Pack?

    I worked the M102 in the 82nd Abn Division. After working heavier guns such as the M110 8-inch Howitzer SP and the M114 155mm Towed Howitzer the M102 was a dream and fun to work. Loved the 6400 mil traverse, too.
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    Prussian rear guard!

    I really like this thread and your dio. I love unpainted figures - so much room for the imagination.
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    I agree on the styling. Don't know if computers are the wave of the future or not. These are nice looking figures - if a bit stiff. Unless someone can figure out how to get more "life" into the results I don't see human sculptors being in danger of extinction yet.
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    Massive Unpainted Napoleonic Battle

    I really enjoyed these pix, reminded me of what got me in the hobby (didn't realize that's what it was when I was a kid) in the first place - getting down on the floor playing general and letting my imagination go wild with my little armies. Don't feel alone with looking at your painting...
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    I think you did a bangup job on him, Thyer - particularly like the job you did on the eyes. Just really getting into painting my larger scale figures myself and always waver about how much "white" of the eyes to paint, or not paint. I think you nailed it on this guy. Great job! Definitely...
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    Only 2 Painted Barbs

    Great job! Always enjoy your work.