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  1. Middleguard


    I like your style of painting. What paint do you use to make the colors look so flat and lose that glossy look. Mine always have a bit of a shine and in my photos do not look like cloth. Also I appreciate your ability to see these sets for other than what they were made for.
  2. Middleguard

    Armies in plastic french soldiers napoleonic variations 1/32nd

    Nicely done! The AIP French are one of their best sculpted sets. This set was made with the 10 figures per set. Now they seem to be sticking with 8 per. I wish AIP would put out an accompanying set of French fusiliers and just one set of Napoleonic cavalry. A generic set of hussars or heavy...
  3. Middleguard

    Expeditionary force zouaves coming soon from steve weston

    I noticed on their future releases page they have Napoleonic French and what appear to be a few examples of dismounted dragoons. Sure beats hours of head swapping.
  4. Middleguard

    Star Wars Command sets

    50mm? Isn't that a little short for a stormtrooper? Somebody had to say it.
  5. Middleguard

    92nd Gordon Highlanders

    If they won't do all the poses in 1/32 I wish someone could convince them to only do the ones that are not available in 1/ 32 already. Timpo has a nice Highland set and the poses in this set that are missing from Timpos set would help to flesh out the Highlanders as a whole. I wouldn't mind more...
  6. Middleguard

    New LEMAX Oktoberfest Girls Oops!

    I think the accompanying soldier is more in awe of the size of the mug of beer than he is with the size of the girl. Anyway, Try putting her in a scene where all the GIs are sitting at a table to see if the size difference is still so noticeable.
  7. Middleguard


    They straighten out really well with the hot water treatment. I got a few bags of these guys and finished or corrected the paint job they started. The Infantry are exact twins of the Italeri molds, but I do not know who the mounted guys are. I use the mounted guys as company or battalion level...
  8. Middleguard

    Old LIDO Civil War

    You can never have too many poses. I like a firing line made up of one or two poses from several manufacturers. Mix them all together, I say. It helps to hide the awkward poses or hide the bent musket or bayonet.
  9. Middleguard

    French imperial guard foot artillery waterloo 1815 painted

    Nice work. I like the AIP Napoleonic sets. The Napoleonic sets seem to have natural poses that the other time periods lack. They don't seem as blocky except for the 95th rifles set. The French Infantry set makes a great Fusiliers Grenadiers.
  10. Middleguard

    Conte GI's

    The paint job is almost unreal. Fantastic shading and blending. About how much time per figure would you say you spend and do you do one at a time or are these done as a group in a assembly line operation?
  11. Middleguard

    Army men apocolypse...

    I've watched this more than once on youtube. Very well done. I hope some day to have enough Napoleonic soldiers painted up to do a movie like this.
  12. Middleguard

    Gentle Giant "Walkers" coverted to Un Dead Confederates (and slave)

    I'm not really a fan of the "walker" thing but I can and do appreciate the creativity and effort. Good work and that was both quick and well done.
  13. Middleguard

    Aussies at gallipoli painted conversions 1/32nd

    The poses seem very natural. I especially like the guy carrying the 2 boxes.
  14. Middleguard

    Stuff to do with Timpo Nap. cavalry

    I still had a bucket of Timpo left so now I started looking closer. I had what I thought were a bunch of wasted guys but in reality I had a treasure trove of untapped potential. These three guys are Timpo British hussars painted as French horse artillery, and elite troopers from the 9th and 5th...
  15. Middleguard

    Stuff to do with Timpo Nap. cavalry

    Now I was still stuck with all those Napoleons, Wellingtons, and Bluchers. What to do, What to do. Flipping through the big Wagram book I found in the back pictures of the Saxons. I had already use the Accurate AWI infantry for the infantry and artillery sooooo... I noticed the cavalry was...
  16. Middleguard

    Stuff to do with Timpo Nap. cavalry

    With those successes behind me other toy commanders demanded attention to their armies as well. First up the Dutch red lancers from Timpo French lancers. I was stumped as to what to use for a lance since Timpo only provided a jousting lance from the knights set. Finallt at the local high end...
  17. Middleguard

    Stuff to do with Timpo Nap. cavalry

    Now I was getting carried away with it all. I needed to go back to the basics. the Russians were complaining that they were constantly being overrun by French light cavalry and could I do something about that. Why not. I pulled out the Timpo British life guards and simply clipped off the flowing...
  18. Middleguard

    Stuff to do with Timpo Nap. cavalry

    I then noticed that I had an abundance of Jean Hoeffler guys that I would probably never use. So I hacked off the tops of them and added the Timpo Prussian infantry bodies to them. Again pressing Jean into service as buglers I added a Marx arm with musket to add variety. The Jean lowers had...
  19. Middleguard

    Stuff to do with Timpo Nap. cavalry

    Next I needed someone to scout out the enemy dispositions for the Emperor. Timpo French chaussers to the rescue. I immediately realized that one pose of these guys was not going to do it for me so I looked over my stash and continued on the next page.