Search results

  1. L

    "Painted" Weston Figures

    very nice these kind of remind me of some nice Bandits i have which I think were made by a Danish or some kind of scandinavian company. I can't think of thename of the company. I will try and find them and post pictures. only 4 or 5 poses but nice and I think would go well with these:):):)
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    ACW Reb Artillery Set

    looks like some errors in their research to me. reminds me of hen KC did some CW figs years ago and had a Reb artillery officer listed as an infantry officer apparently confusing red with blue detailing
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    The Glory of Rome

    thank u for admitting my observation is correct.I've had several FL fans tell me i was wrong. hope you understand that it would be better for you to point out the recycling rather than trying to show us the figures from different camera angles which makes it seem like you are hiding the twice...
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    Manes Marzane...JJD...WB...Heritage Mahdist/Devrish Comparitive pictures...

    these are mighty cool who sells them?
  5. L

    ONTC OTSN Chicago

    Re: ONTC owned by who? I'd like to know if Ken Osen is still doing the figures and if the now legendary Mr. Berry is still the owner. All the turmoil with Michigan Toy and Peter Jackson and the subsequent talk of new owners has me wondering is this company still in biz and if so who are the...
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    The Glory of Rome

    The applause for First Legion seems endless on this thread and I'm sure is well deserved. That said, am I the only one who is disturbed by poses being recycled rather than new ones being made. Look at Rome13 and 14 Isn't this the same figure with only the arms and standard being changed? Careful...
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    The Glory of Rome

    You guys might find a book called Legions of Rome useful. Written by Stephen Dando-Collins published in 2010 it supposedly has some of the latest most current thought on each of the Roman Legions. I ordered mine from UK when I had trouble finding it here
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    new CTS stuff in the works...

    Seems to me that the AIP stuff is pretty awful in terms of sculpting and I've looked at Hat and they are usually so thin and 2 dimensional that they are in a secondary 'league' compared to things like ConTe Collectables Spartans. Even the TSD product is light years ahead of AIP and Hat although...
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    where is all the plastic discussion?

    Not sure what you are referring to as my comments which he refused to post could have been viewed by most as pro Conte Collectables and I came away with the distinct feeling that he was protecting TSD rather than Conte and did not want any thing negative about their product to be posted. Since...
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    Does he have an email list for announcements which I could sign up for???
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    Spartans Red / Spartans Blue

    very cool what brand of paints do you recommend:smile2: i think these Conte spartans painted by you look better than most metal figures made by anyone thank you for sharing
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    where is all the plastic discussion?

    Well gotta say you warned me about the Marx site. Moderator there refused to post one of my posts about plastic Tombstone and then wrote me and told me my post was inappropriate . I said some things which were comparing the Conte Collectibles vs. TSSD which I thought were useful. my comments...
  13. L

    I think a American Revolution section would Be great for CS

    Yes something I can use with my pirates!
  14. L

    Future CTS figures

    Good observation. And the lying down guy either has a right leg which is too long or a left which is too short I can;t decide which it is but it is a problem The one kneeling firing has a back which is overly long compared to the rest of his body even though the packs hide some of the problem...
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    where is all the plastic discussion?

    Your warning about Marx Playset site is interesting but Ive gotta say that the forum director there has been very nice and I dont see all sorts of negative posts on his site. . He Even took time to write me several personal emails asking what I collected interested in and so forth and offering...
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    The Glory of Rome

    Remco Big Caesar Galley was my favorite toy as a kid . A couple years ago I bought a Conte Roman ship at Hackensack show and love it. I'm gonna need some more Romans to go with it
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    The Glory of Rome

    Thank you kindly
  18. L

    The Glory of Rome

    These are really good. I don't have any but have been told they are expensive. Can you get unpainted castings which could be used with plastic figures like Conte Collctibles did when they had some metal sets painted a solid color for use by plastic guys
  19. L

    What about Alymer

    do any dealers carry vintage alymer? I was told they had some interesting colonial figures . were they all glossy? I'm mainly into matte nowadays