Search results

  1. M

    Conte Wish Lish

    Because I like to paint, I have purchased a lot of the unpainted Conte plastics--especially the Alamo and Civil War figures. Lately, however, I have been buying up as much of the unpainted pewter as I can find. The sculpting is the same excellent quality as the painted pewter. The unpainted...
  2. M

    Conte Wish Lish

    I am still waiting for Patriot figures in plastic. I asked RC about this a year or so ago, and he said that there were legal issues with the movie folks (and their lawyers) that prevented him coming out with a Patriot playset in plastic. OK--so call it the Battle of Saratoga Playset and get it...
  3. M

    What's Happening in Room 5202?

    I attended Ken Osen's first presentation on making dioramas, and went back for the reprise later in the afternoon. It was great as he actually created the scene as he spoke. I am anxious to try his technique. I wish I could have attended all of his sessions, but I had to have some time to buy...
  4. M

    Battle on Snowshoes

    I am also bothered by the eyes, and by something else. The Indian figures in this line (not just the Battle on Snowshoes, but figures from his other F and I War sets) remind me of Frontline Indian figures. Is there an incestuous relationship there? The French and Indian War is my favorite...
  5. M

    What Do You Do For A Living

    I am the associate dean for business programs at the Chicago campus of DeVry University. I also teach courses in business and technical writing, but I have an abiding interest in military history and a personal library of over 2,500 books. If I ever retire, I plan to open a used books store...
  6. M

    What would be your ideal Toy soldier Show?

    I think you have the wrong slant on room trading, Gary. For one thing, it's not an either-or situation. Toy soldier shows have both room trading and the open hall. Room trading takes place on the days leading up to the show, but the show itelf is the kind of "big open hall" event you prefer...
  7. M

    What is known about DEL PRADO

    About a year ago I purchased on eBay a Del Prado Napoleonic figure--a British marine, if I recall correctly. It was a very nice figure, but too large to fit with my 54mm collection. However, I also purchased--again on eBay--the two cannons that are part of the Napoleonic line. One was a...
  8. M

    What would be your ideal Toy soldier Show?

    I go to two toy soldier shows a year, OTSN in Chicago and a much smaller show in Indianapolis in March. OTSN has the advantage of being huge, but it is so big that it is virtually impossible to get around to every dealer. And, as others have mentioned in a different thread, the maze of rooms...
  9. M

    OTSN Chicago Show

    Like all of you, I am counting the hours and saving my pennies (?) until the OTSN show in Chicago. I have been attending this toy soldier extravaganza for the last 20 years or so, and have never left empty handed. It is impossible to not find something that is necessary for your collection...
  10. M

    Vallejo paints for plastic

    I have been slopping paint on both plastic and metal figures for years, and more recently on resin. I have found Vallejo paints to be very satisfactory. However, I have had good luck with other brands as well, including Humbrol, Model Master, and Polly S. Each line of paints seems to have...
  11. M

    How do you get started painting figures?

    I know what a wash is, but the couple of times I have tried it things have not turned out very well. Any pointers?