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  1. H

    Knights of the Sky

    mine look great too but i did not realize and i was surprised that they were not lead but sonme sort of plastic or resin. Are these his forst figures to not be lead?
  2. H

    CTSS Show 2021 is a wrap.

    actually that is michael schreckov's room. He owns warring warbirds and has been making beautifully made mahogony airplanes for at least the last 5 or 6 years. He has made me a heinkel 177 bomber, an me 410, a heinkel 111 for battle of britain and 2 ju 52's. One in green camo and the other was...
  3. H

    Are Figarti planes similar to KC

    The heinkel 219 is awesome
  4. H

    CTSS Show 2021 is a wrap.

    If i would have known notre dame was playing at soldiers field i would have gotten us tickets matt, maybe next time. You might see u mass play northwestern one year
  5. H

    Chicago Toy Soldier Show 2021 - Treefrog Perspective....

    i was there each day. Of course it was slower than in the past but most everybody i talked to thought things turned out better than they thought they would. I know i found some good bargins as well as some cool stuff i found. I got my first elastolin sets from peter nussbaum, i probably own all...
  6. H

    Anyone would like to see KV2 Russian tank, V2 & V1 Rockets with figures made by KC

    Re: Anyone would like to see KV2 Russian tank, V2 & V1 Rockets with figures made by K great i will check it out
  7. H

    Chicago Show (CTSS) Facts 2021

    Went to the show each day. The show turned out better then i thought although saturday was slow. Alot of different items and tha maze effect was cut down because they only used the main 4 hallways off each landing. Most dealers i talked to said although traffic was slower than years past that...
  8. H

    Trophy WW1

    looks good too
  9. H

    Anyone would like to see KV2 Russian tank, V2 & V1 Rockets with figures made by KC

    Re: Anyone would like to see KV2 Russian tank, V2 & V1 Rockets with figures made by K I bought a kv2 from matt at hobby bunker, i think it came from the figarti folks . I love it. But i would rather see andy do the opel maultier in the different theaters of war- normandy, italy or winter...
  10. H

    Chicago 2021 Toy Soldier Show Who is going?

    something positive for a change would be nice
  11. H

    Chicago 2021 Toy Soldier Show Who is going?

    you just can't stop can you brad
  12. H

    Chicago Show (CTSS) Facts 2021

    Cannot wait for what could be a great show. See you all there
  13. H

    Trophy WW1

    sorry to here that
  14. H

    Trophy WW1

    can't wait to see them, are going to chicago louis?
  15. H

    Trophy WW1

    what sets do you need now louis?
  16. H


    I remember when that sety came out i had bin laden getting captured setup in my office. The customers loved it. My gm hated it and made me take it down.
  17. H

    Trophy WW1

    congrats louis , i just couldn't part with mine right now. I believe there are only 12 sets of each turkish set ever made, and not too mant russians either. Does anybody know the exact numbers on the russian production?
  18. H

    Figarti train station diorama

    What can you say but "awesome!" thanks for the effort guys