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  1. T

    Confederate Uniforms During the Maryland Campaign:September 1862

    Hello to All. My latest book may be of considerable interest to all Civil War uniform enthusiasts--those who still believe in the ‘Ragged Reb’ scenario and others who feel that maybe the Confederates weren’t that hard done by. It is a large work (A4 size and 320 pages), packed with...
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    LWG013 and NOR090 Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwinds!

    Yes. That is why I mentioned the 12SS Hitlerjugend. They were the only unit operating in Normandy with Wirbelwinds, so these vehicles would be ideal in portraying that Division. Alternately, the vehicle could be used for numerous Panzer units operating in the Ardennes as most did not have...
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    LWG013 and NOR090 Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwinds!

    Sorry to throw a spanner in the works, but there were no Wirbelwinds with the 17SS in Normandy. These type vehicles were first received by the Division in late December 44. During the Normandy fighting the 17SS had to make do with towed pieces in its Stug Bn. and SP Sdkfz 7/1 quad flak serving...
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    Battle of the Bulge 1944-45

    Great scene. That would be 12 SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend then.
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    BB006 German Tiger I, 1st Co 301st Heavy Panzer Battalion

    According to this logic the battles of Arnhem and Aachen would have to be included in the Battle of the Bulge scenario as well, as both were miles away from the Ardennes theatre of operations and in a different time frame! 301 did not fight in the Battle of the Bulge. It was never anywhere near...
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    BB006 German Tiger I, 1st Co 301st Heavy Panzer Battalion

    Bit of a problem here. The 301st Bn. Never made it to the Bulge. It was supposed to have been attached to 9th Panzer Division but because of destroyed railways it was placed in reserve. It's next action, on January 20th, was against the British in the Rhineland.
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    The American Civil War Diaries

    Hi Bob, I'm that other Reb in the North West of England. I have a collection of around 1000 Confederate figures. Unlike yourself I keep mine stored in cupboards and boxes. Excellent Devils Den by the way. Jeff
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    New Confederate uniform book 'Never in Rags'

    Hi My latest book ‘ Never In Rags’, described by William Frassanito as “The most comprehensive study of Confederate uniforms, and their distribution, ever undertaken”, has recently been published. It is the first in a nine volume series. Each volume comprises over one thousand pages of...
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    Enhancing Mass Battle Confederates

    Got to agree with previous posts. No more patches. I would like to make another suggestion...let's have more uniformity in the Confederate ranks. By the time of Gettysburg the Confederate depot system was in full swing. The Army of Northern Virginia would have appeared well dressed to the...
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    The American Civil War Diaries

    Hi again, 'Never in Rags' is available from Military Book Publishing (UK). It is Volume one in a series of nine and is 1100 pages long! The entire series will have over 10,000 pages. This first volume covers the Eastern theatre of war in 1863. Initially released in softback it will...
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    The American Civil War Diaries

    Hi The myth of the 'Ragged Reb' has long been discredited. In my research I have yet to find any real evidence of this, especially in the ANV. Photos taken at Antietam, Aldie, Gettysburg, The Punch Bowl, Petersburg and Richmond all show well clad soldiers in depot ragged...
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    The American Civil War Diaries

    Bob, I assume the reasoning behind the choice of The 1st (2nd) Maryland Infantry was that it was one of the very few units to carry two flags into action at Gettysburg, (1st Texas aside), and against orders...
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    ACW91-099 Confederate Artillery Crew & 12lb Napolon Gun

    When analysing confederate uniforms one has to be unit/time/theatre specific. First Legion, to their credit, have produced a non-specific artillery unit. The uniforms on the figures are absolutely accurate for a generic gun crew. For a specific unit there would have to be some changes. To...
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    First Legion worth the price?

    What's up with the civil war range?I am most impressed with these figures. Jeff
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    First Legion 55th North carolina on UK ebay.

    Hi, Just noticed lots of First Legion 55th North Carolina Confederates on UK Ebay.They are priced at £35 each which seems quite cheap to me.After contacting the seller he said there would be lots more for sale in the near future. Jeff
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    ACW063-ACW069 Union Civil War Artillery Pre-Order!!!

    In many of FL's Civil war sets?I have always thought that they were fairly accurate,especially the Confederates. Jeff
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    An Observation (Confederate Battle Flags)

    Totally agree.From mid 1862 ANV battleflags were made at the Richmond depot.All adhered to a set format,with slight variations as the war progressed.None were handsewn by soldiers or rectangular.Whole divisions were issued battleflags at the same time.The standard procedure was for each...
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    The Musical Box

    Forget indepth discussions about nazi reenactors,rugby sevens,dog lovers,NFL football and Jimmy Saville and try to concentrate on the real issues in life,such as .....Is 'THE MUSICAL BOX' (circa 1971),by Genesis,the greatest rock track ever written?I tend to think so...
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    New civil war regiment

    Close scrutiny of this unit shows a typical mixture of Richmond depot and Alabama state issue uniforms.The Richmond issue jeans cloth jackets have faded from dark gray to a tan color very quickly after being issued in May and June 63.The darker blue/gray imported English wool kersey jackets have...
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    A Long March to Gettysburg

    It was also a very smart looking outfit .Huge amounts of imported English dark blue/grey kersey cloth had arrived in Wilmington in May 1863 and this had been quickly made up into uniform jackets at the Richmond clothing facility.These jackets were of the Richmond depot 2 type,and Pettigrew's...