Search results

  1. Fusilier

    NY Times Editor wants American soil forts names changed....

    This whole things strikes me as someone "advocating" for something which most of the "offended" people likely don't care about at all. Perhaps instead of creating issues like this, Malinowski should try to be helpful with solving other problems which are actually real. Maybe he has some...
  2. Fusilier

    Muslims Murder British Soldier in London today...

    American media is now reporting that Scotland Yard was "familiar" with these two guys because of their, shall we say, "unique religious views". They have also searched 6 other locations and arrested two additional people in connection with yesterday's murder. It seems there is an extremist...
  3. Fusilier

    McPherson's Ridge- Gettysburg - July 1, 1863 (part2)

    Great work as usual Xavier! I always enjoy viewing your dioramas. Noah
  4. Fusilier

    Confederate statue stirs controversy in Virginia

    I hear what you are saying, but by that rationale, once a statue, landmark, or whatever loses its local significance, then it should be removed. That argument means that if people in Boston for whatever reason decided they did want to see Washington's visage anymore, then it should be taken...
  5. Fusilier

    Confederate statue stirs controversy in Virginia

    Have to agree with Al and Tom on this one. If someone assumes that a memorial to Confederate war dead is an endorsement of the unsavory aspects of slavery or racism is only looking for demons where none exsist. A person can dislike the Confederacy all they want based on that entity's stance in...
  6. Fusilier

    ACW Confederate Question

    I do not believe there are any specific corps or division patches which might identify these specific regiments. So if you are wanting to mix the two First Legion releases or use them as "generic" Confederates, there should not be any issue. Noah
  7. Fusilier

    Russian Artillery

    That is a sharp looking set. Hope you enjoy it! Noah
  8. Fusilier

    First Legion Figures - AWI

    Excellent display for the FL militia figures! Though I have seen pics before, your fort never ceases to amaze me. That is one amazing set up! What is your opinion of the AWI range? Do you like what you see after having a few of them in hand? Noah
  9. Fusilier

    NAP0410-NAP0417 Napoleonic French "Camp Life" Pre-Order!

    Nice job First Legion! This release is an excellent departure from the norm and should excite all the Nap collectors. I imagine that before too long, Xavier will have put together of his amazing dioramas featuring these figures. Noah
  10. Fusilier

    Joining the legion

    As others have said, welcome to the First Legion band! It looks like you are off to a great start. Enjoy your collecting! Noah
  11. Fusilier

    AWI040-AWI055 British 22nd Regiment of Foot Pre-Order!

    What a great thing to wake up to! The resolute AWI collectors among us have been happily waiting for these guys and now they are here. Excellent group of poses to make a complete firing line and I especially enjoy the variant heads on two of them. Little details like that help make a great...
  12. Fusilier

    AWI sets

    Hobby Bunker has AWI032 as well. Noah
  13. Fusilier

    AWI sets

    None of the AWI range figures are sold out yet. They are all readily availible through either the FL site or their regular distributors. Noah
  14. Fusilier

    Baseball 2013

    Miller did an excellent job last night, with the one hit he allowed being the first batter he faced! Great performance from the rookie, who is now 5-2. Noah
  15. Fusilier

    There the devil to pay" - Gettysburg - July 1, 1863 (part1)

    Beautiful scene Xavier! You capture the intensity of the painting just right. Noah
  16. Fusilier

    Bunker Hill by Nathaniel Philbrick

    Any early opinions on it Scott, or are you still getting into it? Following the same topic are two other books which came out in the last couple years. With Fire and Sword by James L. Nelson and The Whites of Their Eyes by Paul Lockhart are both worthy reads if someone wants more on Bunker...
  17. Fusilier

    facebook page

    That is some good stuff, including a couple of English archers from Agincourt. I don't know if that is a Viking or if it is a Germanic barbarian for the Rome range. Anyone think that figure looks too late to be a barbarian? Noah
  18. Fusilier

    Bunker Hill by Nathaniel Philbrick

    Been looking forward to this one for a while. Philbrick does an excellent job with his books, as evidenced by Last Stand and Mayflower, to name two previous titles. He is known for his solidly researched, yet, easily accessible histories. Hope to pick up the Bunker Hill book soon. Noah
  19. Fusilier

    Baseball 2013

    The fact that the Nats were able to 1-hit the Reds two nights in a row makes me think that maybe Washington is turning the corner a little bit. Offense still needs to come alive more regularly, but two wins against a very potent team is still a good start. Noah
  20. Fusilier

    Baseball 2013

    That does seem more like Gio. And the Reds lost, which is always good! On another note, I was just reading an article about how the Marlins owner mandated a change in the pitching rotation for a double-header yesterday. What a moron this guy is! After hosing the fans and city of Miami with...