Search results

  1. Gneisenau

    Dutkins' Collectables Website

    Rich is very helpful but they do toy soldiers, the Li'l Army line of molds,,,,plus they sell and buy gold so to give him his due, he's a busy guy. Lois or Gale, his wife, might answer but if you have a question, ask for Rich, he'll hook you up. I've done business with them for 20 years now so...
  2. Gneisenau

    Casting alloys

    While not discouraging you from lead casting metals, I started casting when I was about 12. I've done this as a hobby almost non-stop. I had a lead level drawn during my annual physical last year and I was within 'normal' range. Since I'm 44 now and have not taken a whit of precaution for any...
  3. Gneisenau

    New Zulus Hey L-teaaaaaaa!

    could you fit the shield that comes with the multi mold to cover the left hand?? would look just like he was hugging it close to his body..
  4. Gneisenau

    King and Country Glossy

    you guys are waaay off base. The best way to hide a hobby is in plain sight!!! Here's a trick... my wife loooves to knit. So, I buy her expensive needles, yarn if we're out..order her books for the h#ll of it.. Things like that. Mind you, if I drop that I'm thinking of getting such and...
  5. Gneisenau

    The other reason for home casting

    any yellowing? I've noticed over the years that white enamel paint from original figures I've done does not hold up as well as white acrylic. On their own, yes...but put a new white figure next to them and the difference is startling....
  6. Gneisenau

    New Zulus Hey L-teaaaaaaa!

    hey, I just had a thought (miracle, I know)....would it be possible to use the wounded zulu holding the club to put a shield covering the 'wound' in his left hand??? That would give you charging Zulu's without the wait for gratification from the multi-multi- piece zulu set? Knock one up so to...
  7. Gneisenau

    German WW2 castings?

    kv: you need to check out Dutkins site if you haven't for a week or so. There are new figures including the ACW raising his kepi in a cheer and also a German firing a panzerschreck. That one looks **very** cool....
  8. Gneisenau

    The other reason for home casting

    After applied to figures, is there much "settling" of the Future to cracks/crevices? I got the idea for figures after reading a model article on canopies and thought, "why not?" Do you 'quarantine' the figures in something dust resistant to prevent..well,...dust? I'd be afraid of dipping a...
  9. Gneisenau

    The other reason for home casting

    By the way, what do you use for glossy overcoat??? I've shied away from too many glossy figures because of the patchy results I get (some areas are very good, others missed). I'm thinking of the 'dipping in Future floor polish' that they recommend in modelling magazines.....
  10. Gneisenau

    The other reason for home casting

    I like the conversion of the LA German officer(s). Very good. I pushed for new Russians but so far, nothing yet. I suggested a civilian or trooper throwing a Molotov cocktail instead of a grenade.
  11. Gneisenau

    The other reason for home casting

    Yeah...they have me filling in a pharmacy that's all the way on the NY/CT border. It's a very busy store. One pharmacist broke down and was crying in the back room..she couldn't hack it. So guess who gets to go? My dad always told me, 'never demonstrate a skill you're not prepared to...
  12. Gneisenau

    The other reason for home casting

    Have a good conversion for you guys that are of that ilk. I bought Dutkins' Conf. drummer boy (LA-1411) but could never get the hands with the sticks to come out...what to do, what to do. So... after much thought, I cast the figure then (brace yourselves) cut the hands off flat at the sleeve...
  13. Gneisenau

    German WW2 castings?

    KV...thanks for posting. You'll have to write me as to how to resize so I don't keep pestering you. I loved your weathering on the US/German troopers. The jackets look great. Did you get the MP 38/40 guys yet? In a book I was just reading on the development and history of the MP 38/40...
  14. Gneisenau

    German WW2 castings?

    yo, vamp...did you get the pics I sent?
  15. Gneisenau

    German WW2 castings?

    Did you order the new molds yet? Oh...another thing that hit me about the German(s) took me a bit to figure it out...on the MP 38/40, there is this little bump on the inverse side of the sight. If the weapon is fired over the top of a vehicle (say a half-track) or out a firing port, it...
  16. Gneisenau

    German WW2 castings?

    The key on the rifle barrel is that if you look at the mold, the rifle doesn't actually exist beyond the stub that is the primary barrel band at the end. Here's what I did..(not for the meek of heart). I trenched with an X-acto knife a proportionate length of barrel in the mold, then, using...
  17. Gneisenau

    German WW2 castings?

    I received 3 molds today. I got the standing German firing MP 38/40, the US standing/firing M3, and the German kneeling/firing panzerfaust. All 3 are absolutely stupendous. Not a flaw in the group. Any usual Dutkins errors were eliminated in these molds. The weapons are slightly over-sized...
  18. Gneisenau

    German WW2 castings?

    KV.... I have helpful hint I have found working well for doing eyes. First, I found that working with the figure ** upside down ** helps. That way you're painting down into something versus painting up into something. Think of painting the baseboard around a floor versus painting *up* the...
  19. Gneisenau

    Casting multi cavity molds

    From the sounds of it, it seems as if PA is out of the 54 mm mold (new anyway) business. They're focused on the European Market (even in this day and age of internet) and 40 mm is the rage there. Plus, the cost of metal has made 54 mm more expensive. I'd love to see someone from PA dispute...
  20. Gneisenau

    Making your own mold

    No I'm not kidding about the catalogue. It remains the absolute best way I've ever seen to merchandise toy soldiers. I'll have to see if I can find it around. Some of that stuff I lost in The War. Did you know that he reformulated the company under the name Hampton Miniatures? I *do* have...