1/30 Scale Vehicles (2 Viewers)

No George I wouldn't say your wrong.

I use to make Tamiya & Dragon 1/35 scale kit. Rule # 1 when your building tank models is Get Your Bogies Strait then your treads will go on strait.

I pay good money for my TS vehicles they are not cheep and I expect the bogies and treads on them to be Strait. But why is it that the bogies and tracks on them look like someone was sniffing the glue to long. How hard is it for a company to make a simple jig to do this for them?

I don't think i'm asking for to much here.

You are 1000% correct; for the kind of dough you 1/30th scale collectors shell out, that's not too much to ask.

I remember the Esci kits from the 70's and 80's that I used to build and those individual links were a nightmare in 1/72nd scale and you are preaching to the choir, it drove me nuts when they were crooked.

I've known about this Stug for over three months and kept a lid on it; you and everyone else out there are going to love these babies in the flesh.

Matt from the HB may be running a show in August, so hopefully if he does, I'll have a vehicle or two for you to see in the flesh.

Thanks for your comments on this Paul......
You are 1000% correct; for the kind of dough you 1/30th scale collectors shell out, that's not too much to ask.

I remember the Esci kits from the 70's and 80's that I used to build and those individual links were a nightmare in 1/72nd scale and you are preaching to the choir, it drove me nuts when they were crooked.

I've known about this Stug for over three months and kept a lid on it; you and everyone else out there are going to love these babies in the flesh.

Matt from the HB may be running a show in August, so hopefully if he does, I'll have a vehicle or two for you to see in the flesh.

Thanks for your comments on this Paul......

Thank you George for your understanding,

I will be at the show, hope you have many FL items for viewing.

Hi Matt,

There is a need for higher quality vehicles!

I collect Britains WWII - since they were the first and only soldiers I collected a kid.

King & Country - Was the spark that really re-stated my collecting in my late 30s.
A great product, at a good price and the industry's best selection . This is the vast majority of my collection which is focused on WWII Germans and Americans. Over the past year I have narrowed my collection to only non Winter Germans in Russia, Europe & Africa and Americans in Europe and Winter BOB.

Hounor Bound - Excellent vehicles / good soldiers. I have all 3 Panthers, the Sherman and a Gold Edition Tiger and a couple soldier sets. It was a big disappointment when they stop manufacturing vehicles.

The Collectors Showcase - very good vehicles and good soldiers (and improving with each release) (the vehicles fit well with my K&C & Hounor Bound - the solders however are still a little tall and I'm not a huge fan of their bases.

Figarti - IMO the best vehicles (I really like the detail and weathering) and greatly improving soldiers.
I have a few AK pieces currently and are looking forward to more.

St. Petersburg / Aeroart - I have been fortunate enough to have the funds to stock a shelf with over 30 Roman figures. *These are the prize pieces of my collection - every one I own is on display.
No need to really comment on the quality. I never got around to asking Thor about making WWII Germans.....probably since my wallet couldn't handle it right now.

Then there is this newer company called First Legion - Napoleonics were never on my radar.
The quality did catch my eye from the beginning. Yes they did appear close to my St. Petersburg figures, however, at a fraction of the cost! After a few days in Paris last summer (I actually went to a toy soldier shop thinking it would be cool to pickup a couple Napoleonics - I found nothing I liked) I came home and ordered my first pieces. IMO my First Legion pieces are the absolute best value for the money in the industry.
Matt - The WWII figures look great (and IMO may end up being best value for high end collectors), however, I am concerned about the size. I know there has been debates in the forum....I really don't care whose are exactly 54 or 60mm, I just want them to fit with my K&C, Hounor Bound and Figarti collection. Being limited on funds and display space I am unable to commit to a new size. If they do fit......I will be very excited to adding some new troops and armor to my WWII collection!
Matt - Thanks again for rushing out the British 9lb Foot Set for my Birthday
Dave Shaw

Thanks for your comments. In regards to the size of the new WWII figures, please see the figure scales page on our website. Unfortunately, and I'm just being honest here, the size is pretty irrelevant as the style is so different that even if they are the exact same height (which they're not) they won't match that well. See below....They just don't match at all. So if that means you won't be a customer of our figures because of what you already have, then I guess you won't be a customer of our figures. Too bad, because they're really great stuff.....

I'd like to throw my nickel into the ring. This Stug III by far is a wonderful piece of work. If this vehicle is any indication of what First Legion has in store for us, then these other compaines better WATCH OUT. Just looking at these upcoming figures, they already leave the likes of Figarti or Collectors showcase in the rear of the pack. Plus as stated earlier, we will be able to put together the entire battle not just dribs and drabs as some of these other companies leave us with. My money is on First legion as the NEW leader
in regards to WW2 soldiers. These early releases are mind blowing and I look forward to what's in store next.:):):)
One other item I didn't mention at all is that the gun barrel of the stug moves and can be left either in the down position (as shown) or fully raised position that Stugs used when travelling.

As noted, please remember this is not the final model. It's really about 3 iterations old. As such it doesn't have it's tow cables or the final photo etched parts such as grill covers, and scopes, etc... that will be on the final model.

In terms of the pricing, we're hoping to retail it at $350 including the two full figures. Should be available later this summer. Further, there is another surprise that we haven't shown yet (another variant). So stay tuned for that....
One other item I didn't mention at all is that the gun barrel of the stug moves and can be left either in the down position (as shown) or fully raised position that Stugs used when travelling.

As noted, please remember this is not the final model. It's really about 3 iterations old. As such it doesn't have it's tow cables or the final photo etched parts such as grill covers, and scopes, etc... that will be on the final model.

In terms of the pricing, we're hoping to retail it at $350 including the two full figures. Should be available later this summer. Further, there is another surprise that we haven't shown yet (another variant). So stay tuned for that....

First of all, beautiful piece, great detail, very very nice. That said, at 350, not for me. Of course, my opinion, but I buy way too many lines and I refuse to give up some to add this. Now, I wish you sincerely the best in the endeavor b/c they are quite nice. If I added this line, i would have to give up way too many I also like!

First of all, beautiful piece, great detail, very very nice. That said, at 350, not for me. Of course, my opinion, but I buy way too many lines and I refuse to give up some to add this. Now, I wish you sincerely the best in the endeavor b/c they are quite nice. If I added this line, i would have to give up way too many I also like!


Thanks. It understandable that the piece won't be for everyone as it's expensive.

I said $350, but only because you guys kept asking and I don't want to say a lower price and then retail it for more later. The price with crew could be as low as $300 and as high as $350. It won't be any more or any less than these numbers though.....Remember, that part of the price is the two full figures that come with it.

We're considering doing a version with the hatches closed and no crew figures in order to bring the price down for the stug itself. This would knock about $90+ off of the price. Again, we haven't decided yet on this...
First of all, beautiful piece, great detail, very very nice. That said, at 350, not for me. Of course, my opinion, but I buy way too many lines and I refuse to give up some to add this. Now, I wish you sincerely the best in the endeavor b/c they are quite nice. If I added this line, i would have to give up way too many I also like!


Ahhh yes tdudel, I to have though of what I could buy with the ' extra money ' that FL's items require. But when I see the museum quality their offering here everything else seem like toys.

$350.00 is a lot of money, but lets look at what is offered. The 2 figures alone are worth $100-110 going by FL standard prices. If this Stug has bogies that are true, 90 degrees to there axles and in parallel, with strait tracks, linked with precision, then thats for me at $240. Thats all I want, a tank that looks real enuff that it FITS the history it suppose to represent and not a comic books.

I'll have fewer lines to collect, but are they really worth it. Just my 2 cents.
First of all, beautiful piece, great detail, very very nice. That said, at 350, not for me. Of course, my opinion, but I buy way too many lines and I refuse to give up some to add this. Now, I wish you sincerely the best in the endeavor b/c they are quite nice. If I added this line, i would have to give up way too many I also like!


Same here Tom. I have paid higher prices ($300+) for rare prototypes like the K & C M-26 Recovery Truck and very unique models like the Figarti Tiger. However I already have several Stugs and can't see much point in buying another, especially when it's smaller compared to all the 1/30 figures and vehicles I have.
Same here Tom. I have paid higher prices ($300+) for rare prototypes like the K & C M-26 Recovery Truck and very unique models like the Figarti Tiger. However I already have several Stugs and can't see much point in buying another, especially when it's smaller compared to all the 1/30 figures and vehicles I have.

It's not smaller, its true 1/30th scale. Assuming all other vehicles are true 1/30th scale, then it should be the exact same size.....
Eeeer, ummm, 'scuse me, excuse me, First Commissar, I don't know who's been feeding numbers but I don't understand all this loose talk of US$350 for your new Stug...??

If I recall correctly, the HB Panthers were US$50 per tank and the Gold Editions were US$65.50 per tank.
Given that the new FL Stug is clearly a cut above all the other also rans in the industry, apart from Figarti of course, then surely a more realistic price for the Stug would be, say....US$150....??

Best Creeping, Crawling and Sycophantic Regards
I have just noticed this post and believe this would apply to a number of collectors on this forum including myself.

Thanks for your comments. In regards to the size of the new WWII figures, please see the figure scales page on our website. Unfortunately, and I'm just being honest here, the size is pretty irrelevant as the style is so different that even if they are the exact same height (which they're not) they won't match that well. See below....They just don't match at all. So if that means you won't be a customer of our figures because of what you already have, then I guess you won't be a customer of our figures. Too bad, because they're really great stuff.....

Ahhh yes tdudel, I to have though of what I could buy with the ' extra money ' that FL's items require. But when I see the museum quality their offering here everything else seem like toys.

$350.00 is a lot of money, but lets look at what is offered. The 2 figures alone are worth $100-110 going by FL standard prices. If this Stug has bogies that are true, 90 degrees to there axles and in parallel, with strait tracks, linked with precision, then thats for me at $240. Thats all I want, a tank that looks real enuff that it FITS the history it suppose to represent and not a comic books.

I'll have fewer lines to collect, but are they really worth it. Just my 2 cents.

understand, but I don't value the figures as highly as you do. I like vehicles, so for me, this is a $350 Stug. Again, very nice, but I would rather by Figarti when it comes to spending more than I want to on a vehicle@!! In all seriousness, I have long had a feeling that the hobby was starting to price itself and that average collectors (me included) would be required to be much more choosy, hence the reason I have focused on obtaining older and rarer Trophy.

One other item I didn't mention at all is that the gun barrel of the stug moves and can be left either in the down position (as shown) or fully raised position that Stugs used when travelling.

As noted, please remember this is not the final model. It's really about 3 iterations old. As such it doesn't have it's tow cables or the final photo etched parts such as grill covers, and scopes, etc... that will be on the final model.

In terms of the pricing, we're hoping to retail it at $350 including the two full figures. Should be available later this summer. Further, there is another surprise that we haven't shown yet (another variant). So stay tuned for that....

This is what happens when a certain segment of the collector base accept that $50 bucks is OK for a figure. Then we end up with $350 vehicles. In my collecting mind, these will always be toys. I choose not to pay high end prices for " toys ". No amount of eye candy or imagined extra detail is worth $350. The market has been $100 to $150 for most vehicles for a bit now. But it is not my money nor choice. The market will determine, as HB and KC ( their higher price offerings )have found out, the average joe-sixpack collector will not easily part with their hard earned money for high end offerings...Just my $100 worth...Michael
I have just noticed this post and believe this would apply to a number of collectors on this forum including myself.

Saw this late, but I agree with the Oz-man..You cut out a large segment of the worldwide collectors base, who do mind scale difference, just so you can do your own thing...Michael
Scale is not the only criteria for me, when it comes to compatibility. Style also has a lot to do with it. Trophy and Imperial are both 54mm and glossy, but their styles are so different I wouldn't think of mixing them in the same shelf, in fact I don't. I believe the same happens with K&C and Honour Bound. IMHO of course.

Scale is not the only criteria for me, when it comes to compatibility. Style also has a lot to do with it. Trophy and Imperial are both 54mm and glossy, but their styles are so different I wouldn't think of mixing them in the same shelf, in fact I don't. I believe the same happens with K&C and Honour Bound. IMHO of course.


I couldn't agree more.If i buy the new FL figures they will be in a completely stand alone scene in their own diorama.They are unique and i feel would deserve a seperate collection.

I also agree about K&C and Honour bound,their figures just don't go well together in my view.

Originally Posted by OzDigger
I have just noticed this post and believe this would apply to a number of collectors on this forum including myself.

I just noticed this on Michael's post where he quoted someone else.
Yeah, there's no doubt that my salutation to First Legion in the post immediately preceding this, would most certainly apply to a number of collectors on this forum including himself.

It's not smaller, its true 1/30th scale. Assuming all other vehicles are true 1/30th scale, then it should be the exact same size.....

Let's hope so. However that makes me wonder why the overall height of your WWII figures is only 60mm as indicated on your website.
It looks very good , but its also at the high end of the hobby [nothing wrong with that as everyone has different priorities and budgets].
I wouldnt pay that much for a stug no matter how good but if it was a vehicle or subject that pushed all my collecting buttons I,d look long and hard . [in terms of price you guys who live and earn $us dont know how good youve got it :eek: , try collecting from the cheap seats.]

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