2018 Baseball season (4 Viewers)

Wait! {eek3} Is this the same person.

I’ll bet he said “That sixth round draft choice will never amount to anything.”

I'm realistic when it comes to sports, I know you are too, we're not some pink hat rah rah home team yahoos...…...:wink2:

Still have one more to go, what a series so far.

Tonight is a classic reverse lock, Verlander the ace vs the RS bullpen.

We'll see how this plays out.
For me the highlight of the night was the broadcasters talking about the Astros reliever James and how he was some minor league scrub until he figured out he had sleep apnea and started using a CPAP machine; it magically added 12 MP to his fastball, he went from 90 to 102.

Yeah sure, it was the CPAP machine that did it...……...:rolleyes2:

The mind reels.


I mean a CPAP machine can do a lot to a man...throw faster, thrust harder, solve world problems, get loose and blow air in your eyeballs and make you wake up with your eyelids in reverse. Or wake up thinking your on life support after a night on the sauce. I mean C'MON man there has got to be some magic there. I got issued one from the VA and I swear it has lead me to reversing my snoring, having creepy (and I mean CREEPY) dreams and waking up with solutions to end world hunger. I betcha I could go out there and throw a couple of no hitters given the chance bro. Plus, I feel like I could take anybody right now in a Jalapeño eating contest with out the beer to wash 'em down.

The CPAP machine has made me...a sexual-chocolate tyrannosaurus rex.

John from Texas

PS: This post is meant to be funny, not serious or taken serious. In the event I have a confirmation hearing (uh highly unlikely) but if I do let it be know that THIS post was meant to make you chuckle, roll your eyes or laugh. Not solve world problems or hunger or prove my manliness. They are just silly, stupid replies from a knuckehead in Texas trying to poke a little fun at myself and the issues (or sports) at hand with my fellow collectors. Here, here?
Well, as hard as I've been on him, Price came up huge in a high pressure situation and pitched the Sox to the WS. All I can say is he picked the right moment to win his first post-season game as a starting pitcher. And Kimbrel came through again, without too much drama this time. Congratulations to Price and to the Sox. The best team wins through. -- Al
Well, as hard as I've been on him, Price came up huge in a high pressure situation and pitched the Sox to the WS. All I can say is he picked the right moment to win his first post-season game as a starting pitcher. And Kimbrel came through again, without too much drama this time. Congratulations to Price and to the Sox. The best team wins through. -- Al

Price was money, three days rest, biggest reverse lock for sure vs the Astros ace. This team are road warriors, Mike you said it, the RS road record was better than Houston's home record. The Astros line up is relentless, they keep coming, can't believe they won 3 strait in Houston, I thought this was going to be a 7 game war.

It's on to the WS, 4th time in the past 15 years.

Man, what a team, sorry I doubted them.
Congratulations George and Sox fans. Didn’t think they’d win tonight but they got it done, even Kimbrel.

Condolences to Mike and Astros fans. Coming out of the Indians series, I thought you guys were unstoppable. At least you have last year and next year is another year.
Astros laid an enormous egg in that series...
nothing went right...
I'm jumping on the Sox's bandwagon...
what a powerful line up!
Congratulations George and Sox fans. Didn’t think they’d win tonight but they got it done, even Kimbrel.

Condolences to Mike and Astros fans. Coming out of the Indians series, I thought you guys were unstoppable. At least you have last year and next year is another year.

Echoing Brad, congrats to George and condolences to Mike.

From a baseball standpoint there is no shame in losing to the Red Sox. They are simply the best team right now.
The Red Sox look like a machine. Beating a great Houston team four straight including three at home. No reason to even play the WS. I can't see LA or Milwaukee winning more than one game. I'm still puzzled by the Brewers pulling their starter after facing only one batter the other day. I assume there is a strategy behind that but it apparently didn't work.
The Red Sox look like a machine. Beating a great Houston team four straight including three at home. No reason to even play the WS. I can't see LA or Milwaukee winning more than one game. I'm still puzzled by the Brewers pulling their starter after facing only one batter the other day. I assume there is a strategy behind that but it apparently didn't work.

The strategy is he's a lefty, so as a manager, you trot out a right handed hitting line up to face him, then he pitches to one batter and he gets yanked.

If it works, great, if not...……….

And as a glass half empty New Englander, I never count my chickens, plus there is no such thing as a sure thing when it comes to sports, the 1969 Orioles, 1988 and 1990 A's among others say hello...……………...
The Red Sox look like a machine. Beating a great Houston team four straight including three at home. No reason to even play the WS. I can't see LA or Milwaukee winning more than one game. I'm still puzzled by the Brewers pulling their starter after facing only one batter the other day. I assume there is a strategy behind that but it apparently didn't work.

Here’s an article on the strategy, called “bullpenning,” a variation on what the As do. Counsell was trying to make Roberts commit to a right handed lineup and then force him to go to a left handed lineup, thereby depleting his bench.

I wouldn't be so quick in writing off LA. This postseason reminds me of 1988. In 1988, LA down 2-1 in games, played a long night game against NY, which they won in 12 innings, and then they had a quick turnaround the next day (game 4 ended at 1230am and game 5 started at 1220pm) which LA won to take command of the series. The Mets won game 6 but LA won game 7, with Hershiser making an appearance. The same happened here, the only difference being that in 88 LA won the decisive game 4 on the road. Interestingly, game 4 in the 2018 NLCS took 13 innings and ended around 230am and game 5 started at 505pm, almost the same situation as 1988. They then faced a team, the As, against which they were given no chance. We know what happened. LA is not being given much of a chance this year against baseball's best team but don't write them off just yet. The similarities, at least to me, are a little eerie.
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Puig is maddening. He almost lost the game with a couple of horrible plays in the outfield. Then he belts a three-run HR to clinch the game. That catch by Taylor might have been the difference in the series. A classic. Didn't like seeing the Dodgers bring in Kershaw in the ninth when they are up four runs. Surely they had someone in the pen who could finish that game without wasting Kershaw. A good effort by the Brewers but there is almost no way for small market teams to be competitive with the monster payrolls in LA, Boston and NY. They are just the Washington Generals to the big market Harlem Globetrotters.
The networks and MLB get the match up they wanted, Dodgers/Red Sox, should be a great series, we'll see how it plays out.

Can someone enlighten me as to this new thing the players do when they get a hit, they dance around with some choreographed dance routine for ten minutes and the whole bench does it right back to the guy. And when they hit home runs they do cartwheels around the bases.

Imagine doing either of those things to Gibson, he'd plant one in your ear the next time you came up.

It's annoying and idiotic...………………..
The networks and MLB get the match up they wanted, Dodgers/Red Sox, should be a great series, we'll see how it plays out.

Can someone enlighten me as to this new thing the players do when they get a hit, they dance around with some choreographed dance routine for ten minutes and the whole bench does it right back to the guy. And when they hit home runs they do cartwheels around the bases.

Imagine doing either of those things to Gibson, he'd plant one in your ear the next time you came up.

It's annoying and idiotic...………………..

I assume you’re referring to players being more demonstrative. Baseball had been an uptight sport where showing emotions was frowned upon as if showing emotions was a cardinal sin. I think this started to change when football and basketball players started celebrations and showed more flair. However, I think things really started to change with the influx of the Latino player. Players show flair when they score a goal in soccer so why not in football. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that within reason. Some of this chest thumping, for example, gets a little tiresome and I thought that Puig’s HR celebration was a little over the top but I guess you have to take the good with the bad.
The networks and MLB get the match up they wanted, Dodgers/Red Sox, should be a great series, we'll see how it plays out.

Can someone enlighten me as to this new thing the players do when they get a hit, they dance around with some choreographed dance routine for ten minutes and the whole bench does it right back to the guy. And when they hit home runs they do cartwheels around the bases.

Imagine doing either of those things to Gibson, he'd plant one in your ear the next time you came up.

It's annoying and idiotic...………………..


I kind of like it to some extent...

as long as it's not showing up the opposing pitcher directly...
like you said...
old school pitchers would put one in your ear if you showed them up...

the Astros came up with their version of celebrating with "The Stare"...
where when they hit a home run...
when they got to the dugout they did all the customary high fives and handshakes...
then they would all turn at the same moment and stare defiantly into the dugout camera for a still pose...
never taunting the pitcher on the mound as it was done in the dugout...

they also had their own version of celebrating when getting on base they did something they called...
"milking the cow"...
putting both hands over their head and pulling down like they were milking a cow's teat...
everybody has their own way of celebrating a hit...

I enjoyed it...
the fans in Houston actually sent in videos of their version of "The Stare"...
it was comical...
even the Houston Police Dept. sent in one...

I assume you’re referring to players being more demonstrative. Baseball had been an uptight sport where showing emotions was frowned upon as if showing emotions was a cardinal sin. I think this started to change when football and basketball players started celebrations and showed more flair. However, I think things really started to change with the influx of the Latino player. Players show flair when they score a goal in soccer so why not in football. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that within reason. Some of this chest thumping, for example, gets a little tiresome and I thought that Puig’s HR celebration was a little over the top but I guess you have to take the good with the bad.

Puig is like a big kid with all that entails. The good and the bad. Personally, I like to see someone playing baseball who looks like they are having fun instead of getting a colonoscopy. He is not show boating but displaying some emotion.
Puig is like a big kid with all that entails. The good and the bad. Personally, I like to see someone playing baseball who looks like they are having fun instead of getting a colonoscopy. He is not show boating but displaying some emotion.

I generally agree. Whatever you do in life, you should enjoy it.
Puig is like a big kid with all that entails. The good and the bad. Personally, I like to see someone playing baseball who looks like they are having fun instead of getting a colonoscopy. He is not show boating but displaying some emotion.

Yeah he's lucky he didn't blow out a hamstring with those over the top histrionics, he almost ran from first to the dugout without going completely around the bases.

As someone who played the game for 25 years at a number of levels, I find it irritating and idiotic, choreographed handshakes, dance moves after a double in the top of the 5th in June vs the Royals is not my idea of expressing yourself, it's my idea of buffoonery to the extreme.

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