2019 Baseball season (4 Viewers)

Just found out Tom Seaver passed away on Monday from complications of dementia and COVID.

Man that sucks.

I'd put him right up there as perhaps the greatest right handed pitcher of all time.

The true "Tom Terrific", so buzz off Brady.

What might have been had he not gotten hurt in 1986.

R.I.P. Tom, 75 is way too young.........................
He was a great pitcher.R.I.P. Tom.
Just found out Tom Seaver passed away on Monday from complications of dementia and COVID.

Man that sucks.

I'd put him right up there as perhaps the greatest right handed pitcher of all time.

The true "Tom Terrific", so buzz off Brady.

What might have been had he not gotten hurt in 1986.

R.I.P. Tom, 75 is way too young.........................[/QUOTE.]Hadn't heard this. How did this not make ESPN or the MLB channel? I must have just missed the notifications. Seaver was an all-time great and a class act. Loved the Seaver/Koosman combo almost as much as the Koufax/Drysdale combo. RIP, Tom Terrific. -- Al
Seaver’s stats are amazing.

The one that stands out to me is the fact that he and Walter Johnson are the only pitchers to have 300 wins, 3,000 strikeouts and a career ERA under 3.00.

R.I.P. to one of the all time greats.
Tom Seaver was not only a great ball player but a wonderful person. He was my dad's favorite player and we were big Mets fans.
Growing up we were Brooklyn Dodger fans so the Mets took over after the Dodgers and Giants moved out of NY.
We bumped into Tom one night in a local Chinese restaurant. My dad was like a kid and had to go over toTom's table to say hello.
Tom was so gracious and friendly that it made my dad's day and he even waved goodbye to our table when he was leaving.
RIP Tom and sympathies to his family.
With about 2/3 of the season done the Giants are 18-21, good enough for second to last in the NL West.

Clearly this season is a farce and totally meaningless.

(There are only 20 or so games left so this is my semi final answer. However if the Giants go 20-0 or something close in those reaming games then this season is completely legitimate.)
With about 2/3 of the season done the Giants are 18-21, good enough for second to last in the NL West.

Clearly this season is a farce and totally meaningless.

(There are only 20 or so games left so this is my semi final answer. However if the Giants go 20-0 or something close in those reaming games then this season is completely legitimate.)
Boy, do I know how this feels as the Nats continue their attempt to go from first to worst in one season. They are now 13-24, good for last place in the NL East by 3 games. They managed to win the 2nd game of a doubleheader against the Braves last night, snapping a 7 game losing streak. Even that win came very hard as the Nats had a 7-3 lead and a 10-7 lead, yet only won 10-9 after more last inning troubles. I wonder about some managerial decisions as the Nats, leading 7-3 in the 4th, pitched to Freeman with the bases loaded who promptly homered to tie the game. Martinez continues to pitch to Freeman, who owns the Nats. I just don't get it. Martinez is now in his 3rd year with the Nats and with his WS title, has a lot of goodwill and leeway built up but the simple fact is, he has not been good, outside of last season's run to the title when the Nats finished the season 74-38, (after starting 19-31), Martinez' regular season record sits at 114-135. When Martinez took over in 2018, he inherited a 1st place club, which he promptly led to a mediocre 82-80 record. He opened 2019 at 19-31 before the 74-38 run and his record in 2020 is a terrible 13-24. That is a combined 188-173 over 2+ seasons with playoff caliber personal. I'm not really complaining, as a WS title is worth some grief, but I am wondering if Martinez was brilliant the last 2/3 of 2019, or whether he was just in the right place at the right time, carried along by a club of red hot ballplayers that wouldn't be denied the title, regardless of who was leading them. And that is what this abortion of a 2020 season has led my mind to start wondering. Come on 2021. -- Al
Hey fun fact for you, the Yankees are in third place in the AL East after losing to the LET'S GO O'S!! tonight, 6-1.....................Cole lost again and gee, what a shame, he's given up the most home runs than any pitcher this year.

Aw, what a shame; 36 Million doesn't buy what it used to.....................{sm4}
I joke around a lot about this season but I have in all actuality enjoyed watching the games. MLB has done a great job under the circumstances.

However, Mad Bum’s return to SF yesterday clearly showed that the games need fans in the stadium. I watched the game and half waited for a standing ovation when he took the mound only to be quickly snapped back to reality when the camera panned to the “crowd”.
I joke around a lot about this season but I have in all actuality enjoyed watching the games. MLB has done a great job under the circumstances.

However, Mad Bum’s return to SF yesterday clearly showed that the games need fans in the stadium. I watched the game and half waited for a standing ovation when he took the mound only to be quickly snapped back to reality when the camera panned to the “crowd”.
It is so odd. At the stadiums where ownership has opted for the cut-out fan concept, coupled with on cue crowd noises, I can almost become immersed in the whole thing, not even noticing there is no 'live' crowd. It isn't all that hard to suspend reality. But in the stadiums where there are no cut-out fans, (or real minimum numbers), the reality is much harder to escape and the emptiness is constantly in the viewers face. With the piped in fan noise, it is incredibly easy for me to watch/listen to a game and never have the thought of the empty stadium enter my head, so a lot of the suspended reality I experience depends on those cut-out fans to sooth my viewing experience. No cut-outs equals harsh reality for me and that's not entirely bad as I need to remember the danger that the players are undergoing just to bring me/us baseball. Anyway, come on 2021. -- Al
Boy, do I know how this feels as the Nats continue their attempt to go from first to worst in one season. They are now 13-24, good for last place in the NL East by 3 games. They managed to win the 2nd game of a doubleheader against the Braves last night, snapping a 7 game losing streak. Even that win came very hard as the Nats had a 7-3 lead and a 10-7 lead, yet only won 10-9 after more last inning troubles. I wonder about some managerial decisions as the Nats, leading 7-3 in the 4th, pitched to Freeman with the bases loaded who promptly homered to tie the game. Martinez continues to pitch to Freeman, who owns the Nats. I just don't get it. Martinez is now in his 3rd year with the Nats and with his WS title, has a lot of goodwill and leeway built up but the simple fact is, he has not been good, outside of last season's run to the title when the Nats finished the season 74-38, (after starting 19-31), Martinez' regular season record sits at 114-135. When Martinez took over in 2018, he inherited a 1st place club, which he promptly led to a mediocre 82-80 record. He opened 2019 at 19-31 before the 74-38 run and his record in 2020 is a terrible 13-24. That is a combined 188-173 over 2+ seasons with playoff caliber personal. I'm not really complaining, as a WS title is worth some grief, but I am wondering if Martinez was brilliant the last 2/3 of 2019, or whether he was just in the right place at the right time, carried along by a club of red hot ballplayers that wouldn't be denied the title, regardless of who was leading them. And that is what this abortion of a 2020 season has led my mind to start wondering. Come on 2021. -- Al
My opinion of Martinez continues to sink. Today, once again, he had the Nats pitch to Freeman with the bases loaded and the results were predictable, another GS, his second of the current series. The Nats continue to be poor base runners and continue to be sloppy in the field. Martinez doesn't play the games but he seems at a loss to confront and solve these other ongoing problems. I mean, how hard is it to order a pitch around, or even a walk, even with the bases loaded, against a player that owns your pitching staff? Simple numbers tells you that one run yielded is much better than four runs yielded. Martinez needs to sharpen up. -- Al
The Yankees lost to the LET'S GO O'S!! yet again today, that's three in a row, they now sit at 21-19, two games ahead of the Orioles for the 8th and last playoff spot in the AL.

Man oh man is that awesome.

I will say this though, no fans in the stands this year is a bit unfair as it gives the LET'S GO O'S!! a huge advantage; they're used to playing games at home in front of no fans...........................
Just got the news Lou Brock passed away at 81 earlier today.

First Tom Seaver, now Lou Brock...................what a shame.
These were the guys I admired growing up.They will be missed.R.I.P. Lou.
I’d like to change my previous stance.

Under the new MLB rules if the season ended today the Giants would be in the post-season because the MLB rules allow every team except anyone who finishes 0-60 to make the playoffs.

This season is 100% legitimate (for now).
I’d like to change my previous stance.

Under the new MLB rules if the season ended today the Giants would be in the post-season because the MLB rules allow every team except anyone who finishes 0-60 to make the playoffs.

This season is 100% legitimate (for now).

Wow, the 1927 Yankees lost again tonight, now sit at 21-21.............worlds are colliding...........................
Well, they’re better than the peons imitating the Mets pitching.

The 1927 Yankees are 7-0 vs the worst team in MLB, the Red Sox and 14-21 vs everyone else.

Saw some Yankees fans whining about injuries, specifically to Stanton..........complaining about him being injured is like being annoyed that on that cross country trip you planned in your 2002 Jeep with 180,000 miles on it, it broke down pulling out of your driveway.

You'd think with all the chemicals flowing through his veins he'd be immune to injury like some sort of cyborg....................
Stanton always seems injured. I think he played about 20 or so games last year. Another one who seems to have the injury bug is Judge. They are talented ball players but if you can’t play, what’s the point?

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