I know I may get ridiculed for posting this, but I'm not going to spend $369 for a 1/30 scale aircraft no matter what it's made of. The real reality check for me on this issue of $369 for a 1/30 scale Typhoon is... I have lots of 1/32 scale aircraft that look good with K&C figures, plus they all have sliding canopies, rolling wheels, removable pilots, spinning props, and some even have movable rudders and flaps, removable/interchangable bombs/rockets/fuel tanks/etc., and the Corsair even has foldable wings as if it's on a carrier. I spent probably between $15 - $65 for each one (depending on when I bought them, at a store or on ebay etc.), so the average costs would be around $40 each. So at around $40 apiece, I can have nine 21st Century planes, or one K&C Typhoon. That kind of puts it in perspective for me. This is only my opinion of course.