K&C may be testing the waters per se to maximize profit.
Bingo...We have a winner....Also See Post#39.
K&C may be testing the waters per se to maximize profit.
I think what most people probably wonder is why just a short time ago the Hurricane and the P-51B cost $159, and then the Spitfire costs $185, and then the BF109 costs $189, then the FW190 costs $199, then the ME262 costs $239, then the P-47 cost $259, and now the Typhoon costs $369. The jump from the P-47 (which is a bigger plane than a Typhoon) of $110 is what's surprising. I think that is a legitimate concern.
I know I may get ridiculed for posting this, but I'm not going to spend $369 for a 1/30 scale aircraft no matter what it's made of. The real reality check for me on this issue of $369 for a 1/30 scale Typhoon is... I have lots of 1/32 scale aircraft that look good with K&C figures, plus they all have sliding canopies, rolling wheels, removable pilots, spinning props, and some even have movable rudders and flaps, removable/interchangable bombs/rockets/**el tanks/etc., and the Corsair even has foldable wings as if it's on a carrier. I spent probably between $15 - $65 for each one (depending on when I bought them, at a store or on ebay etc.), so the average costs would be around $40 each. So at around $40 apiece, I can have nine 21st Century planes, or one K&C Typhoon. That kind of puts it in perspective for me. This is only my opinion of course.
I second that panzerace1944
been and will be buying KC
Maple Leaf
What can i say but sorry i cant afford the most wanted plane i have been looking forward to since the poly planes came out
I really wont this plane i am even thinking of selling my holy grail [ arnhem medic jeep to get it ]
After weeks of ' agonising ' about shall I buy this or shall I buy that, should I get two of these or three of those, I caught a news report about people dying in Africa for want of food and water and an emerging humanitarian crisis and I thought to myself, shut the **** up and thank your lucky stars.
A Real Reality check. Many here on the forum get on here and submit our comments about products that we would like to see be produced. Dear Andy please make this or dear Andy please make that. When the new items appear then complaints fly rampant about rising costs. We all know the labor costs and everything related to it have sky rocketed during the past year.Based on this, new products require new design, sculpting, new molds, and sometimes more hands involved based on the magnitude of the project. I don't think there is one person here on this forum who would disagree with me about the following fact:
King&Country produces more new releases and products on a monthly basis than any other toy soldier company in existance today! To do this it costs..... MONEY.
The big topic right now is the price of the upcoming Typhoon. I **lly trust K&C adjusted their price point on this war bird based on production costs running higher on this polystone aircraft than that of previous releases. The one advantage that collectors have in todays market is there are several great companies in existance producing our beloved miniatures. If you are not happy about a particular product made by brand "Y" then go seek out brand "X" if your heart so desires.
I really don't see in the least bit how calling K&C a great company is insulting to anyone ??? If one is not happy with a particular item of theirs then let it go.I particularly think that your post and the seeming rational behind it to be rather strange. Its basically a copy of the start your own company up if you dont like it or don't buy if you don't like.
Your flag waving insults IMO and doesn't see the reality you seem to be informing us of. Its not that anyone is really saying its not a nice aircraft its based on the fact that its not that much difference in size to the P47 or 262 and the cost has risen greatly. Its about a growing number of collectors who have cash but, are being forced out of the hobby and, possibly their choosen manufacturer.
Now we are constantly told that this is a small hobby and a niche market well, if thats the case then its a great idea to price those with cash completely out of it or, to tell them to buy someone else's products.
Your real reality check totally ignores the many collectors who want this but cannot afford it and smacks of I can afford tough if you cannot
Bingo...We have a winner....Also See Post#39.
...Either direction is correct in the manner in which a business decides to operate. You either eat the costs in the long run, or in the short run. K&C may be testing the waters per se to maximize profit. Of which could be used for more R&D. Or they are seeing how far they can go....
Nooo. Not the most evil of all principles...PROFIT MAXIMIZATION. {sm3}
Of course, some will always be against anything or anyone that engages in Capitalism. Personally, I am pro-capitalism, pro-profits, pro-business, pro-entreprenuer, etc.
Economic theory deals with pricing strategy. Known as "price elasticity", it can be especially acute for discretionary products. Im sure K&C is **LLY aware of the principle.
For those who dont like when companies make profits and think buisness should be regulated to a certain level of profits/return on investment, or perhaps penalized when a "fair level" of profits is exceeded, places like Venezuela and Cuba may better suit your personal beliefs.
I really don't see in the least bit how calling K&C a great company is insulting to anyone ??? If one is not happy with a particular item of theirs then let it go.
Well like they say opinions are like body parts......Everybody has one ! {sm2}
Or we can simply refuse to buy over-priced items....that's capitalism/free market too....Ultimately buyers will decide if prices are out of line...they will make that perfectly clear with their checkbooks....Time will tell...We shall see:wink2:
Businesses are highly cognizant of the potential effect on sales from rising prices. Those who think they are "educating" companies by using "threatening" language, re: pricing, clearly have very little actual business experience.
Will you be buying the Typhoon
I am not threatening anyone. I simply can no longer spend the kind of money that WW2 matte figures and vehicles from KC now command, and I find that unfortunate and sad. No threat, just fact. -- AlBusinesses are highly cognizant of the potential effect on sales from rising prices. Those who think they are "educating" companies by using "threatening" language, re: pricing, clearly have very little actual business experience.